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Everything posted by NDSIOUXFAN1

  1. Sorry, we were assuming Bubba, Schmidt and Rudolph.
  2. I was speaking yesterday with 2 friends that are former college coaches and they both believe that UND now has a better staff than NDSU. They also believe UND football will become the more dominant program over the next 4-5 years. I even tried to play devils advocate in the discussion, but was stopped abruptly with reasons for the shift in power.
  3. The reality of Moo U's decline begins on Sunday and is very real. They are graduating some very good players, lost nearly the entire coaching staff that rebuilt the program and the Gophers have a coach that is not letting top talent get away. On top of that, UND has hired a very capable staff that is extremely familiar with ND,SD,MN,WI,IA and Ill and will likely pull a few recruits that the Ag school was able to get previously. I think 2014 they will see a drop in performance, but 2015 and beyond the Ag school will have to battle to make the playoffs with a tough MVC schedule. Just my opinion
  4. The best part is that he was born in North Dakota, so I hope Rudolph brings him home.
  5. I honestly can't wait to see how the 2014 season plays out. I get the feeling Bubba will push those on the team that aren't bought into the programs success, out the door. Offensively we should be in good shape, just hoping the defensive side is ready to play some hard nosed, attacking Bubba D.
  6. I have seen him play in person and he is very good. I also like Nick Leach from East Ridge, too bad he had the knee injury but I am sure he will be back.
  7. Well, I guess the old saying applies, "leopards never change their spots".
  8. I just talked with a friend of mine that has coached with or against and knows Rudolph, Bubba and Schmidt along with many other coaches across the midwest. He told me that UND might now have one of the best FCS staffs in the midwest. He had nothing but great things to say about all of them and feels that UND will soon have the upper hand in recruiting ND,SD and MN.
  9. I hope you were kidding when you said this. Do you seriously think a coach with as much experience and success like Rudolph, can't evaluate talent? I really don't think a coach recruits someone because he feels that player fits a D-1,2 or 3 level, he is trying to recruit the best possible athlete that he can get to come play for him that fits his system.
  10. should you really give yourself a "chestbump" when a kid commits after you get fired?
  11. Why can't someone get the Moo U trolls off of this site? They add nothing to the conversation and from what I can tell are obviously very young and only here to dumb down a otherwise intelligent conversation.
  12. LMAO, yeah right! You 2 dimwits complete a intelligent sentence if your sheep helped you.
  13. Why don't you goat ropers spend time on the Bville site. Quit coming here to justify why Mooo U is scared to resume the rivalry. We get it, your bull has no balls.
  14. Nice comeback! Now I am positive you are a 14 year old stealing internet from the mobile home next door. Let the adults talk please.
  15. You know, Moo U is so good, they probably don't even need coaches. In fact, they probably don't need to recruit either, they can just pick random kids from campus (when they don't have to milk the cows) and throw a jersey on them to win championships. Yeah, thats the ticket!
  16. Go to your room Jdiarrhea, the adults are talking.
  17. NDSU isn't good at it, Bohl and his staff were good at it.......... bye bye system!
  18. Wow, 1 NDSU fan that has a taste of reality.
  19. And you are a complete moron if you believe this. There are plenty of great college players that don't go on to play in the NFL. You don't need 22 NFL caliber players to win at any level, you need talent and depth across the board. 3 or 4 great players don't make a team.
  20. Zener and Schneider from SDSU, Jackson and Hardin from UND, Murtha and Jacobs from USD, Busher from UNI....... To name a few.
  21. They are up a creek anyway. Coaching staff is gone, talent level is dropping, facilities are dated and Rocky Hagar isn't coming back to save them. Next year Fago will just be a place people drive through to go shopping in Mpls.
  22. I am not disputing attention, I am disputing your claim that ESPN has taken the Ag school under their wing as a pet project.
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