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Everything posted by GreenWing

  1. University of North Dakota Mighty Drakes... that's what everyone means by "other", right?
  2. Louie Nanne decommits from Minnesota. Sorry if this was already posted. http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/277321/group/homepage/
  3. Atleast the ice will look good! https://twitter.com/Chris_Semrau/status/377520040397897729/photo/1
  4. Atleast the ice will look good! https://twitter.com/Chris_Semrau/status/377520040397897729/photo/1
  5. I like the Jersey design, but I believe the Stars may have dethroned the Carolina Hurricanes for the worst logo in major professional sports
  6. Scott Clemmensen was a BC guy as well
  7. Nothing in the NHL screams Sioux hockey more than Porter's forecheck. The man is a beauty
  8. You must've never had Beneda! It seemed like she got into the devil lettuce before every class period
  9. Ben Bishop (Maine) plays for Tampa and Richard Bachman(CC) plays for Dallas
  10. Sorry for your loss, I never met him but it is apparent he will be missed!
  11. World's greatest part-time pool boy
  12. Haha that's great. Draquettes for the women's teams is just perfect. Love the Drake
  13. University of North Dakota Nokota is a little bit too much of a mouth full but I love the idea. What about the North Dakota Nokes? I love the idea of Ben Brien designing a horse logo with a similar style to the Sioux logo. I was at an art show and saw a buffalo he did in that style and it was really cool. My top pick for a nickname (which inspired my username) is the North Dakota Green Wings. A green-winged teal is a duck but it could also be used with an aviation connotation. I think it be great if the hockey team used a modified version of the Red Wings logo! Another duck nickname would be the "Drakes". A drake is a male duck. While it's not exactly a fierce animal, I think it is a fierce name. My last suggestion that I haven't seen on here is the "Fighting Toms". A Tom is a male turkey and I think it would be unique and tie in to ND well. I swear I'm not a sexist, bird-lover. Here's a link to a green Red Wings jersey that could get your imaginations going: http://www.paylessauthenticjerseywholesale.com/pic/Detroit-Red-Wings--235-Nicklas-Lidstrom-Green-St-Patty-27s-Day-Embroidered-nhl-Hockey-jerseys-1874-92561.jpg
  14. Any word on where he's going to play?
  15. Only if he drops the mitts with Pattyn his first day at practice, Matt Greene style
  16. I believe Hak took some classes at a community college while he was playing in juniors. It cost him a semester of eligibility, I thought. But it is possible he attended for 3 semesters while playing juniors giving him only 2 and a half of eligibility at UND
  17. 24 out of 59 teams make it to the tournament? Is this the NFL?
  18. Alright now that we've had a few days to blow off some steam, let's turn our focus back to #8? Who's going to be the next Peter Armbrust?
  19. No I don't think they will change the design this year but I'm always trying to think of new jersey concepts! I do like the current jerseys but they could use alternates. I think more people would buy a jersey that didn't need to be personalized to look right, so I think it would be a good idea for the Sioux shop to have one without a number on the front. I have never like the word "NoDak". But your comment got me thinking that it would be pretty cool to have NODAK diagonally down the front of the jersey concept that Big A made.
  20. That looks great! Two things that I think would be cool are: 1) The Circular "UND" logo (currently used on player's warmups, Saunder's helmet) on the shoulders 2) ND logo on the chest. Vise-versa would also look great I'm sure. You could also give it a classic look and use the school seal. Thanks for posting!
  21. I was thinking this style would work really good as a UND jersey. Any of you talented graphic artists want to take a stab at confirming this?
  22. It is actually one of NU's backup goalies but I'm sure he's got potential lol. Still a great picture
  23. I think we should use "UND" diagonally. Similar to the 1960s USA jerseys. I'm not a big fan of UNHs Jerseys
  24. After the review. If the UNH player hadn't stayed down they never would have been a penalty. Unbelievable
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