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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. Miss the Mark - Miss the Mark - Miss the Mark - why is this the case game after game.
  2. Nice effort against ORU. Frustrating final score.
  3. Oh so pretty pass-pass-look at that cute pass- not going to shot on goals but style points.
  4. Both teams are using their sticks well tonight. UND with more mental lapses tonight.
  5. Emotional Contagion plays a large role in pushing young men and women to perform. Emotions can focus behaviors/performance.
  6. We need more noise in the Ralph. Here is a crazy thought about keeping the atmosphere supporting the Sioux during the game and the noise level at a high level. Recruit two or more people in each section to get their section excited and focuses on noise and other types of support. That does not mean they have to always work to keep the people on their feet but when they notice a drop off off noise or support for the team, those people in their section challenges their section to some pre-determined section special Sioux cheer. Examples: “Come on section 208 - Lets show them we are the Sioux’s biggest fans - then chant - you may be FCS in football but we own you in hockey” or “ “Come on section 136 - Lets show them we are the Hawks biggest fans - then chant - ”Hey section 137 Go Hawks - pass it on - and continue to out shout the sections” Well this is just a thought - but we need noise at the game.
  7. When the player gets to be one of the stars of the game. Do they get a medal, a puck, or a certificate.
  8. That is a even strength stat that should never look like that from a UND coached team. Nor the goalie stats.
  9. I saw the lines. I would have liked to seen on one line: Owen McLaughlin Matteo Costantini Dylan James
  10. I would have liked to seen on one line: Owen McLaughlin Matteo Costantini Dylan James
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