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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. Best to the team during the final games this season.
  2. Omaha may be the team that gets the Sioux past the first round of the playoffs.
  3. He shoots and ignores the “figure skating” approach to getting the puck past the goalie.
  4. 0-0 tie. But save percentage improved.
  5. Would the phrase tightly clutching sticks apply to both teams in the third period of this game.
  6. When was the last time UND scored a wrap-around goal?
  7. The start of the third reinforces your comment.
  8. I prefer the sophomore over the senior. Time to get more experience for the future.
  9. We have been spoiled watching our great defense year after year, any potentially great defensemen coming in as freshmen.
  10. I agree it was an Oscar worthy flop which Denver and WMU are both know for. Earlier in the game their was Oscar flopping by WMU.
  11. It feels like the floating tiger head is stalking us.
  12. We had recruited high point scorers and this year they are not scoring goals.
  13. So this weekend we are out at Colorado College. I remember going to a game at Colorado College on an ice surface that covered bricks. The arena seemed very intimate but that might also have seemed that way because well over half of the people there were UND Fighting Sioux supporters. The new rink that is now available will not have the charm and so far has not won me over, but at least the ice sheet is a proper ice sheet to play upon. I extend my best to Colorado and my hopes are that they lose both games in a valiant fight to win. But we will have to see what Saturday night brings. I should say let’s go fighting hawks - let’s go “FIGHTING SIOUX”! Lets fill the stadium with Alumni!
  14. I agree. It was only fair they waited when clowns scored on a similar puck loose call. But a pretty fast whistle on the Sioux.
  15. St Cloud goal on a power play that was not a penalty. StCloud wins the academy award.
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