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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. How many times can you make changes between schools?
  2. Esoteric

    Sioux Plaque

    How does one get one of these?
  3. Shots on goal does not get you in tournament but goals help.
  4. Grant Cruikshank left CC for Minnesota and now is at St. Cloud. How did that happen. Was he unhappy playing for Minnesota.
  5. When things work. Do not break them.
  6. Hope you enjoy your time at UND.
  7. I remember from the 1970’s that UND player Tom Wynn might have toured professionally.
  8. Schedule a game at the University of Arizona. Love to see the UND team play here in Tucson, Arizona.
  9. All the players had very active sticks. Those sticks took away passing and shooting lanes.
  10. 3 goals ahead and two minutes left, hope Sioux can hang on for the win.
  11. I can point to many offenses for interference this weekend by WMU.
  12. Wait there is a third period coming.
  13. Another icing with 3.5 seconds left and they had a shot. On boy did that seem familiar.
  14. Last night and tonight UND seems to have a lot more active sticks.
  15. Oh that is why one of the UND players looked like Dave Christian.
  16. Anybody else get nervous when this year’s team has only 1 minute left in the period?
  17. My NCHCTV acted up prior to game but had only one glitz for a moment since then.
  18. How likely will we lose both tonight?
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