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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. There is Costantini’s goal and now your turn McLaughlin.
  2. Fun way to highlight his back to back mistakes.
  3. Hoping for goals tonight from both Costantini and McLaughlin.
  4. Kleven playing very well tonight. And is rewarded.
  5. Wow UND last minute lousy clears. Heart Attack players in the final minutes of way to many games this year. At least this time they did not give up a goal.
  6. We do not need penalties that are not necessary to take.
  7. Are we ready for something stupid. First UND plays Miami tonight on CBS Sports. So I checked the time and decided to record the game (in case anything happens so that I can not watch it at the start time). When I went to record the game, they had the Miami symbol up and the South Dakota symbol up as the teams playing each other. At least Starman and Alex will call the teams correctly and not call North Dakota something like bison.
  8. We did not take a third goalie! Lets hope that is not a problem. Who on the team can dress in an emergency if a third goalie is necessary.
  9. If Kaleb Johnson does not play tonight and sadly the Sioux lose then put in Kaleb Saturday night in the net. Lets see what he can offer with more experience in the D1 net.
  10. https://amp.dw.com/en/the-story-behind-albert-einsteins-most-iconic-photo/a-56803031
  11. The upcoming series for UND is going against a team that has given up an average of five goals in the last five games. Shots on goal is important to pressure the goalie. Pretty passes are just pretty but UND then ends up with no continued possession. Are they working on this issue in practice.
  12. Wow the campus has changed since 1972. That was expected over the course of fifty years. Hopefully some of the old buildings are left. Got to get on campus and walk around.
  13. How does out recruiting budget compare to other schools in our conference? Does anyone know.
  14. Agree with how you stated this. How many older players did we need? Spicer needed to be involved. It also sends a message to other Grand Forks/East Grand Forks potential recruits, how Spicer was handled. They see Spicer good enough to go directly to UMD. Why would UMD coach feel Spicer was ready? Must be a novice coach.
  15. How many Defensemen coming in next year? Will all be ready? How many will we lose?
  16. Both DU and St Clowns do not want UND to make the National Tournament. I understand the games would be played in Fargo. UND would play in Fargo. Good chance DU or Saint Cloud could be seeded there. That is a big risk to play in Fargo with UND also playing in Fargo.
  17. How many miles into Canada does recruiting go.
  18. Any Blue Chippers coming in?
  19. Cole Spicer likely would be a four year player.
  20. Having the season end early harms the development of underclassmen, who get less game time to develop. However, not playing the younger players also harms not only the player’s development, but harms future teams. I am still concerned by the loss of Cole Spicer. Can you imagine a line with Matteo Costantini, Owen McLaughlin, and Cole Spicer.
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