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Everything posted by Esoteric

  1. That was “I sit down they will call a penalty”.
  2. Darn hard to tell the colors of the teams.
  3. Shoot on goal any garbage left near their goal. If it is garbage behind the net - chip it. Anything to get the Omaha team confused where the shot is coming from.
  4. Why why why all the two foot square passes that become give-aways.
  5. Does intent to injure include body slams.
  6. Is Costantini hurt. I agree with you about Owen moving up and putting Costantini into tonights game unless injured. Costantini is likely one player with high potential that has not been “seasoned” well in his sophomore year. Confidence is a big issue when confronted with adversity.
  7. Half the fun of a log ride at the Mall of America is the floating in the water. I will worry about the spray when I get to the end (refreshing or drenched).
  8. They seem to make the same mistakes. To much dancing with the puck. Passing up shots to make the perfect pass, the other team knows what we are trying to do. Learn to handle pressure. One yard passes - to many times.
  9. Any attendance numbers at UNO tonight.
  10. He will grow into his adult hockey body with the training staff.
  11. That is the second embellishment by Omaha. Start calling these bad acting attempts for the Oscar.
  12. Sadly UND this year seems to get rattled with pressure. Last 25 years it seemed handling pressure was a large asset for UND.
  13. Just the instrumental would great to play at games to pump up the fans and the players.
  14. There is likely also a HIPPA issue. If a health care professional or paraprofessional such as a certified athletic trainer is a covered entity, HIPAA will prevent the disclosure of private health information to third parties such as conference offices and the media without authorization from the student-athlete. http://ncaanewsarchive.s3.amazonaws.com/2003/Association-wide/privacy-rules-affect-exchange-of-student-athlete-medical-records---3-3-03.html
  15. I sure hope this information is correct. The presentation of hockey by Omaha in the past was very sad to enjoy the game.
  16. Good policy to let teammates travel during post season.
  17. Every extra game allows growth in next years players.
  18. How many losses during those last 8 games. Wonder if there is a correlation. Could physical or mental exertions change with lack of power play success or lack of success.
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