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Posts posted by siouxforcefans

  1. Wow - I didn't realize Texas had caught Houston!  Guess I wasn't paying enough attention to the West standings, just looking at who was right in front of the Twins for the WC before the games last night.

  2. Here is the real motivation of this jack-wagon doing this. Going back to the Fighting Sioux nickname would mean crippling sanctions for UND. And which school in the State of North Dakota would benefit from that? That's right, good old FU! :angry:

    Notice he didn't register for Sundogs?  And tried but was denied for Rough Riders?  Tells me the Sioux angle is BS, and he's just trying to force Sundogs on the school.

    • Upvote 1
  3. UND just survived a "trap game" that couldn't have been scripted any better: a non-scholly team sandwiched between a first ever FBS win and visiting the rival for the first time in a decade.

    I'd hoped for more than the egg laying we go Saturday, but part of me is glad for it. It give the coaches lots to use to make sure focus, the right focus, is on this next game.

    This reflects my opinion very well.  UND started OK (not great, but OK) and was a fumble from being up 28-0.  After that, the youngsters started to look ahead to this week.  The coaches seemed to experiment a little with personnel.  I'm just happy they held on.

  4. Watched the Force vs. Austria Red Bulls on Friday night.  Largely a forgettable game (pre-season, huuuuuge roster, etc), but Cakebread had the eventual game winner with a nice move on a semi-break.  Force won 4-2.   

    Very few returning players this year, and several of them didn't suit up.  Lots of NAHL guys on the ice, so maybe we'll find a commit or two for the 2017-18 season?

  5. Even so, $1k/month is nearly what I paid in DT Minneapolis for the same bells and whistles (minus the green space obviously :))  But that is what the GF rental market is right now and supply is trying to catch up to demand. Not complaining at all (I own my house) but just never it would happen.

    FWIW I was curious and texted this question about why they don't have central air to my dad (who is in the HVAC industry) and he responded "cheaper".

    Interesting.  I priced a couple places in the warehouse district this summer, and the rents for the ones with the pool and everything were about $2,000 a month, give or take $100.  I must've been looking at the elitist stuff, lol!

  6. It is absolutely astounding to me that the NFL could spend that much money on a report that didn't even have an understanding of basic scientific protocol. It could be my Patriots fandom affecting my opinion but it seems that the only way they could find remote culpability on Brady's part was to use !@#!$ science and hope they could just bully their way through it.

    I hate the Pats, and still have to agree with what you said. 


    And, no, I don't have Brady on my fantasy football team, either ;)


  7. Crockett is right where he belongs, running backs get injured all the time in the nfl, he will get called up this year and play in a few meaningful games.

    Where he belongs, yes.  Get called up, no.  I can think of one (1!) RB off a practice squad last year to see significant playing time. 

  8. Decisions, decisions.  I'm on the "Anything but Sundogs" side, so now it becomes a question of voting for my favorite, or voting where I think the most support lies, just to make sure it's not Sundogs.  If we somehow got into a 20.5%, 20.5%, 20.0%, 20.0%, 19.0% split, and those two 20.5% were Sundogs and Nodaks...  Just the idea sends shivers down my spine! ;)

  9. I don't know that they have a realistic shot at the playoffs this season - You can't have those 2 week long let downs, and can't get swept by anyone, even the Yankees, if you're going to be a contender - but I really like the progress I'm seeing from these guys.  Yesterday's tying run was pure, flat out, hustle.  The winning run came from mistakes by Baltimore, but those were mistakes the Twins aren't making right now.  Very encouraging for staying competitive down the stretch and for setting up for 2016.

  10. Anything that helps to the south and takes some pressure off 32nd Ave has to be explored.  The gap between the Thompson exit and 32nd is far too long to hope either could feed the development, and 32nd is already a complete mess (esp frustrating if you know where you're going, since half the other drivers don't seem to...)

  11. Fair enough, I know as a Veteran, a pro 2nd Amendment and pro-defense person no one in the DNC supports my points of view. There are no more Reagan Democrats. I read a lot, research the issues. Honestly, I have spent more time on Netflix than I have the political blogs and news channels. 

    Like I said, I am disgusted with both parties, but I am more upset with the current GOP Leadership. I think they're failures. 

    Finally, I would be willing to bet that I am not the only straight ticket voter here. There are probably more of them than you think. 

    Sounds like you and I would get along real well!  Well, except for your last line ;)

  12. I am disgusted with both parties. Especially, the Establishment RINO's. I wonder if you write that statement for the people that vote straight ticket democrat? 

    I would write that to anyone - there are too many idiots on both sides of the aisle.  I'm thoroughly confused by people who vote straight down the line.  Honestly, I can't believe a single person would vote for some of these candidates, regardless of party affiliation.  It's almost like, "You've got a nut!  What do you mean we've got one, too? Our nut isn't as nuts as your nut!"

  13. One reason I will never vote for a Democrat again in my life -- ever.  Somehow, I voted for Al Franken and Tim Walz in 2008 and we're all experiencing the fallout inflicted by these clowns now. 

    I vote straight ticket Republican. Every democrat I have ever voted for ended up in jail or in some kind of legal trouble.  

    If you guys let a party, rather than quality of the person, determine who you vote for...  I can't even... 



  14. Why wouldn't Bowen and Poolman want to play for Pentican?  Try this on for size, they get to see a new part of the world, test themselves against top quality competition, get a good look by the NHL.  They have no pressure, they have scholarships in their pockets and can play their butts off and have some fun.   They aren't penned in to UND until next year,  I guess it sucks to be 19 and damn good!!

    The real question is; Why did they leave The Force?  They were closer to home, but not at home.  The USHL is feeding the NCAA like a it's their farm clubs.  Eades was coming in to coach.  The pieces were in place, and then they bolted.

  15. at least Sano isnt afraid of the spotlight.  Has had a nice series so far. We should be talking about that and going for a sweep instead of a fire pit of a bullpen and avoid getting swept.

    Sano didn't come in with the fanfare of, say, Buxton, but I think he's looked the most MLB ready of the youngsters.  That's not to take anything away from the others, but he just appears more prepared.

  16. Watching last night's game, and the Twins lead 4-1 going into the bottom of the inning (7, I think?).  Then, the perfect storm happens.  When the relief pitcher you barely know walks the guy to load the bases, you know he's exiting.  They bring in a Rule 5 pickup no one knows.  Who's coming up with bases loaded? A-Rod.  Who else would it be?  The Twins are as cursed against the Yankees as The Wild are vs the Blackhawks.  SMH.  Second pitch, gone. Game may as well end right there.

  17. Made the switch in West Fargo a few years ago.  I had been with CableOne since they had come to town, and don't miss them one little bit...  There is no downside other than the additional connection box somewhere on your block.

    MidCo Sports is worth it all by itself (watch Through These Doors and the coaches shows, some live games and game replays, etc), and the extended sports package is cheap. 

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