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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I think portz and schmaltz have to come in...didn't they age out of juniors?
  2. I thought we were going after the other one. He has two years left correct?
  3. He's solid you just never know when kids jump conferences. Jandric is a name tied to us a bit. He put up great numbers in Fairbanks however last year in Denver was fairly avg. I'm assuming he was a PP guy in Fairbanks and not in Denver.
  4. Agreed...that's why I added "if there's more to it". He could have had a poor attitude and wanted him out.
  5. That's what happens when a kid sits 4th line year two. Not sure he necessarily deserved a higher spot....but man....he would have had the chance at a top 6 role next year. Super dumb decision unless there's more too it.
  6. Given what we lost and what’s coming in. This is a solid get. Need a goalie, D and probably one more F
  7. Definitely a bad year, but no he didn't play in all games and has been known to be a scorer in the past. He had 12 pts in his frosh year which is ok as well. Underclassman are underclassman....with your thinking Adams would have been cut too. 15 total points his first two years in more games played. My point isn't that Blaisdell will tear it up next year, it's to not write off underclassman in college hockey. He has a decent motor but was buried on the 4th line all year. If he's around he should get a look in the top 6 next year. He has that pedigree.
  8. He’d be too old for ntdp, he’ll play with Chicago
  9. Kind of worried (a bit) about the incoming players next year. None are really having big years other than Schmaltz I suppose. Kunz is doing well....I thought he would be a bit closer to a pt/gm. Costantini is the same, he did well in the BC however has somewhat flatlined in the ushl which is a much tougher league.
  10. Absolutely....they're both underclassmen. I expect Blaisdell to make a decent jump next year. Hopefully he can carve out a top 6 role. Ness hopefully top 9 role.
  11. Kukkonen does not skate well. Last night against EP, I barely noticed him. Blake on the other hand... Batchelder has all the tools, but he doesn't "see it" very well. Curious how a year in the USHL will do for him.
  12. #1 C...that goes to Weatherby. It's his time to play in all those key situations.
  13. None of our incoming players are “tearing up” juniors. Schmaltz is a point a game guy but has slowed down tremendously the last few weeks (maybe he’s dinged up). All the other are at the .75 pace...not overly encouraging.
  14. Agreed....we just lost a lot. And I’m not super high on the incoming class (for us obviously). This past year was “the year”, next year will be an up and down year.
  15. Pinto gone...I have a hunch we’re going to have an up and down season next year
  16. scpa0305


    Big time...TBH it’s a heck of a lot harder to recruit to Duluth as a new coach than UND. Apples and oranges. What he’s done at Duluth is incredible. HOF type coaching. All that guy does is win big games.
  17. Well that was the squad...should be a ton of turnover heading into next year. The incoming frosh class obviously isn’t as high end as last years however they should contribute. That losing feeling sucks....any longtime sioux fan knows it well. We’ll be back
  18. That’s how these play out. We were obviously the much better team but that’s definitely how it was going to end. Scheel was gassed I’m sure.
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