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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Ziemer to the goofs, another huge get. I believe Moore committed yesterday. They are sure stockpiling. Taking a page out of Michigans book
  2. Celebrini to BU…thought we may of had a chance with him after the Q kid committed. BU bouncing back a bit this year.
  3. I’m not sure if you were being sarcastic…but I definitely was :)
  4. Great news! Hopefully we can get Fondrk next year too. Believe they played together. Big get, really is. Let’s cross our fingers he makes it here. But again, kudos to Bubs…this is a big haul.
  5. Max Plante to UMD…were we in on him
  6. I think it’s fair to say certain programs are able to grab blue chip/grade A prospects better than us, at least from a quantity standpoint. We used to be in those types of conversations every year. But Berry knows you can grab that next tier plus late bloomer over agers and actually be a better team. We have a solid crop of freshman coming in coupled with an older team. I would be blown away to hang 9 this year but we should be a really tough out and we should be a lock to make NCAAs. I like blue chips more than anyone, but it’s tough sledding right now. The more important piece is having a successful team year in and year out.
  7. Your a vet…can’t get sucked in by these guys
  8. This occurs every year, so that’s no fault of yours. But freshman are a bit too far up your lineup chart. I’m guessing Berry makes several of them earn it. Guessing James starts the highest…blake/McLaughlin may get some pp time. Also, i really do hope Kunz isn’t an “extra”. 4th rounder in year 2? I doubt he wins the Hobey but hopefully he’s continued to work on his footspeed because if he has he’s probably a top 6/top pp kid. Hopefully Johnson has taken several steps and can run a pp…I have always liked Moore’s O game as well. Berry seems to lean heavy on those older guys so I’m sure Frisch starts on the Pp and kleven will get a look too considering that’s the area he needs to develop the most by coming back, his O game. The only thing that has really shocked me with Frisch and Kleven, is their assist totals. Brutal considering their ice time, especially Frisch getting pp time.
  9. Mich State has gotten two big commits today
  10. F!!!! Whipple to goofs. JC. The fact he is a dman…thought we had a chance.
  11. Man waiting waiting to hear something but some of the targets are choosing other schools. really wish we are in on Johnny Whipple…my hunch is that he picks the goofs though. I’ve heard we’re falling into that Notre Dame conversation, we don’t let skill kids play and we play more of a D scheme.
  12. Smaller guy that doesn’t have a great stride, basically has to play top 6/PP. That’s a tough role to crack
  13. He’s going to have a big year. Hopefully they find him linemates he can gel with early.
  14. Significantly tougher league too. Nice ramp up for him heading into his draft year (I believe). Also, if he’s playing for Chicago he’s guaranteed to play with other highly skilled kids too. Perfect spot to be honest.
  15. Mitchell Miller player/dman of the year in the ushl
  16. I know Tyson Dyck (BCHL) had been discussed on here…sounds like he’s between UMASS, Kato and Merrimack Seems like a fairly offensive 04
  17. I’m going to go out on a limb and say O McLaughlin is injured. Was putting up video game number mid season then slowed considerably towards the end of the year. His playoff numbers are way off mark too. Pts are obviously not there but it’s his shooting totals that look off. Could be playing through injury. singleton is another one that really went on a downward spiral. Started out the year with a bang and just dried up.
  18. Respectfully, you’re missing the point. Which I am not going to get into on a public forum. Either way, I agree time to move on. we do have a decent collection of guys coming in. They’ll be freshman though.
  19. Yes…I obviously get this. Don’t kill my day, beautiful outside
  20. Not sure what all the gossip is about spicer (wise cracks, etc). Kid felt slighted and moved, it’s his call to make. And he may only score 5 goals next year. But I’d bet top dollar over his career he does a lot better than most of the guys we’ve been carrying the past 2 years or so (outside of the obvious).
  21. Yeah for sure…could happen. Especially if Howard stays for more than one year. Spicer should hit his soph-junior year. hopefully it isn’t a big miss though
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