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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. We def have some intriguing prospects, just not a ton of them. ATM, I really am high on Strathmann and Swanson. Perron is obviously really nice too but I noticed his numbers plunged when Celebrini left for that U17 tourney so we’ll see. I’ll need to see more of McInnis but sounds like he’s a nice player with some high upside. Boisvert obviously nice too. Weibe seems like he’ll be a nice college dman with size skill but the BCHL is really tough to judge right now, pandemic really hurt those leagues. Jake L, time will tell. Obv has some O upside however he’s tiny. Curious how that transition will go…based on his numbers last season he should have gotten drafted, curious what the flaw is. But we also have a handful of players in juniors that are struggling. Curious what will happen there.
  2. Yes, that is correct. Really depends how many players we need each year. I don’t like comparing to MN but that’s the comparison I usually do, they have a bunch of 05s, 06s. We have 2 elite 05s, 2/3 06s. The question is who they are surrounding them with.
  3. Struggling. On the flip side, he’s one who should play another year or 2 of ushl hockey. He isn’t going to be drafted (most likely) so he should come in overly ready.
  4. Actually that’s still fairly thin TBH. Perron and Strathmann both coming in next year…Swanson two years out. Coaching group needs more than that.
  5. He chose us over DU and MN after watching Saturdays game…he’s either super smart or not at all
  6. During Hak’s years those teams were loaded (and fun to watch). We basically recruited like Mich/MN are today. BC is even rolling (from a recruiting standpoint I realize they’ve sucked the past two years). We have strathmann and Perron coming in, but it’s thin at the moment. We need to keep kleven and gaber (and basically everyone else) for next season.
  7. Young/old not sure it overly matters if you have the right staff. What does matter is kids want to go play with other good kids. Michigan/MN’s pipeline is loaded…and you see all the top recruits going there. It should probably get “too full” and the next crop of top players need somewhere else to go. We just need to hope that us…and not Michigan state, Denver, etc. i have heard recently from a good recruit that he had a really tough time deciding between MN and Denver. Noted Carle is a great guys who allows his skill players to play. As a Nodak fan I brought up us and he mentioned he never considered and said something slightly negative about allowing skilled players to play skilled. I didn’t necessarily follow.
  8. Tough thing about the Miami loss, missing Moore and OM hurt. I know more. Has made some decent miscues (especially that one against DU) but overall he’s a good player that we desperately need in the lineup every night. We don’t have the “skill depth” to have these guys out of the lineup. We’re good enough to hang with anyone…but we’re missing that confidence that allows you to beat the teams you have to and should beat. The next few weeks will be interesting.
  9. What about Hak…not necessarily a losing season but a bad season? That Blais season was the year after a natty right?
  10. I remember Hak having a really iffy team when I was in college. I believe they were like .500. Blais had an iffy team too. if this is Berry’s iffy team so be it. It’s still November though. As I’ve always said, the only thing that worries me is the recruiting pipeline.
  11. Bingo, he ain’t going anywhere nor should he. Recruiting needs to pick up though.
  12. That’s a bit of my worry too. The bigger schools are crushing us with recruiting blue chips (yes we can still get them I know) but we’re down a bit on recruiting. Some nice ones in the pipeline but it’s really thin at the moment. Some of these teams are reloading heavier than we did in the 2000s. Hockey has really been growing in the US. It benefits US hockey…but those kids may go to bigger schools. DU not in that category but great school/location.
  13. 5 of 6 def. is def not happening. This looks like a .500 club, maybe a click better. We’ll need to win our way though the nchcs to get in.
  14. Naw, you have to play all the most skilled guys who had the highest expectations. Can’t bury next year trying to save this year. It’s either going to work itself out or not. This wholesale change approach isn’t working at all. Leave the lines as is for awhile.
  15. His comment made zero sense. Goalie play (overall) has been iffy, D play isn’t good at all, F D zone coverage is really bad, undisciplined play has cost us a few games. This is not the UND squad we’re used to, it’s a really average team at the moment.
  16. It’s actually not. But this isn’t good.
  17. Yep highlight so far is an away split with Minny. Really bad start…most likely will need to win the conference tourney to get in.
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