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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I played organized hockey through high school and continue to play mens hockey against/with former college and pro players....I also have kids. Although I differ on how I communicate my concerns I do share some of your concerns with this program/coach. The bittersweet fact is that although it appears our program has (very) slowly started to go in the wrong direction, this coach is in the position to pull off what we had expected to happen at least once over the past decade. As of now, I'm on his side.
  2. Funny....that's definitely him.
  3. I do agree that at some point the AD has to look at a coach's body of work and figure out if he's on the right path, as far as building a program to win a national champsionship. However, as I've stated many times, you can't get rid of the guy yet as his resume as been too good up until this point. Give the guy 3-5 more years....if he can't get it done in a 15 year tenure I'm guessing Hak himself may look at different options. Also, this is not the best time to even be talking about this as we are in the F4 about to play one of the biggest games this college has had in a pretty long time, against not only the #1 team in the country but a team we all despise greatly. Maybe it's time to cool it for a while until the summer.
  4. I'm not going to lie...I was faked out until I read the comments.
  5. Just took a peek at GPL for the first time ever. OMG! Makes a guy want to create an account just to start snap'n on them Goofs!
  6. ...or they had a spring break vacation planned I was there though and I live in the TC. It was pretty dead that weekend though our box was empty too. Spring Break had a ton to do with it.
  7. With this year's team I am just happy we made it. You are correct though that at some point you have to look at a coach's body of work and what is the ultimate goal. Hak does field good teams though year in and year out....that product fills the Ralph and makes the school money. I had the time today to watch BC for the first time this year...man they are good. I was writing before that they reminded me of some of our old teams. We'll need a little puck luck in Philly however if our underclassman stay next year they should be very good. Hopefully we'll win out on more of those top recruits BC and MN seem to be getting lately.
  8. Orpik hurt Toews...looks like it may be a serious shoulder injury.
  9. I think we need to run into the Goof team that lost to OSU. They are absolutely dominating SCSU.
  10. Haha, I would love to see that. This year's BC team looks so good....like the teams we used to have in the Blais and early Hak years. They are so opportunistic.
  11. Considering the guy only thinks about himself, I'm guessing he could care less
  12. Speaking to your first paragraph only, that's because und looked tired and slow for a majority of that game. Not saying ferris isn't a good hockey team because they are, however, we played very bad.
  13. Exactly. If we played like we did last night against a BC it could have been ugly. Last night was the first time I have watched BC play all year....one word, wow!
  14. Agreed, however, although we are 1-3 against SCSU I think I would rather play them. We have experience playing them. Even Saturday night's loss against them I thought we were the better team.
  15. On a side note, I also think we got a special one in Ladue. There were times when he was being too conservative (last night mind you) and some Ferris guys were taking him wide however this kid is so good. I watched him a ton at Lincoln the past two years and I new he would have a big role this year, however, I never new he would be this good this fast. I think he'll end up being a three year play; I think he'll be an awesome junior. As Oxbow noted above, Thompson has gotten so much better...may be top 4 next year.
  16. Don't take this the wrong way, but that may have been the worst three periods (2nd - 1st OT) I have seen this team play all season. They were getting beat to every puck, they were playing way too conservative and they were making simple mistakes everywhere. We have seen that from our forwards but I felt, during that timespan, even our D looked so bad. I don't know how many times a Ferris forward did the old between the stick, or legs, etc. Our D/forwards weren't even being the slightest bit physical (besides Rodwell). I have watched Ferris play 3-4 times this year and they are not the dominant team we watched last night, they simply were playing against a team that looked terrible. In saying that, Gothberg looked awesome! Yes, he gave up one of the weaker goals he's let in all season but he also had some beauts too. The boys looked bad for three straight periods however came out hard in the 2OT, you have to appreciate that (I wonder how Hak did that? Awesome). To say the better team lost is absolutely true as it pertains to last night only, we were better than those guys they just outworked us last night. I was not happy to see our boys play so bad but I am finally glad that we win a game even if we aren't playing the best. I never thought we would make it this far this year but I am glad. The boys need to forget about last night and focus on their next opponent.
  17. All this positivity from you is really jinxing us when it matters most. Let's hear a fire Hak.
  18. Well they've officially laid down....they have to find some energy.
  19. Yup exactly, about as dumb of a move as a guy could have done without scoring on his own goal.
  20. At this point in the game you bite your lip on those. Everytime.
  21. You have to have spell check on your phone.
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