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Emerald joker

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Posts posted by Emerald joker

  1. When I see Legion of Doom, I think of Animal and Hawk, The Road Warriors! "What a Rush!" (I think I just dated myself)

    That was my era too lol, surprisingly i thought of superman first but they were my favorite tag team back in the day

  2. Glad to see all the Sioux fans made it home safe. Took us 22 hours and a hotel stay in York, NE to make it home to Colorado.. Went 113 miles in 10 hours yesterday. Glad to be home.

    Another great trip to Omaha and had a blast with all the Sioux fans. It was nice to see live hockey with 2000 of my favorite people watching my favorite team.

    Sioux Ya Ya!!!!


    Always fun to hear about Sioux fans in other states.

  3. I agree! Next trip to Omaha, we should post seat/section info early on & try get seats together! It looked like we were sprinkled about the arena. A small group of us were directly behind UNO's bench & we did our best to reverse all of the "U-N-O" crowd chants to "Let's-Go-Sioux" chants! I kid you not, Coach Deano even turned around and smiled at me one of the times. Of course, pounding on the on the plexiglass behind him might have also caught his attention! It was a fun weekend with fellow Sioux fans & I am loving the rivalry this series is becoming!!

    I dont think the UNO fans would like that, it might show that theres more UND fans, the UNO team might get confused and think they need to take the bus ride home haha

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  4. PP did not look great but that was due to the aggressive PK by Omaha. UNO contested every pass and zone entry hard and if our guy fumbled the puck or made a weak pass the puck was quickly headed back into our own end. Not a lot of teams have the horses to be that aggressive on the kill; it will be interesting how much we see that style going forward. Also interesting to see what adjustments (if any) UND makes against that type of PK.

    Thats whats happens when teams are aggresive on the pk, it makes the other team react with out thinking which leads to turn overs. I know we have 9 shorties but it annoys the hell out of me when our guys dont challenge the other team, jmo.

  5. Thank you AZ Sioux for starting the thread.

    Ouch, thats stings. Wasnt going to start it, i partially blame myself for the loss last night.

    One thing i wish they would do on the pk is challenge for the puck, we lost it a few times last night cuz of that and it seemed like the Sioux held it to long a few times. I think LJ held it for a few seconds last night before he shot point blank, dont know what he was waiting for.

  6. Um. No. At this juncture, however, the right decision is to stay "North Dakota".

    Will show them when we win #8 and at least 3/4 or maybe even 90% lol of that arena are chanting "LETS GO SIOUX"!!!!!!

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