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Posts posted by ericpnelson


    A nomination from the Football forum (UND/Bison game thread) that should go here .... it stems from some NDSU fans worrying about Coach Schweigert's "boonie cap" that he wears at practice. A boonie cap got it's name from the Special Forces operators who only wear it when they're out in the boondocks. 




    For the record, let me state here and now, ... 


    I feel no shame; I'm proud of where I came from; I was born and raised in the boondocks.
    One thing I know, no matter where I go, I keep my heart and soul in the boondocks.


    What would the logo be?

  2. Honest opinion:

    Anyone in the FBS poll in the teens or below (say 13-25) would be in deep trouble against NDSU.

    Unfortunately this is pretty dang accurate. Wentz can sling it. Crockett looks insane, and I'm not sure they lost their best defensive back last year.

  3. Hawks? Prairie Wolves? Rabid Chimpmunks? ;)

    Just Wolves... wrote it earlier... expanded on it driving in the car today. If we are the wolves, howling for you by the black keys is a perfect goal song.

  4. I'll say it again: For a guy who was a lineman, Mussman didn't understand where the game is played and won --> the lines. He has left Bubba very little to work with. I trust the coaches to be willing to maximize what they have. 


    Until the offensive line can push for a yard on third and one or pick up a blitz, I'm reserving judgment on other aspects of the offensive game. 


    Same story for the defensive side: If you're not getting push and pressure from the defensive line (and linebackers), the DBs are exposed. 



    What I will say is this:

    - A Mussman team would've folded up like a cheap tent at 21-0; this team came out and responded -- that's coaching, pure and simple

    - Left-footed kickers always make me nervous; for a true freshman, hitting from 42 on his first attempt in that situation* was outstanding

    - And he kicked to the end zone on the following kick off, not out of bounds, not shanked, but end zone -- that #4 guy, left-footed or not gets a +

    - The team looked like deer in the head lights at the start -- can you say true freshmen and inexperience

    - I'm interested in seeing what this team does with this experience


    *He misses that and the game goes really, really bad momentum-wise

    I take offense as a left footer

  5. WTF when did that happen?  I must be living under a rock.

    This last week he left officially. It was rumored for a bit.  Guess he was never all in. I didn't go to Grand Forks Central, so I don't know details. 

  6. I think we have some talent that can play.  The exciting part is that the talent that we have looks to have a couple years left.  The issue is that the positions that we lack talent we REALLY lack talent. We might have 1 defensive lineman that can play and he's a freshman.  Our offensive line doesn't appear to have an identity.  Decent size but not very physical and not very athletic.  Losing Galloday is a killer for our skill positions.  Secondary needs some serious work.  Hopefully Carr ends up being a contributor.  I think Mollberg is going to be a player once we get our protections figured out.


    Overall, we have some talent to compete but we need to do some serious developing and recruiting of certain positions of weakness because some of these guys starting would struggle to start on some DII teams that I've seen.

    Carr isn't on the team anymore

  7. yeah ericpnelson


    you must not have been to games at memorial


    must not be from gf


    oh well

    No, I'm not from Almighty gf. I remember games at the Alerus though... it looked pretty highrisk and blitz heavy to my 11 year old eyes.

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