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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. From what I saw he's got similar touch and throws a nice tight ball. He's faster and has a stronger arm so let's hope he's got that accuracy that Danny had. Sometimes I forget how automatic he was with nearly every throw.

    He might throw more ints this year than Danny did in his career (yes I'm exaggerating but Danny never threw them)
  2. In this article it mentioned that they pulled 9 individuals out to talk to them and only 2 were cited with anything. This makes me think they were just picking random people that weren't being obnoxious in the hope they would get to give out a minor. Last year a buddy of mine that is 25 was drinking a beer in between periods and a cop in plain clothes flashed his badge at him and made him stop. He wasn't being disruptive or a problem at all. Just standing there drinking a beer. I think this is bull$%!#. Even if he was underage them catching him helps absolutely no one except for collecting the unofficial tax on college students through minors. 

    Exactly... maybe this should go under the attendance threads. 

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