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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. in the spirit all nickname discussion, how did they come up with purple eagles? I hope there's a story, so it makes sense and makes me look like a jerk, like something to do with eagles being American and purple hearts. Otherwise, you have to be kidding me with purple eagles.  It sounds like a team that the hero team in a Disney movie has to beat before they play they face the bad guy team with dark grey/black jerseys.

  2. I'm not suggesting it,but I just remembered it and chuckled. Does anyone else remembered when common man said we should be the fighting curs because that's what we play like? I think I was as offended, as I was supposed to be.

  3. Lots of hard feelings about this problem.  But, it's the bitter pill that needs to be swallowed.


    Nowhere on my University of North Dakota diploma does it say, "Fighting Sioux".  You have to accept it for what it is and move on.

    my diploma frame does

    • Upvote 2
  4. I think just adding the game time to the other team scores would make a huge difference.  I realized halfway through the season that I was irritated that the scores weren't updated for games that likely hadn't even started yet! 

    ugh... don't get me started on in-game production stuff with UND... maybe it's nostalgic, but I thought it was way better with less in the 2000's. I'd rather see in-game stats. Whenever I go to Fargo for games, that rushing yards, passing yards board is actually very helpful. Put up some scores with the times during breaks or something. 

  5. My personal observation only, but Sundogs only seems to be a popular straw man on this board.  Can't say I've talked to anyone who's seriously mentioned it as an option.


    Doesn't even crack my top 20, but I've heard and read on here suggestions that I think are a lot worse.

    We can be the red herrings

  6. One, that is an NHL team not a college. Two, Nashville's is an animal and ours would be a military plane. Hopefully there are some good ones on the final list.

    yeah I get that, but it's kinda like the interlocking ND thing. It's different than Notre Dames but average rube will gravitate that way. Mat be theres a variation or logo that would make distinguish it for me. We're on the same page though, I feel.
  7. Well, I suggested Predators (the plane, not the animal) earlier, but nobody seemed to be interested. I like these ideas too.

    I like Nokotas a lot, but I don't think I'm gonna stop brainstorming until the fat lady's sung. I've gotten nostalgic about military units lately and remembered some war stuff my grandpa (WWII vet) told me. With aviation, UND has some high ranking for being a military friendly school, I think there's a good possibility there. I like predators, I just don't love that Nashville has it.

    Besides the ROTC connection, aviation connection, we are looking for a name to be proud of, so I figured it's a good place to explore (I'm sure others have).

  8. To that point, Ive always thought that the Alerus should play Chelsea Dagger when UND scored.  

    I think both of those ideas are pretty cool. Do the school then after the extra point, right up before the kickoff, so I'm still standing up and ready to do some damage on the back of the seat in front of me.

  9. I think it's bit stupid that the basketball team is against it. They provide many top programs with their equipment. However, I do have a friend who is on the cross country team and dislikes Adidas as a runner. He thinks the shoe's that Adidas makes do not compare to the  shoes Nike or companies like Asics or Brooks make.


    Cross country guys are hyper-picky about their shoes. It's just a thing. 

  10. That's another sport that translates well.

    if other sports is the case, Brad Heidelbaugh is one of, if not the best basketball player in the state (high school) so get his all-conference plaque ready

  11. Personal opinion - I keep being intrigued Nokotas or Wild Nokotas.  Can be a little bit of a mouthful when saying the whole thing but I like the options that I've seen for logos and it is definitely unique along with having ties to North Dakota.  Can also be shortened up "Nokes" to fill in for where "Sioux" was used in various chants/cheers/etc.

    I like Nokes.


    Let's go Nokes is a good chant. It is unique. They are really cool animals. I've gotten to see more of then lately living in western ND, and having a buddy live in Medora. They are pretty majestic. They could be a cool logo. I would love if they could add feathers to the horse's mane, which would be very similar to the Sioux logo's feather. I've always thought that would be a cool homage. 


    I'm still the guy who suggested wolves, and I still really like that idea. I understand some think it is too generic. I've tried looking at different languages (Native American Languages, some are pretty hard to search within, Germna, various Scandanavian languages, stuff like that), and I haven't found anything that quite rolls of the tongue and works great (or at least as good as Wolves). Maybe someone else on here could find something here that I've missed.


    Other ideas I like are Moose or Elk (more Badland travelling), but something doesn't feel right about them. 


    Badlanders is kinda cool while I'm on this kick.


    I know some people don't like the thought of animals, but I'm not really against it all. I would just prefer to be a predator. The whole wolf angle is pretty cool to me because of their prey and how drastic they change even change the landscape of their territory (metaphor type crap). 

    • Upvote 3
  12. Home and away 'traditional' look for this year, with an alternate uniform the following year is the deal.  From what I know Bubba prefers a throw-back gray look over the black jersey.  Glad the info has come out-

    I can get behind that. I like those gray helmets. I've only seen them here and there, as they're a little before me, but I can see that being done well. It's also a little unique with everyone and their mom "blacking out" jerseys or anthraciting.

  13. So now the media makes a big deal out of the cost of finding a new nickname - and now UND is getting blased for allowing too much discussion on the process.  I remember the  issue of the expense of moving away from Fighting Sious was brought up very early in the discussion and the response from the liberals was that it needed to be done no matter what the cost. If you think this is expensive just wait until the cost for changing over to a new name and removing all references to it on campus come into play.


    The ones who forced this issue should be made to come up with the dough (not gonna happen) Speaking of dough - maybe some of the groups that pushed this so hard could have a fry bread fundraiser and donate the money to the cause? 

    if there's one thing i've learned growing up in North Dakota, there is nothing that can't be fundraised via bake sale or pancake/sausage breakfast

    • Upvote 1
  14. With the Rattlesnakes in Western North Dakota, maybe "Sidewinders" would fit a North Dakota theme.  Of course, since some say Sioux translates to "Snake in the Grass", someone would take offense.

    ugh... I hate snakes with the passion of a thousand suns

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