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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. Exactly.... no where to be seen

    yeah this sucks. 


    Look, I get it. NDSU is historically good. Cool deal, congrats on going to Frisco again. Congrats on being the favorite to go 4 in a row, but I can just please have this thread back? I have no idea why you guys are so insistent on coming over and pissing in my Cheerio's. UND football fans haven't had a lot to cheer about on the field, and now it seems like the ship is re-directed. All I want out of this thread is look at really strong, really fast high school kids and hope they come here. Once they commit, all I want to do is have delusions of grandeur that they are the next Jerry Rice or Ed Reed and we got lucky. Honest to god, as a college football fan, is that much to ask? I really feel it's par for the course. There are dozens of other threads to destroy with how much you guys are than us, just leave us the one bastion of hope. It's kinda the same as how the NFL still lets Jets' fans go to the draft and have a good time there. It's so freaking annoying to see a new post in here thinking we have new offer out or commit just to see "Jim Kramer is better than Baukol" or "where's your outdoor bubble practice field". Have some decency, you aren't Gopher fans.


    It's crap like this why more people don't do the ol "It's good for North Dakota, so I'll cheer for the Bison". 

    • Upvote 4
  2. I highly doubt you could trademark a word like sundog - even UND doesn't own the trademark to Sioux, what they own is Fighting Sioux and the logo(s) that have been created over the years.

    legal schmegal 


    that's an allusion for any Hobbit fans out there today.

  3. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news-education/task-force-outlines-plan-pick-new-nickname-3631898



    Oh my.....


    Ok, I don't know what goes into getting a "thing" trademarked.....but how difficult (or simple?) will it be for anyone who sees the list of nickname options to simply go and trademark the ones they don't like?   


    Ok, a little internet research shows it may not be all that simple, so maybe that concern is minor...

    Goon is currently filing the trademark office for Sundogs as we speak

    • Upvote 4
  4. "Badlanders" would be unique, relevant to the state, and would work for both the men's and women's teams - and before anyone says Grand Forks is not in the badlands, please remember it is the University of North Dakota, not the University of Grand Forks.

    What do you think about a logo or chants? legitimate question as I like the idea.

  5. I went to the Williston meeting, and I thought a good idea was thrown around. Have it a vote by students, alumni, and donating stakeholders, have AT LEAST 3 choices on the ballot. Never go to a new name until a name gets >50% in that format. That's one of the only ways, in my mind, you can determine which name has a consensus (or the closest thing to it).

    • Upvote 1
  6. He's on scholarship. I don't know if he'll be a quarterback or athlete (I think tight end maybe a good fit).

    I feel a litte wierd saying too much about him, as I was his sports acceleration trainer when he was in junior high and his dad was my basketball coach. I will say he has a great attitude, effort is never an issue, and the kid LOVES sports. His mom would get mad at him for hanging around the wellness center too late when I was training.

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