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Posts posted by ericpnelson

  1. Jones is not the one shooting free throws. Nash is a career 30% free throw shooter and missed his last 6 tonight. This has nothing to do with Jones. They shoot free throws everyday.

    I realize that, but every one of his teams I remember can't shoot free throws. Maybe it should be a point of emphasis? I think it's an attention to detail thing. Name highly successful coaches where that's a consistent trait of their teams... john calipari is the only one. And it cost him a title. We also don't have six figures to slide to the Derrick roses of the world in recruiting
  2. It's an arbitrary deal. You can believe that both what Adrian did was wrong and that Goodell is making it up as he goes along. Justin Brent legitimately killed a guy and he'll have a significantly less sever punishment. 


    Goodell doesn't give three craps about the kid. He's legitimately just listening to whoever is the loudest now. 

  3. I didnt trust Taubenheim at all to begin the year. He's improved a ton. Still has a lot of work to do but he's night and day better.

    Yeah, it's not even just him. It's just a thing I have about pretty much any college kicker. Probably scars from Gary Anderson that may never heal.

  4. Really funny, this was the only game I have been able to attend in person this year and it never fails to amaze me how stupid fans are at any level of football.  The guy behind me started upset but quickly figured it out but his wife kept yelling to snap the ball and say what is he doing.  Finally the guy just tells her to shut up you don't know what you are talking about. 


    Good game and people need to stop complaining about play calling because all passing on early downs did was get UND in trouble.  They struggled to pass block and the WR really were not getting open.  Even the deep shot to Siebel, though a good attempt he had very little separation and that is after running the ball successfully most of the game. 

    I wasn't in love with the strategy, but it obviously worked. Especially in college, I kinda have a "never trust the kicker mentality". I was more upset we allowed a kickoff return. It made me nervous with some of missed special team tackles. Love that we are only talking  about hypothetical bad scenarios today though.

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