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Everything posted by SWSiouxMN

  1. Truthfully that gets you a statue built out there. (I do understand the concern however) He's far from Rudy. (Played QB for the Gophers, was on a few NFL teams as a 3rd stringer) But his philosophy probably would rub against Bubba's so it wouldn't work anyways. He's done a great job in developing QBs. Would love to see him a program that has more resources.
  2. I want new blood for OC I want Sauter (SMSU head coach) as the OC
  3. Have some freaking guts and go here
  4. honest question here If we have know that Santiago is out for a while, why hasn't the staff, for a change of pace, use one of the freshman backs (or at least gotten them ready)?
  5. Hey now, UND got the stop now lets score again here.
  6. Yup send a damn message right now
  7. Take a deep breathe. Figure your stuff out 3 more quarters left
  8. that has zero business being caught
  10. well the D does get that 3 and out Figure it out O
  11. He's lucky, had the Idaho DB caught it he would have still been running
  12. really... you run THAT? A sneak would have been better. Or for god sake PA
  13. Dream start Awesome defense on all 3 plays
  14. In that case, we better start preparing for the Mike Jacobs "we need to fire Kennedy/Kelley wouldn't have let this happen" article that will be incoming
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