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Everything posted by geaux_sioux

  1. also true.... or how bout a TE from Carrington?
  2. Coming off of a bye week is a massive advantage for any team. Combine that with a better MSU team on a mission after giving a game to EWU and an inexplicably flat and pathetic performance by UND and you've got a recipe for an ass kicking. So yes, the bye week had something to do with it, if you disagree then you 1. didn't play the game at a high level and 2. are too much of a homer to realize that more goes into a game than just what your team does. And.........over-react much? ? ? ? ? ?
  3. No but Hanson missed week 2-5 and is still not 100% with his leg which affects some throws that he has to step into. Kleason is a great Guard and hasn't played yet. Lynch missed a gave with a broken thumb and now has a club of a cast wrapped around his hand. Denui, the RT, was injured early last week which killed pass protection. Brenneman was hurt before the EWU game and injured his knee in that game and missed the next two games and is now trying to gut it out at nowhere near 100%. Benjamin has looked to be playing through something all year. Goodman, leading tackler (he's the only one with any) has been shut down after trying to gut it out the past 4 weeks with a foot injury. Andrews hasn't played in 3 weeks with an injury. Brown hurt his hammy against PSU and hasn't been himself this year. RJ McGill tore his ACL in the 4th quarter of the Poly game in which he was having a career game and putting the team on his back. Golladay hurt his ankle in that game and has been slowed down by that ever since. Jackson hurt something pretty bad against Montana and looked very slow last game. Nichols got hurt a couple weeks ago and I haven't seen him in there since. Not all are season ending injuries but many are to key guys and are more than the typical nicks that every player deals with every week.
  4. We need grand forks central to produce another stud. It's one every 11 years so we'll have to wait til 2015
  5. It's gotten to be more than just injuries happen this year. Two starting lbs, two starting dls, one db, three wrs, our qb, our best olineman, two other linemen, and our te, its kind if a lot.
  6. That never hurts. Recognition skills don't appear to be great with any of them.
  7. Big is one thing but strong and quick are another. A guy like Lynch is huge quick and powerful, he's a great lineman, same with Kleason. Gillson on the other hand is huge, slow and weak. Then a player like McGurran who is really smart but slow and average strength. Denui is tall and quick but not strong enough yet. The big LBs have played slow this year and the quick ones have played small.
  8. Let him prove that this year before concluding it. Foresight isn't exactly 20/20.
  9. So the state of the program is responsible for all of the injuries to key players? Or the two really good teams that came off a buy and played us? Or having the toughest schedule in the country while having a bunch of injuries to really key players?
  10. He should make a change with the defensive staff, I've thinking that for a while. I'm saying I hate when people pretend to 'know' things about the inner workings of the program when they don't. Look at the Patriots and other NFL teams and how they talk to the media, then NFL Network runs a show of the inner working and the coach is berating players in meetings right after giving a non-descript press conference.
  11. I would love to see him as the DC next year.
  12. You must not be very familiar with the ebb and flow of football team performance. A coach can do everything perfect leading up to a game and his team can still lay an egg, it can also work out in the opposite manor. All I'm saying is that everyone on here 'knows' how things are with Mussman and the players based off of the media and what they see on the field. The only people who really know what the state of the program is are in the locker room everyday busting their ass to save the season.
  13. The players and coaches don't have to tell how how they feel. They can use coach speak and turn around, walk into the locker room and start breaking things and start laying it out on the line and holding people accountable.
  14. Last time I mention this. Just because players and coaches havent said certain things to the media does not mean that they aren't being said in house.
  15. Beef up both lines, they just aren't strong enough. LB's need to get bigger on the outside and quicker on the inside and also just plain better. We also need a JUCO or two in the secondary at least if not an LB and DL too.
  16. Our receivers probably look slow because 1. RJ is hurt and was fast 2. Tyhre moved to safety and was another quick one 3. Jameer isn't fast but injured his ankle last week so he was slowed down by that 4. Golladay isn't a burner but he's had an ankle issue since the Poly game. 5. Bridges doesn't play at all 6. Townsend is just plain slow since he had a terrible ankle injury as a freshman. Honestly Hardin looked pretty slow too as if the cold was affecting him alot as did the whole team. SOFT. Anyway Golladay and Jackson will get faster and RJ will get healthy so our WRs will look faster as a group next year....
  17. Not exactly a huge sample size for a guy who hasn't played in almost a year. Let the rust come off and sit back and enjoy, he's a once in a decade player.
  18. What if the coaches get a crazy idea and give pj sparks a chance to run a bit? Id be for it. Nothing to lose at this point, let the kid show what he's got.
  19. A 4-7 finish will not happen. 6-5.
  20. Great programs don't shuffle through coaches like the Oakland Raiders, Mussman needs to stay. Defensive assistants are a different story.
  21. What game was their buy week before and how many teams did they play who were coming off of a buy week?
  22. I for one miss that high pitched shrill that was an excited Sweeney.
  23. It's hard to disagree with wanting a change on that side of the ball. The discrepancy in talent from last year to this year on defense does not warrant being a bottom 10 defense in the nation. It might be time for some new blood on that side of the ball. A Mike Tomlin type would be nice, young energetic intense.
  24. That's strike two for you.
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