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Everything posted by geaux_sioux

  1. Actually we are the ones who are looking for revenge for them beating us every time at home. You can bet this game means alot to the team.
  2. For all of the fire Muss gang, I'm not sure that very many of you guys know the difference between what is said to the media by a coach and what is said to the team in meetings. There is always a massive difference. If Mussman said to the media what he says to his players in meetings after losses he would be fired for sure, that goes for any coach. To assume that his players don't respect him and are running the institution is pretty ignorant. You can bet people in Fargo were thinking the same thing and now they think Bohl has every player in his program by the balls as far as respect and attention. Mussman is a relatively young coach and has shown alot of growth since getting the job. After all of the crap that he has had to deal with as a coach you would think that people would have loads of respect for the guy. Most men would have wilted under the pressure and stress of trying to go through the transition with someone elses players and deal with the possibility of your team being deleted due to lack of conference affiliation due to the nickname debacle all the while trying to recruit players to a program that may not be in the future. Winning the conference last year with that offense was nothing short of a miracle. Just look at Tom Coughlin, everyone in New York thought his players didn't respect him at all and that he had lost his team. They had a losing record and people wanted him fired before mid season. Well they ended up winning the Super Bowl that year and players were asked what they thought of there coach and they said they had nothing but respect for him and that he got the best out of them. Sometimes the perception of the outside world is skewed.
  3. geaux_sioux

    SUU game

    Maybe they won't run. Should be a good game.
  4. Shove a rocket up his ass? Rocco is just alot faster.
  5. Anyone else watch both und and ndsu yesterday? Did anyone else find it sickening that they play with such Passion and reckless abandon and und plays like they don't give two shits about the program
  6. Rocco is the most dynamic player I've seen at UND since Parise hands down. Once he actually gets his finishing touch back he's going to dominate. His teammates need to match his energy. The passing tonight kinda sucked for the most part and you could tell things aren't quite clicking yet, go figure it's not after Christmas yet.
  7. Just look at D1 opponents. The run defense was really really good. They would have not only been in position like this years d but also actually made those tackles.
  8. I don't. They killed D1 teams against the run last year. This years guys are just soft, they don't want it enough and are an embarrassment to a program that many have given everything they have to.
  9. At some point the players need to be held accountable.
  10. Hendrickson, Guertz, Bellotti, Hawkins, Kuderna, Bellmore, and Watkins all graduated and all could tackle really really well. Great run defense last year because of it.
  11. This thread was remarkably quiet last week. You can't base a coaches job on a week by week basis. Either he's a bad coach and needs to be fired or not. Stick to your guns if you actually think it. If not go ruminate with a middle school girl who had a bad hair day.
  12. We deserved that ass whoopin. This team is SOFT. Anyone can play at home with 72 degrees and no wind. Tough teams can travel and play in any weather. Can't remember the last UND team that was soft..... sorry Mannausau, time to go
  13. He forgot to mention that he will be alone..... Other than his own reflection from his pool.
  14. If they can't protect Brad en they may need to turn to Marcus. Guys aren't getting open fast enough for Braden to get them the ball.
  15. The power play was looking really good and moving the puck around like those great Gopher power play units of old but no one had balls enough to take a shot. Then later in the game the power play fell stagnant and it was pass..... wait..... pass.... wait..... repeat. Gothberg looked good and then got frazzled late. The goal was not his fault. Rocco is faaaast.
  16. It's kinda dumb, they spends a ton of money on flood protection along the river and waste a ton of money by not digging the Alerus into the ground and being able to spend the saved money elsewhere.
  17. I actually think this game could be a very good one. Like under a 7 point game with alot of points. The MSU QBs tiny carne hands will still be their downfall though.
  18. You're the reason we lost to Poly and NAU. You need to go to the SUU game so we can win and watch a QB break another passing record.
  19. So there's a big game tomorrow, a real big game. UND is coming off of a half impressive win over teh Griz and the offense looks pretty formidable especially without 3 TOs. They'll probably try their best to sit back in zone coverage and defend the pass. This will allow Sutton Miller and Garmin to have nice games and the hogs love run blocking in the cold weather. Hanson will throw for around 350 yards and 3 TDs while the run game goes for 200+ yards and 2 scores and runs the clock and the life out of teh Catz. Their QB has tiny carne hands and won't be able to throw anything other than ints in the cold. He will throw 3 of them on the day along with 2 TDs. They will run the ball well but the D will toughen up in the cold and learn how to tackle again. We're gonna fly in from Grand Forks.... Over to Bozeman..... we're gonna get some rest... we've gonna eat some food.... watch some movies.... get some more sleep.... eat some more food.... warm up for the game... and we're gonna pound the life out of the cats and their fans will go home with their tails between their legs and we're gonna win the damn game 41 - 34 and win the rest of the games and not make the playoffs..............
  20. We all knew the underlined portion without you posting it just based on your previous 'opinions' And yes we were playing alot of lower division teams, which will never satisfy fans or make for a good game. Also a few of those classes were pretty devoid of any offensive talent and defensive speed. To go from the high flying burning fast '07 team to the one in '09 was a little hard to see. Had we produced a better product on the field and played more D1 teams during the transition attendance would not have gotten as bad as it was last year. Even NDSU experienced a drop in attendance in their first two years out of the transition as they failed to reach any expectations and had a terrible 3-8 season that sent Fargo reeling. Look at where NDSU is now relative to '09. We can do that with two deep playoff runs the next two years.
  21. Didn't seem to bother attendance five years ago and before that. The product on the field drove fans away to watch paint dry and rake leaves because those were more entertaining. It'll change.
  22. The und trophy for post season champs would be appropriate. Just a giant metal nd logo on a big wooden slab with each champion on a little metal engraving.
  23. As far as WRs are concerned this year, I hope they recruit a burner or two, Hardin will be a senior next year and I'm not sure any of the younger WRs will be able to take the top off like him.
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