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Everything posted by SiouxTupa

  1. Thanks for providing a positive, productive contribution to this discussion.
  2. I just hate the fact that moving the students is considered "rewarding bad behavior". Every stinkin time I hear that I cringe. We wanted those seats at center ice. They are great!! Apparently they "have" to move us, and I guess I'm ok with that if it means less people will complain. I just figure, how can it be a "reward" if there is a compromise? We, as students, have to give certain things up to get different seats. No, I'm not talking about swearing, I am "surprisingly" against group profanity. I think the student section will shrink a little. I don't have the numbers, but many say that we don't fill them up consistently (true) and we don't pay a whole lot. It makes sense to shrink the number by a little. Plus, we still won't be able to stand the whole game. No matter where we are moved to, unless it is to an entire half of the upper bowl, we'll be blocking someone's view. I think the standing system is getting better. Once the people who were used to certain things from the "old" ralph are graduated, new kids can come in as blank slates. If a meeting is held at the BEGINNING of the season for ALL student ticket holders (as a condition of having them) certain things can be laid out. I've said before that having a meeting halfway through a season is not going to change a whole lot. Plus, it just can't work to have a "mandatory" meeting halfway through the season, during the week (possibly during class, as in my case) with under a week's notice. You have to get to them (students) right away. What they do need to address (they being the student gov't) is distribution. That could fix a lot of problems, but as we have all seen isn't easy to do. Why don't we resurrect that discussion too?
  3. My girlfriend pointed that out to me. I thought it was HILARIOUS!!! Completely captured my exact reaction to a "T", he did.
  4. ANYTHING BUT DAVE MATTHEWS!!!! Seriously, play music that is UPBEAT and not slow sissy crap. Rock and Roll!!!
  5. How could those numbers not give some hope??? It basically says that we were in the SAME position last year, if not a little worse. Offensive numbers are better, and defensive numbers are roughly the same. We were bickering about last years team struggling with consistency too. Hakstol coached this team to the F4 last year, which proves he is a capable leader. The experienced team last year was a large underachiever until Feb, so why is a team with so much youth also considered an underachiever when they are in a slightly better position?? It's not talent either...I don't care how many 1st round picks you have, this is a different game than they were used to. Learning it, and learning about the teams you play takes time. That's why experienced teams usually do better than the alternative. As someone said, as of this point, how many people thought they'd be significantly better than they are? We'll see what happens the next few weeks, but for sure last year's team (and many others) proved that you can make the dance as a 5th place WCHA team, having a bad record. Let's get a few more wins, and see where that gets us. Enough b*tching and moaning, though. Thanks to all who are still on the bandwagon. The Sioux are just about where most thought they'd be. I told my significant other, the other day, that every time the Sioux lose I die a little inside. It's completely true, I usually feel sick (like many of us do) and unwilling to go to the bar or wherever fun things are happening. The crazy thing is that it doesn't change my resolve for the next week. I don't feel lethargic, I think that no matter who the Sioux play, no matter what their record is, and no matter how they have been playing, they can win on that night. That's why we go to the games and cheer for them, no matter what the score.
  6. Thank you for your spirit AZSioux! It's not over, but it really stings...
  7. It's crazy that Kozek is +7, but Watkins (usually on same line) is -2
  8. PCM, you beat me to it. It surprised me for sure!! Wait, wait, I was on the Finley bandwagon from day 1, nevermind.
  9. I think you mean their destiny is in the hands of the gophers... I'd hate to think of the dirty gophers and another golden dynasty...aaaahhhh
  10. I whole-heartedly disagree. Though Spirko is a GREAT player, losing 2 out of 6 defensemen is NOT a good situation. We have good depth offensively, but defense isn't one place where we can afford to lose people. This is obviously just my opinion, but Finley is a solid defenseman. Clearly he was strong enough defensively to get drafted in the 1st round. He has proven to move well, and be in good position most of the time. PLUS, having the BIG stick that he does and that reach, he can make up for a little cushion. Also, I think Finley is MILES ahead of Smaby when he was a freshman. Maybe the team is better now (judgment call...don't have numbers) but I remember he would get toasted every few games. I rarely see Finley get burned...at least not enough to make him stand out. Smaby looked horrendous at times, and look at him now. We knew he had upside then, and he proved it. That's the key....Finley improving every game, and I think we can agree that he's doing that.
  11. Yeah, I just read that in the new thread... sorry for the needless post. However, I think I'd rather Spirko sit out than Finley. Losing 2 D is going to hurt more than 1 O and 1 D. Pamela Anderson missed her 2 D's so much she "grew" them back.
  12. Did I miss something? I thought Spirko was DQ'd from Friday's game, and Finley was good? I'll check on that I guess...
  13. I think Toews was the POG for sure! He looked great on all of his shifts, and was noticeable every time. The bottom line is that we got 4 points this weekend. However, Mankato said they'd come out tonight and play better for their goalie, and they did just that! If UND hadn't matched their intensity, or at least dampened it like they did, they would have rolled. They were hustling the whole way through, and as Jordan said: they never gave up. They earned the last goal of theirs, and I wouldn't have been surprised if it counted. Parise said he should write Zelkin a note thanking him for taking care of him. Parise did get run, and it was a good no goal call. However, MSU was playing with heart emotions and it showed. SCSU is going to be a REALLY good series next week. They rocked the dogs, and their coach has them believing they are better than a bottom half team. The Sioux better be ready for sure!
  14. Besides, those are JACKETS that they get to keep. Maybe he likes it? However slim the chances are, Patrice Bergeron is playing in Boston w/ the number 37, so I guess anything goes. It's not like football, where if you're caught downfield w/ the wrong number your team gets a penalty...lol I think it's Thiessen too.
  15. How about this... "You can please some of the people, some of the time; and some of the people, some of the time. But you can't please some of the people, some of the time." I think that holds true here...
  16. Apparently MSU-M is 6-1-1 in its last 8, and during that time have outscored opponents 32-17. I don't think they'll be pushovers... I am reading and hearing UND players say they're sick of teams feeling "comfortable" playing at the Ralph. Maybe they'll do something about it for once.
  17. He did let them play...in the third period. Both teams played to their capabilities tonight, and as Woog said...the one who makes the last play will (and did) win.
  18. In contrast, I thought the Mariucci crowd was VERY vocal all weekend. I love the fun song they do at the beginning of the period. I also get annoyed with the penalty cheer (woo woo...or something like that). One thing is for sure, the production values are far and away better than FSSN. Now, I know a lot of the people involved in FSSN/WDAZ production, and I'm not saying it's bad. However, the picture is better and the sound is WAAAAAY better on the bad channel (FSN). They have a crowd mic, which I really enjoy because you can actually hear how loud the arena is. On our channel if Sweeny or his partner aren't talking, you MIGHT be able to make out some sticks/skates. Throwing things after a pretty decent gopher weekend is pretty lame, though. They played well all weekend, but maybe some fans thought they were invincible, and just THAT MUCH better than everyone they play. I think UM has a lot to look forward to coming up in the 2nd half. However...CC will be VERY ready after tonight.
  19. 4-2... Why always 4 to 2? LOL Good win...HANDS DOWN Lamoreaux (sp) was the player of the game. He had what...41 saves??? How could they not name him...grrrr I'm so MAD. I'll take it, and I'll be at the Ralph to see if they can get some more points while UM and CC beat up on each other.
  20. In my honest opinion (I'm spelling it out for you who are acronymically challenged), the standing, swearing, and general "bad" behavior would not be nearly as "dire" of an issue if the nickname wasn't "hostile and abusive". Basically, if we were the bulldogs, snakes, fishermen.... there wouldn't be as much of a focus on behavior as it reflected back on the school. For instance, everytime you're told to go out and represent your school, or the "Sioux", and don't deliver it puts more pressure on the administration to change the name. Would it be the same way if we were representing inanimate objects? Or some type of reptile? It seems that these two discussions (fan behavior, nickname) go hand in hand. If we lose the nickname will everyone look the other way? Absolutely not... Change the name, do it, it'll be done, no more issue. I, and I'm sure many others, are sick of hearing about it, and really, there's no stopping it. I hate it, but it's probably true. I LOVE the nickname, but I HATE these issues because the "discussions" never go ANYWHERE!! I'm at the point where I'd almost rather watch the game on TV, and stand and cheer by my own terms without a cop peering at me from behind the railing. I don't mean this to start another "you don't have to stand to be loud" debate, BUT I know that I am more inclined to be loud when I stand. Call it stupid, but I believe it in my heart, and it's a verifiable fact. I'm not an outrageous person, in fact I'm pretty quiet. At Sioux games I can be loud, but if I'm sitting it's usually a bad sign. I am finishing school in August. Having to read about and participate in these types of issues has basically instilled one large migraine through the entire course of my 5-year college career. I care so deeply for this school and it's athletic teams, but I'm getting really sick of having to defend it, and myself, all the time. However, I CAN'T WAIT to pay "way more than students" to get season tickets. In my opinion, they are worth every penny. BTW, KIDS LOVE HOCKEY GAMES! I don't know who said that, but seriously?!?! How many of us would be here on this site if we hadn't been to the old barns and been brought up as fans? I HATE the prospect of not going to a game. Once I spent an entire day sicker than hell, and somehow dragged myself out to stand in line for 4 hours in sub zero weather. Then at the game, I felt so ill I could barely keep from passing out (no I was not drunk). I stayed until the final whistle...that was in my Freshman year; we lost that game 6-0 against Mankato. I'm not giving up, though it may sound like it. Hell, after reading my own post several times I don't know if it makes sense anymore. The only thing certain for me in this situation right now is that I love hockey, especially UND hockey...and that I have to work in the morning. Tomorrow, I'll get off work and turn on FSN and watch a crowd at an arena that has it's ducks in a row. I'm sorry for the length and randomness. I just wish that I came to UND at a time when this was all figured out, or wasn't an issue. It's like being the awkward teenager....we're just waiting to grow up as an institution.
  21. Figures they have this meeting during one of my classes.... Not that I really want to get into this anyway. Seriously, the horse is dead, dead and bloody and there is hair everywhere.
  22. According to that there was a stretch from November 1997 to January 2000, where UND did not lose to the gophers. I didn't realize it was so long! That's simply amazing, although Woog and his MN only philosophy were clearly on the way out by the end of that. This will be a good one as well, hopefully.
  23. UND's powerplay in the last 10 years hasn't been nearly as good as UM's over the last few. Though a 5x3 is usually a great opportunity, it doesn't guarantee anything. Anyone can be shut out of one...UND has this year, and so has UM. All things considered, UND once again should watch penalties, but effing take it to them physically. The gophers thrive in open spaces, so close them down and we'll see what happens. I don't think the sioux need to play penalty free, but I'd watch out if Irmen's in the box and the gophers "happen" to clear.
  24. I think the team wants to score and play well for Phil now. They proved that on Saturday. If Parise isn't ready, why not play Phil? He's got great numbers in net, and if the team scores for him it's lights out. In any case, this is a great time to begin gaining ground in the race. Our defense may be more talented than Minny's, but they lack experience and the judgment isn't always there. Look at the AA series. They were making some rather large mistakes against a weak opponent. Minnesota will take advantage for sure. UND must be more defensively sound!! If the sioux can put together a whole series of hard nosed, physical, speedy hockey I believe they can win both games. If they let only one period slip by the wayside, then UM will split EASY.
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