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Everything posted by GFG

  1. Can't believe this hasn't been posted on here yet. Press release from the NCHC: Minneapolis, MN (Tuesday, March 5, 2013) -- The National Collegiate Hockey Conference is aggressively taking several major steps as its inaugural season grows ever closer. As the State of Hockey gets set to crown Minnesota's champions in boys' high school hockey, the NCHC and its member schools will be in Minneapolis on March 7 for a Hat Trick of announcements: - Unveil the Conference logo, which will act as the NCHC's visual stamp for years to come. - Reveal details about its first-ever NCHC post-season tournament, which will be played at Target Center in downtown Minneapolis. - Introduce the launch of the new Conference website. Meanwhile, in neighboring St. Paul, the NCHC will have a booth at the Let's Play Hockey Expo in downtown St. Paul, just steps away from where the Class AA and A boys' tournaments are unfolding. This presence will give thousands of hockey fans the opportunity to get to know the NCHC and understand why the NCHC will arguably be the strongest college hockey conference in America.
  2. I'm pulling for the 5 team tie just because it'd be hilarious. And that would be almost as many people tying for the title as Minnesota will have in its entire conference next year
  3. Usually FSN does a pretty good job of being non-homerish on calls and missed calls. They usually say it like it is, so if it wasn't worth mentioning it probably wasn't questionable. Maybe Goon DVR'd the game? If he did we can get video of it. Wally and Frank on the radio, however, is a different story
  4. Very true. And yes, I agree. It gets extremely annoying watching teams just throw the puck into the crowd
  5. I honestly missed that play. I was switching between that and the UND game so I guess I can't comment on the hit your talking about.
  6. 2-18 in the last 4 games. I wouldn't call that a bunch haha 2-20 if you add in the outdoor game vs Wisconsin. They were 3-4 in the Friday game at Wisconsin, though. Either way, 2-20 in the last 5 games is pretty bad
  7. I'd cry if that happens. Minnesota is like 2 of their last 20 or something close to that on the PP. On Friday Denver outshot Minnesota 8-2 ON Minnesota's PP's. It's been U-G-L-Y My prediction this weekend is a Minnesota sweep, UND takes 3 from Mankato and St. Cloud splits with Wisconsin. Wisconsin has only lost 3 of their last 23 games and is on life support for the NCAA tournament. If they sweep and make it to the Final Five, I think they might sneak in. But I feel like SCSU will pull out a win.
  8. Surprisingly the MacNaughton wasn't in St. Cloud last night. Apparently there was "too many scenarios" that could have played out. Even though St. Cloud was the only team that could have possibly clinched it going into last night. Mankato plays a faster pace than they used too, but they still like to hack and try draw retaliation penalties quite a bit. Their goaltender is a freshman but he's very good. He's got a 1.82 GAA and .930 Save Percentage. Some of the saves he made against Minnesota were spectacular.
  9. I've noticed the same thing about Michigan. They were god awful all year, but they're playing some pretty good hockey now. Wouldn't be surprised at all if they snuck into the NCAA tournament by winning the CCHA tournament.
  10. I like them too, although I may be a bit biased. Denver completely took Minnesota out of the game last night by playing a clone of Wisconsin's style, literally. Gwozdecky said before the game they couldn't run and gun with Minnesota, but I didn't expect to see that. I've never seen Denver do that before.
  11. Because it had absolutely nothing to do with the future league. It was about the conference races in the WCHA and Hockey East THIS year and how you could tell which teams took care of non-conference business because they're towards the top of the PWR but still battling in the conference with teams solidly out of the tournament.
  12. Your comment had nothing to do with what I said. You were obviously trying to troll me.
  13. It is crazy. But when I really think about it Denver, CC, UMD, SCSU, WMU, UNO and Miami don't have a whole lot of guys in the NHL that come to mind. Zucker, Schwartz, TJ Brown, Faulk, Ryan Malone...? Miele is still stuck in the AHL, right?
  14. Yes, but it had nothing to do with my comment. You're being a fail troll right now
  15. The Big Ten isn't a conference this year?
  16. On a real topic, it really is crazy how close Hockey East and the WCHA are. Pretty easy to tell that some of the top teams in the PWR were very good in non-conference because it's a log jam for most of them in their conference races
  17. I didn't know that, but now that I do...
  18. I'd shave my head before rocking a hair style like that lol Dying cockroach is putting it nicely for that place
  19. GILLYS!?! You mean Joe Black's, I wouldn't be caught dead in Gilly's lol
  20. Huh...that's a weird answer. I have to think he said that because Mankato is a pretty damn good team. Obviously he didn't look at the standings before saying it
  21. It is to Minnesota too, but to compare schools like Minnesota and Wisconsin to schools like Yale, Harvard, Northwestern, etc. academically is a slap in the face to those institutions. -I know Wisconsin is slightly better than Minnesota academically, but they're basically at the same level. Wisconsin's admissions call for 1 point higher on the ACT.
  22. Your comparing Wisconsin to Northwestern when it comes to academics Northwestern is exactly on par with Harvard, Yale, Brown, etc. when it comes to admissions. How often are Harvard, Yale, Brown and Princeton competitive? Some of the Big Ten schools would probably start it up if they had the money, but they require a donation because its expensive. Northwestern has the money but will more than likely never do it unless they get a donation specifically for that reason. The school doesn't have a very large fan base either. By far the smallest in the Big Ten. They're located in Chicago and have less alumni in the city than every Big Ten school except Penn State and Nebraska. This is a good read. They know they're an after thought in the Chicago sports market. http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20121117/ISSUE01/311179985/northwestern-sports-root-for-us-too
  23. Anyone on here thats used these sites notice any that have better quality than others? I use firstrow for pay-per view UFC all the time but it obviously isn't the best quality.
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