1. Chaves
2a. Mannausau
2b. Elliot
4. Porter
Anyone think there may have been other more qualified candidates who didn't make the final four in order for the committee to check a couple boxes and/or give Kennedy a wide variety of candidates rather than 4 sitting ADs who are all similar on paper?
In addition to the substantial pay increase, he'd be going from a directional "normal school" with an $18 million endowment to a state flagship with a $268 million endowment.
Although most used their real names or remained anonymous, I would guess the majority of donors for that campaign learned about it from this thread.
Well done!
Some has been redistributed to other sports (primarily women's sports) for scholarships. But we didn't have the majority of the $3 million. That's why it needed to be cut.
It Butler wins the tournament, then they are the champion. If you choose not to participate in the tournament, you forfeit any claim to the championship (and should probably just drop the sport).
If your conference doesn't participate, you don't get to be the champion. That's not the fault of the team that became the champion.
So the hockey and basketball tournaments are also flawed?