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Posts posted by zonadub

  1. and now, back to the topic

    Board of Higher Ed passes resolution supporting Shirvani

    from Bismarck Tribune

    Espegard supported the resolution and called for the vote.

    “I think it’s time to vote on whether you support the chancellor and support the board,” he said.

    Reichert emphasized that while she supports the board, that view is oversimplified.

    “To just say ‘I support the chancellor’ or ‘I don’t support the chancellor’ is oversimplifying the issue,” she said.

    Hull agreed, saying he did not appreciate the “either you support the board or you don’t” dichotomy of Espegard’s remarks.


    Last week, Holloway presented the board with a report that found no substantive evidence that the board violated open meeting laws or that Shirvani had misrepresented himself on his resume.

    Reichert said that while she appreciated last week’s report, it addressed the details, not the larger picture.

    “We need to be talking about themes that run through the report,” she said.

    Specifically, Reichert identified lack of transparency and miscommunication as issues the board needs to address.

    “We seem to be at odds with our stakeholders right now,” she said.

  2. ... It might be wise for some students to take time off between high school and college so they can both mature and get a better idea about what they want to do. The problem with this is that many of those would not return to school. Life and money would get in the way. But they would be much more dedicated students and get through school much quicker if they could take the time before they start.


  3. Saul should be pointing fingers at the NCAA for passing over defending champion and 21 game winner Kentucky. Since Kentucky didn't get invited to the big dance, they must be the team that took NDSU's place in the NIT. ;)

  4. I was ten rows behind the bench...the second period was incredibly hard to stay awake. ...

    The lady next to my wife literally fell asleep. ..I !@$! you not she was sleeping like it was a long sermon

    cratter is 100% correct on this....und has a number of totally average players on any given night which is why the lady in the above post is sleeping in her seat....

  5. I realize some Sioux fans may be snarky about the WCHA that North Dakota is leaving behind, but I'm not one of them. In fact, I want the WCHA to succeed. The question is, what is the best option for the conference tournament? I guess we'll find out soon enough what Grand Rapids holds in store...followed by the X in 2015.

    What school are you affiliated with?

    think bale31 is Minnesota State

  6. I'm spending more time lately out and reading other forums and learning about potential conference realignment goings-on. (I miss "star2city" because he'd normally be that guy around here.)

    What I've seen recently (and there's enough smoke to believe there's something to it, especially when eastern newspapers are writing about it):

    The Big Can't Count (aka B1G) has the University of Virginia as their next target, with the University of North Carolina next up after that.

    Crazy talk you say? From 16 they'd go to 18 with Georgia Tech and maybe Duke.

    Why those four? They're all Association of American Universities schools.

    The approach wouldn't surprise me. The B1G is playing a game of tactics not driven by football, but by money, money from the B1G Network, and from Federal funds via the Association of American Universities (AAU) and the B1G's CIC.

    Bringing credence to the axiom that it is university presidents, not athletic directors and coaches and especially not fan board trolls, that decide who gets in to a conference and who doesn't. As has often been said about the Montana's pulling strings to get UND into the Big Sky - they are looking to add schools with the same mission. And probably a big part of why Denver did not want to stay in the new WAC.

  7. Sure, the two situations are different. But your original post is wrong, NDSU cannot simply trust that UND would not cancel a future scheduled game, for whatever reason, simply because the resulting PR and political firestorm would not be worth it. They've already shown that they are willing to take that risk. So, scheduling UND is not a way for NDSU to eliminate the possibilty that they will need to find a replacement team late in the process.

    Since there is no way that NDSU would travel on the front end of a home and home with UND, this statement is absurd. In fact, if there is any possible way your scenario could happen, it is UND that would have to be concerned about NDSU backing out of the home and home, not the other way around.

  8. Who knows. My guess is that Denver is coveted enough by both the Summit and WAC that they could afford to wait it out and see what happens to the Summit. If it falls apart, they'd likely be immediately re-admitted to the WAC.

    I don't think the Big Sky is going to look at anybody unless they have defections, which seems unlikely right now. Fullerton's #1 priority right now is to get Idaho football into the league with the rest of their sports.

    Very true. Why do I see USD being left out. They have had little to no success yet and are in a bad spot if the Summit dissolves into nothing. I think turning away the BSC killed any chance to join unless the schools forgive them.

    The Big Sky is full... waiting for Idaho. (see bincity's post above)

    More likely that the Summit will end up looking to the WAC for a merger.

  9. Hurd may have learned from watching Fullerton outflank Benson and the WAC for Davis and Poly. He has pulled KC out of the Summit, put a little more cohesion into the WAC's baseball with UND, Northern Colorado and Sac State as conference mates in the Big Sky and WAC baseball. This will deepen the ties between these teams beyond UND's NCC history with UNC and the Wanless connection to Sac. Don't know if Denver's move to the Summit is final and irreversible, but they could backpedal if the Summit implodes following the C7 shakeout a'la Boise and San Diego.

    When Chicago State's AD said there was more to come, it probably did not stop with UND baseball. There is still men's golf, and while golf doesn't really need much structure from a conference standpoint, it would be yet another link between UND, UNC, Sac and the WAC. They all play in the Great West's American Sky Conference along with Weber and Southern Utah. Soon-to-be WAC full conference members Chicago State, Utah Valley, Texas Pan Am, Cal Bakersfield are also members of the American Sky Conference and will be leaving next year and Seattle was a member in '11 & '12. Women's golf has a home in the Big Sky, like softball does, but suddenly the Summit looks even less appealing to UND, doesn't it? What could really be next?

    OR... maybe Hurd is trying to force USD, UNO, and the XDSUs' hand into joining the WAC and pulling Denver back in when the Summit implodes. Can't imagine they would be thrilled with the likes of Grand Canyon, but they may have no other choice. It would actually be a brilliant move by Hurd to strengthen the new WAC since the loss of Idaho and probably New Mexico State.

  10. Of course they can. I was referring to the earlier post that the FCS could sue the Big Ten. I'm no lawyer but I have to believe that the Big Ten is well within their legal rights to stop scheduling lower division programs if they so choose.

    yeah, you can't force someone to schedule you... see NDAC football ;)

  11. One thing I thought of with that Friday night double header. Either WM or Miami will have to start early and us late to make it work. Or we will have to start real early and Denver/CC will have to start late. What I am thinking is that WM/Miami would start at 6:00 EST and UND at 8:00 if not 8:30 CST. Or WM/Miami start at 7:00 EST and Denver/CC 8:00MST. Or UND would have to start at 5:00 or 5:30. Like that is going to fly real well. It is the only way it would work. Furthermore that is not talking into consideration any pregame show. Problem there is the pregame show if UND was the second game there is no way it could fit in. This then leads me to believe that the only way UND will be part of a double header will be away games at either WM, Miami, CC, or Denver. Same thing can be said for St. Cloud, Duluth or Omaha.

    At least the away games will be available if this is the case... Just sayin'

  12. Maybe "some" people may have said that, but they probably didn't even realize the two things were linked. The NCHC's position on TV rights not only cost UND the ability to have a national TV deal, but it also prevented Notre Dame from joining the conference. I didn't blame Notre Dame one bit for insisting on keeping their national TV deal. They'd be insane to give that up. The NCHC cut off its nose to spite its face. If the NCHC had allowed members to maintain and pursue their own national TV deals, the NCHC would be a stronger and much more visible conference.

    you said it better than i did +1

  13. Try not to die early by heart attach stressing over lack of yard signs.

    Bison yard sign probably outnumber Sioux yard signs/flags in Bismarck by 5 or 10 to 1. On the other hand, UND car decals and license plate frames probably outnumber Bison one by the same ratio. However, there are a TON of Bison car decals and license plate frames on I-29 on a Saturday in the fall when NDSU is playing at home. What does all this mean? Probably that I don't drive I-29 enough in the winter to see all the Sioux decals on the way to the Ralph. Where am I going with this? Sorry, I forgot. :sad:

  14. It's because the conference has a contract for exclusive national broadcast rights with CBS College Sports. I believe the FCS deal with UND is done after this year.

    Understatement of the year..................

    By all accounts, UND has chosen to "take one for the team" allowing the NCHC to broker the TV deal with apparently little input from UND. UND is going to move forward relying heavily on web-based platforms for broadcasting hockey.

    It seems equally dumb that Cable One and Midco can't work something out to get Midco Sports Net on Cable One's lineup though.

    I seem to recall (almost) everyone being upset that Notre Dame didn't want to join the National Conference. Some said it was OK to not have Notre Dame at least partly because they were not willing to give up their institution's control to broadcast Fighting Irish hockey on NBC. So now the complaint on this thread is that UND didn't do the same thing as "the other ND".

    Bottom line, to me, is that conference realignment $ucks. Too much chasing $$ for the already rich. All more money brings is greed for a bigger part of the pot. Whether its the loss of the old NCC because half the conference goes DI or the creation of the NCHC because the B1G has enough teams to sponsor their own hockey conference, I for one would not mind having the same affiliations that were in place 40 years ago when the NCC was the NCC and the WCHA was the WCHA (and NDAC men were &^%$#@ and sheep were nervous :) )

  15. USD:

    Joe Glenn, football, $127,260

    Dave Boots, men’s basketball/Asst AD, $122,780

    Ryun Williams women’s basketball $96,000

    - Amy Williams in the coach now not sure of salary information


    John Stiegelmeier, football, $150,010

    Scott Nagy, men’s basketball, $152,000

    Aaron Johnston, women’s basketball, $161,358


    Mussman, football $114,612

    Jones mens basketball $86,334

    Gene Roebuck women’s basketball $110,000

    - Travis Brewster in the coach now not sure of salary information.


    Bohl football $196,668

    Saul Phillips basketball $135,000

    Carolyn DeHoff women’s basketball $113,400

    If this is accurate, UND is not committed to the football or basketball programs and will (IMHO) always struggle in a quality conference like the Big Sky.

    If the administration and athletic director really intend to be competitive, these salaries MUST be addressed. I realize that hockey is king, but how can UND defend paying the head football coach less than all these other coaches except two women's basketball coaches (and one of them by barely more than $1000 more for a program that is performing terribly on the court). After all, Joe Glenn was just brought in last year, Mussman has five years of cost of living raises to get to his level.

    Not being an apologist for Mussman, but UND will NOT get a head coach with any kind of pedigree with a salary like this. And Jones' salary is a joke - at least he has put his team into the postseason.

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