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Posts posted by zonadub

  1. Oh you are right, NDSU doesn't really know what it has in Chris Klieman yet, and won't find out until he's had a chance to recruit his own team...

    On the other hand, he did win a championship last year. That is a little bit different than a two game improvement in record.

    <putting on my 'Darrell' troll-baiting mask>

    but the Bizun lost more games in 2014 under Klieman than they did in Bohl's last year (2013). So Schweigert improved by 2 games while Klieman slipped by a game.

    <taking off the troll-baiting mask>

    • Upvote 1
  2. Honestly, haven't you ever noticed that first year coaches often do show immediate improvement, but seem to be unable to continue that improvement in subsequent years? And, in many cases, end up not really being any better than their predecessors?

    Can't believe that 5 pages later, nobody has mentioned that this is Klieman's second year also... ;)

    • Upvote 1
  3. Alright, time for a reality check for all those "no name" "just be North Dakota" supporters out there.  In case you all forgot, I direct you to the voting results from the June 15th committee meeting that narrowed the list down to the current 7.




    "North Dakota" finished last in the remaining 7 and it was last with a bullet.  Recieving 14 less votes than the 6th highest point getter Green Hawks.  The list will be most likely narrowed down to 2-4 finalist to be voted on.  If you think that all of a sudden the committee is going to springboard a name option to make a final 3, you are kidding yourselves.  Sure it may be popular with many fans, but the fans don't get a say, YET.  The committee is responsible for narrowing the list down again for a final vote.  If they follow the trend in this latest vote, "North Dakota" will not be moving forward.

    Even if you disregard the two negative scores and use only the positive score for North Dakota, it score less than any other name on the list.

    On the other hand, maybe the only way to prove that remaining North Dakota is not the answer to the 'North Dakota only' crowd is to have a 2 candidate vote between no nickname and each of the rest of the finalists. It should beat out Sundogs, but highly unlikely that it would beat Roughriders head to head, imho.

  4. Bisonville is going nuts over this article. But Cincinnati and Memphis are feverishly improving their facilities to join the P5. North Dakota would have to add a million more people, build a 50k domed stadium in Fargo, and upgrade NDSUs look from a penal institution to an academic one. Miami of Ohio was often considered a Big Ten candidate by sportswriters in the 1970's because of their record, but never seriously considered by the BIG.


    OK, I'll play...

    Nebraska returns to the Big 12 (scenario #3). Big 12 picks up NDSU to round out the conference (scenario #1). Wait! I'm not done.

    B1G then adds UND as a full member to bolster their hockey conference, but also adds the rest of the sports to fill in for Nebraska leaving.

    Far-fetched, you say?


    Well, probably. But just as likely as the Big 12 adding NDSU. :)

    • Upvote 1
  5. The only name that would have a resounding majority would be ... you guessed it ... Fighting Sioux.

    There is not a name that would please everyone. We can agree that some decent names were summarily dismissed for no good reason, but they would not have had an overwhelming majority support, either. However, we also agree that several/most of the semi-finalists are really bad (wonder if it's a set-up to arrive at the preselected winner)

    Roughriders has pretty much been the clubhouse leader from the start (polls in the newspaper where you can vote as many time as you can click 'submit' in an evening or two in your mother's basement do not count, nor does asking a few select friends). Wish I could have come up with the ultimate replacement, but it does not exist.

  6. If you want an aviation name, there's a really obvious choice: Airmen.

    But you'd have to alter the spelling a little to be sure that you can get full creative control. Let's try a few options.

    Airmen. Nope.

    Ayrmine. Better, but nope.

    A-ermine. Hey, that one works!

    I gotta give you credit... You are persistent.

  7. Personally, I do not care whether the NCAA will allow 'no nickname' or just "North Dakota" or not. In my opinion, that/those option(s) are not in the best interest of UND and the athletic program formerly known as the Fighting Sioux.

    Whether you like it or not, it is the program formerly known as the Fighting Sioux. The NCAA and the PC crowd has seen to that and in this era of the bleeding heart white man apologist, it will not change.

    I will admit I do not care for almost all the names still under consideration, but to think going forward with no name is settling the matter is, again in my opinion, shortsighted.

    Whether UND become the Roughriders, ________ Hawks or even Nodaks, it is still the UND team that I will root for for the rest of my mortal life.

    • Upvote 1
  8. OK, so I think I have finally figured out how to fix this whole nickname boondoggle...

    Kelly is retiring, right?

    UND needs a new President, right?

    UND/Kelly has done nothing to address the tribal disapproval of the Sioux nickname. Am I right so far?

    So, the SBOHE should name either Archie Fool Bear or Eunice Davidson as the next President of UND and UND would have an executive with the passion and NA backing to go to the NCAA and the Tribal Councils to approve the name they have passionately supported through this whole circus.

    The return of the University of North Dakota Sioux is at hand. You're welcome. ;)

    • Upvote 1
  9. Doing it for that sole intent is a bad idea, Yes. If it was a different name that made sense, then go for it; but being the Northstars, when we are not the Northstar state, just makes us look dumb, and completely incapable of coming up with our own name.


    Just Stars, could not be more boring; and Stars is not on the list, Northstars is.


    For the record I agree, Roughriders, but I do still like North Dakota or NoDaks.

    To your point, going with just North Dakota or Nodaks would be equally self-depricating, in that UND can't even come up with a real nickname, but can only re-use the state name, or worse yet, can't even use the whole name and have to shorten it to something that will make us look dumb and unimaginative.

  10. You are assuming Ridas is in the top 3 at the end............from what I have seen and heard the consulting firm will make it's best pitch to make sure that isn't the case and unfortunately I don't see enough people on the committee with the stones to disagree with what the consultants are pushing.


    "Here come your UND Fighting Green Sundogs"..............

    I nominate Oxbow to be the proactive ss member and fill in the consultant on the other meaning of sundogging. If the consultant can have the overriding vote on Roughriders, they should be able to veto Sundogs.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I look at the vote a little differently, but get the same impression...

    Using the ss vote:

    Roughriders 82 out of 136 voters = 60%

    North Dakota 69 = 50%

    Cavalry 58 = 43%

    North Stars 36 = 29%

    Hawks (combined total) 40 = 29%

    Nothing else over a couple straggler votes

    Sorry, I'm surfing while trying to work...

    What I am trying to say here is that Roughriders is a choice of a majority of voters on ss.com. North Dakota is acceptable to half of the voters. Nothing else gets support from half of the people who voted, even if they can vote for more than 1 name (Cavalry, North Stars, or even if you give the Hawks the benefit of doubt over a split vote).

    Personally, I don't really care if the NCAA will allow North Dakota or not. I just think a nickname should be chosen or, as many have already said, we will be going down this road again soon. Whether in 5 or 10 years doesn't matter. It's been a struggle for too many years already.

  12. I completely agree with this statement. Way worse choosing a name that was a neighboring states pro team than a local high school team. BTW for those that don't know North Stars is the name of the high school in Cando for those worrying about high school names.

    Anyways my point was just to show it's pretty obvious to me there are 2-3 names that fans seem to like above the rest and I would rather the committee put those for final vote than ones people don't like at all.

    Look at the numbers. Just North Dakota and Roughriders account for 44% of the vote on the SS poll and 40% on the herald poll. When North Stars gets added in it jumps to 53% and 54% respectively. 130 people voted in the SS poll and around 7700 in the herald one, and the ss people are probably UNDs biggest fans. The herald poll is a big chunk of UND fans too. Pretty big difference compared to the rest.

    To me those are numbers that shouldn't be ignored whether I like any of those names or not. That's a big enough number for just ND and Roughriders were I think the committee might have to explain to people why either of those isn't in the final 3 if their not.

    Pretty obvious my personal preference of those 3 is Roughriders, but regardless I would rather the committee give people choices they want rather than Spirit, Sundogs, and Pride. If Spirit Pride and Sundogs were those top 3 I would say the same about them but they are obviously not. The committee and the marketing research company should notice these things.

    I look at the vote a little differently, but get the same impression...

    Using the ss vote:

    Roughriders 82 out of 136 voters = 60%

    North Dakota 69 = 50%

    Cavalry 58 = 43%

    North Stars 36 = 29%

    Hawks (combined total) 40 = 29%

    Nothing else over a couple straggler votes

  13. So not quite the same level of legal backing as ladybugs for state insect then.....


    Edit:  An agreed-upon, single, official state nickname would be found here: http://www.legis.nd.gov/cencode/t54c02.pdf?20150610141556


    ...... if it existed.

    The Teredos!

    54-02-08. State fossil - Teredo petrified wood.

    The teredo petrified wood is the official fossil of the state of North Dakota.

    Petrified wood. Wow. North Dakota has an official petrified wood. Would have been nice to know that one when we could submit suggestions to the committee a couple of months (or was it years) ago!
  14. If we choose Thunderhawks, can we use this image as inspiration?  Thunder Hawk was a member of the Hunkpapa Indians and a companion of Sitting Bull.



    Now that's funny. Would stick a finger in the eye of the NCAA better than staying North Dakota would!

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