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Posts posted by zonadub

  1. UND home and home against UNI??

    I would love to see UNI come to the Alerus. I still remember the 2006 35-31 upset of UNI at their dome.

    SiouxFootballInsider@SiouxFootball 42m42 minutes ago

    Hearing a home & home with a top tier #FCS program is potentially in the works for @UNDfootball. #ThinkOffense


    I would guess Sam Houston.  their offense against our defense.  this would be fun to watch.

    maybe something came together with UNI in the last 6 weeks?

  2. Actually this is Faison's responsibility to go to the alumni with this ... Faison spoke.  Do you he think this might have been a topic that he should have addressed to an audience of football alumni, many of whom are generious donors to the program?  Radio silence.  He isn't even going to try.

    Epic Fail!


    In many respects, Faison's tenure as AD has been worse than Kelly's presidency. The housecleaning must continue, with Faison, Jones and Idalski on the hot seat(s),

  3. He'll probably just name UND the "Robert Kelley's" as his last act in office.

    HEY! I think you stumbled onto something.

    UND Kelly. Just like the Stanford Cardinal.

    We can then pick anything we want for a mascot and logo. Give me the night to think about this.

    Nice Work Benny!


    it may be 4 1/2 months later, but Benny, petey and I finally found something to agree on (though Benny will contend that I don't fully comprehend the meaning and depth of his position because he used "Robert" and I used "Green"  ;) )


    So you're sayin' that Northern Lights is too good a name for Kelly & co to come up with. So maybe he will want it to be the UND Kelly Green. :D

  4. Did the NCAA allow post season games/tournaments/etc in the state of South Carolina when they had the confederate flag flwon at the capitol and in other locations within the state? 

    with tongue deeply planted in cheek...


    so so if UND were to go back to fighting Sioux, does that mean that no more playoff games can be held in North Dakota? Can UND mess with NDSU that way and keep football playoff games out of the Fargodome as well as the Alerus? Cool! Let's do it!

  5. Nice try 82.

    I told you and F.S.F. and scottm on here back in 2012 when you were demanding I give one good reason why one should vote to keep the name that that "one hood reason" was so that people wouldn't be able to say B.S. like what you just said

    We all know what the Sioux as a majority wanted.  That was clearly demonstrated  in the polls before 2012.  They like everyone else voted that way to protect UND from sanctions as the aggressive media campaign said they should.  Even Hak said it.  

    So F.off with your petty B.S. manipulations of that vote.  You know the truth!  The Sioux wanted and still want by majority to keep their name..

    You're truly the worst kind of cancer to this whole situation.  The fact that anyone listens to your rhetoric is beyond me.

    Unfortunately, in the politically correct world of the NCAA, the majority would not sway their opinion. The basis of political correctness is that the majority is wrong at the expense of the few, the minority. So, in the infinite wisdom of the NCAA, the majority is often wrong and the minority must make the rules.

  6. I am just thinking in print here...


    for or all those people who support staying North Dakota and facing the NCAA sanctions, whatever they may be, why not just come out and say stay Fighting Sioux? The sanctions would be the same whether the nickname is Fighting Sioux in fact or no nickname in endorsement, but Fighting Sioux de facto. So why not just be honest and support returning to the Fighting Sioux name?


    we all realize that no nickname will be as strong or unique as the Fighting Sioux name, but there has to be resolution to this. For those of you who say the choices are bad, my guess is that your proposed names would not be universally accepted either, IF YOU HAD AN ACTUAL NAME TO PROPOSE, not just have the position of being against any name.

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  7. They will not be playing for the Fighting Sioux. There is not an NCAA football team currently known as the Fighting Sioux. Pretty sure their jersey will say Sundogs, Roughriders, or Fighting Hawks.

    Actually, the football jerseys have only said "North Dakota" for a long time. Don't think that is going to change. ?

    p.s. Took almost 4 years to get to my 1000th post.

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  8. I had seen the poll in this forum, looked to me like it was of a much smaller sample size? But, definitely you are correct in that the polls don't tell us that much.

    Besides the limited number of people who frequent this forum keeping the size of the sample lower, the control of only being allowed to cast your vote(s) one time will keep the size smaller. This site does its best to limit ballot box stuffing, where the Herald/Forum poll and the nickname submission link allowed a single person to submit as many votes/suggestions as they were willing to spend their time doing. One person could hypothetically cast 100 votes easily in an hour. (See 'Ermines' for an example)

    My feeling (and I have absolutely no data to back this up) is that the no nickname/North Dakota group will not rally behind any nickname. I agree that there is no nickname is good enough to replace the Sioux name, especially when it is taken away by force. The committee was in an impossible predicament. There is no way they could have come up with a list of 5 names that people would have said "Wow, those 5 names are so good that I can't decide which one I like best." Oxbow's question in another thread is really unfair in that respect because the committee did the best they could under the circumstances.

    So, back to the why can't UND stay without a nickname in perpetuity, like the 'football' teams in the UK? Yes, it is unique. But why is it unique? And do you really think that being unique in this particular way is in the best interest of the student athletes and the University of North Dakota? I can't give you any better reasons than those posted above, but for me, I would prefer that the North Dakota something's take the field/ice/floor over the North Dakta Nothings (not saying that 'Nothings' would become the de facto nickname, but who knows what outside sportswriters might start doing as derisive humor in absence of a true nickname).

  9. You assume all exposure for not having a nickname will be positive. Here in Colorado, plenty of people have asked why a bunch of hicks from North Dakota don't have a name.

    The same here in Arizona. Followed by a chuckle.

  10. OK, how bout this for an option.  Kelley reduces the choices to Roughriders and North Dakota.  Put those up for a vote and see what comes out on top.  If it is Roughriders, then that is the name and the supporters of "North Dakota" can't complain because their choice made it to the final vote.  If "North Dakota" wins out the popular vote, Kelly can then inform the NCAA that UND has chosen to not have a nickname and just go with "North Dakota".   If the NCAA is OK with it, then fine.  If they say that is not an option and can't do that and that UND must select a new nickname, then default back to  Roughriders.

    The only problem I see with that scenario is that the choices would be "North Dakota" vs. Sundogs.


    As for Lowell, I don't know him but hear high praise of the kind of person and Alumni he is, BUT that doesn't warrant taking away the opportunity for all of the supporters to have their voice heard. Don't have to agree with me, but not allowing us to vote for a clearly popular choice, is not different that the Standing Rock Tribe not allowing their people to vote yes or no on the Sioux name in the first place. What you have is a small panel telling the public interest, "We know better than you, and it is what we want that counts".



     As for Landon Bahl, any student who is set to represent his constituents need to put personal bias aside. I understand not liking the concept of North Dakota, but to vote against letting you fellow students and alumni have a say in this process is wrong. Voting a -8 for an option that has clear public support, via message boards, online polls, letters to the editor (by know mean are these 100% accurate portrayals of public opinion, but they support the argument to a degree) is choosing to vote based on personal choice rather than as a representation of the student body.

    Wow. First point... Schweigert voted against removing North Dakota from the list. Get over yourself and read more closely.

    Second point... What is your basis for claiming Bahl was not voting according to what he has been hearing from the people around him? Just as your circle of influence may prefer North Dakota, his may prefer that an actual nickname should be chosen.

  12. Yes to your question. First, the redundancy of NORTH Dakota NORTH STARS, then the fact that it's Minnesota's nickname. UGH!

    2/5 of the choices are embarrassing: North Stars and Sun Dogs/Sundogs are absurd. While the "move on" crowd keeps bitching at the "Sioux forever" crowd, Sun Dogs/Sundogs just keeps plugging along like the tortoise, headed to the finish line.

    Add to your redundancy list North Dakota Nodaks, leaving only Roughriders and Fighting Hawks. Roughriders was my first choice since the realization the Sioux was gone, but there are a couple of Hawks that have taken up residence on our golf course. They are very impressive raptors. Miami RedHawks would be the only other Hawk in either of UND's conferences, so not opposed to it.

    Really hope it won't be Sundogs, North Stars or Nodaks, but UND is still my alma mater and I will cheer for the UND ___________, no matter what the final choice is.

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