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Posts posted by zonadub

  1. Notwithstanding the current sentiment on this board for creating a Great Northern Conference, doubt that the Montanas and Idaho want to join a center of the country conference when they are the center of the Big Sky Conference (perception-wise if nor geographically).

    With the problems the Summit has retaining members, maybe the powers that be should hold their nose and merge with the WAC. When Bakersfield leaves the WAC and with the looming threats of Chicago State leaving the WAC and Ft Wayne leaving the Summit, both conferences will be hurting. Realize that many here want nothing to do with Grand Canyon and maybe Cal Baptist, but it may be a way for both conferences to finally find stability.

    It would stretch from Canada to Mexico and from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Unfortunately, that is a huge footprint, but could have north/south or even east/west divisions. With WAC baseball and soccer, it would also offer enough team sports to avoid the loss of auto-bids when Ft Wayne leaves the Summit.

    just spitballin' here, 'cause the other alternative seems to be for the Summit to bring in move-ups, since only UND seems to want to move to the Summit instead of out of it.

  2. On December 11, 2017 at 2:00 PM, The Sicatoka said:

    If that's what it takes to get the offensive line back to the standard it needs to be at, so be it. 


    Anyone know what happened to CAS (the Bison fan who used to haunt here)? We didn't always agree, but we agreed that offensive line play was the most reliable indicator of how well a team was going to perform. 

    Got a new gig in Traill County, from what I hear. Don't know if he is double dipping and still has the Steele County one too. Might be too busy to haunt old stomping grounds. ;)

  3. On December 9, 2017 at 8:38 PM, geaux_sioux said:

    Watching Stanford vs Texas right now. Stanford has 3 players over 6'6" tall. How are you supposed to block that?

    yeah, talk about a tree for a logo

  4. 6 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    FB (possibly Soccer. Rugby, softball) may be on the west grounds of Ray Richards? Hospital looking at very east part. Only a narrow patch of land between UND main campus and Ray Richards.

    With a busy railroad

  5. On the surface, it appears that SDSU should have a very good chance to beat JMU this weekend. If they then face the Bison in Frisco, they have a winning record against NDSU this year to build on. What better time to make it a sweep for the season?

    This is what UND should aspire to... Beating the Bison at the top.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Who said we have to get worse? Can't imagine anyone not a troll going there. We need to strive to become the best.

    Try comprehending what I wrote. I did NOT say UND has to get worse. What I said was why do they (NDSU) have to get worse for UND to get better.

    btw aren't you the one who doesn't know loose from lose? Or is it taugt from thought?

    Suggest that you read with more comprehension and maybe make a practice oF proofreading what you write before you post

  7. So, what would be wrong with taking the Bison down from the top? Why do they have to get worse? Would really love to watch UND take down ndsu in the National Championship game.

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    IMO no playoffs in 2018 or 2019 Bubba goes..........or another sub .500 record in either year he goes and UND needs to start fresh heading into the MVC.


    What if UND makes the playoffs next year and doesn't make it past round 2 but gets beat like a drum by NDSU like last time and doesn't make the playoffs in 2019?  Bubba goes or stays?

    To paraphrase a not-to-be-named head coach in the Fire and Ice feature...

    if you don't beat those knuckleheads down south, the season is not a success. 

  9. 5 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Why not Denver is easy.

    Teams want travel to Denver for basketball and um, er, ah, ... recreation. The Dakotas? Omaha? Notsomuch. 

    Sorry Sica, your answer went over my head. Basketball scheduling alliance should fit your answer perfectly.

  10. 3 hours ago, MafiaMan said:

    I only WISH we could be comparable to Auburn.  The way things are now, NDSU is THE Ohio State University and we're Ohio.  Or they're Michigan and we're Eastern Michigan.  Or they're Wisconsin and we're UW-River Falls.  Or they're...

    More like Arizona - Arizona State. North Dakota has two teams in the same division, one has had the upper hand recently, but the challenger will get their day. It will return to normal eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later)

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  11. 5 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    So what what’s wrong with rivalries we have had for a hundred years. I am sure you would piss your pants if the hockey team was in the same conference as the Gophers and Badgers again.

    You call me Fighting Hawks Darell (that’s how you spell my name btw), like I should be insulted by the new name, we’ll im not.

    Go Fighting Hawks!!

    No insult intended Darell. My apologies for the misspelling, I know how a person's name is spelled is very important to them. I have trouble with names like Darell, Russell and Philip. The comment was intended to be a refute of Johnboy's post, and the Fighting Hawks moniker was more of a hat-tip to your post a a couple of weeks ago that said I was a hockey only fan because I would like to see the old interlocking ND on the football helmets again. (What about the interlocking ND says hockey, by the way?)

    yes, it would be nice if UND was in the old WCHA that was in place when I was at UND back in the 70s, but obviously that will not happen.


    Go UND!

  12. 39 minutes ago, JohnboyND7 said:

    Some homers on here have strongly implied the leagues are similar in quality. I think darell has led the charge there. 

    The Valley is pretty tough. No way around it. You get a couple "gimme" games but the rest of the teams are usually at least respectable it seems like. 

    No, iirc ‘Fighting Hawks ‘ Darrel has been on the Summit/MoValley bandwagon for a long time. Wants to get back to the old Dakota rivalries. 

  13. 2 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Let's not get desperate here. 

    Moving forward, when UND makes hires in the future, UND needs to consider those who may not have previous ties to UND. The guys who helped UND have Division II success will only be able to contribute so much in the modern Division I era. The whole "good ol' boys" idea is dangerous and can (has) get UND into trouble. 

    I'm for hiring young coaches with bright futures but limited experience (former position coaches or quality control) and/or experienced coaches with DI FBS experience. Places outside of UND most certainly have ideas that UND could desperately use right now and into the future. 

    ^^^^ This ^^^^

    UND should be looking for new blood, not be so inbred. I understand that 2000 was a special time, but expand the pool. Just sayin'.

  14. If UND is going to recruit 'project' football players, they need to invest the necessary resources to coach them up to get the most out of the potential they are recruiting. Apparently, Rudolph is not willing and/or able to do that. Knauf? Baukol? 

    • Upvote 1
  15. How many 3 and outs on dive-dive-pass?

    the offense sputtered on too many series. Play calling? At least some of the time? Execution? At least some of the time. Poor utilization of personnel? Way too often, that answer was yes.

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  16. 5 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    At the end of his Junior season one of the RB's told Mollberg Rudolph had commented he would never see the field Again as long as he was coaching here.  ...   He was Bohl and Vigen's top QB recruit his Sr year and they seem to know something about QB's. (Brock Johnson, Wentz and now Josh Allen).  How the hell Rudolph and Bubba didn't want to at least give him a fair shot at coming back from his injury will never make sense to me.  He was an excellent student, great athlete and great kid.  He had as good of an arm as I have seen at UND in the almost 50 yrs I have been involved with UND FB.   Had Mollberg been QB his last 2 years, he would have pissed off Rudolph because he would have changed some of the dumb ass play calling  ...  [Bubba] is the one held responsible for the decisions.  In that I supported him. They way Rudolph treated Mollberg was not acceptable and I will support his dismissal.

    If this is true, and Rudolph's actions support that it is true, it does not invoke much confidence in the current coaching style.

    well said Ira


    it would have been interesting to see what Mollberg could have done with Bohl and Vigen's coaching. (but at UND not SU)

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