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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Boxing isn't a big interest to me or anyone I know. Did a wikipedia search. Cool deal. Not born in North Dakota unfortunately.
  2. Did Virgil Hill have a successful professional boxing career? He's from before my time as well. I knew he did well in the Olympics but was that back when the Olympics required amateurism or whatever the policy was?
  3. Not born in North Dakota. 13th round???? Weak
  4. UNI isn't just respectable. They are a pretty big deal the past several years. I'd be very happy to see them on any schedule.
  5. Meh, Phil Hansen did it first and was from an(barely) even smaller town
  6. Roger Maris is the biggest thing North Dakota has had. This is a real big thing though, no doubt. Baseball draft isn't a big enough event in the media for Erstad to beat this.
  7. A few years of winter trips to Arizona are better than none
  8. C'mon, the Ralph needs to go big-time. Lobster or softshell crab sandwiches during Lent.
  9. Where can I find this voicemail?????
  10. Keebler elves are pacifists.
  11. So Iowa by default...yes instead of no. It bigtime overshadows a sport they don't even have. Penn State had 15k at a dual. It'd be tough to give them a maybe at this point in time.
  12. Iowa doesn't have hockey but they averaged over 8k for wrestling last year with a high of almost 12k. Penn State averages almost 8k. Minnesota almost 5k. Ohio State at 4300.
  13. I believe a UM-TC fan already explained that is not a real concern. Only happens like once a year or something similar.
  14. That would be the first, and likely only time, EVER, that someone let Women's basketball determine conference affiliation.
  15. I believe they will in due time...be joining the ACC.
  16. How is the B1G imploding? They just added one of the biggest names in college athletics.
  17. BU v. BC. I do very poorly at these.
  18. She looks like a Keebler elf.
  19. Where I lived when I started(Napoleon, ND) you started in Kindergarten and only stopped in middle school/high school if you were going to struggle to ever make varsity. We went anywhere from Dickinson to Grand Forks once we were maybe 8-9 in addition to the local stuff. Iowa is nuts when it comes to wrestling and that would make sense with the proximity. Our North Dakota "All Star" team or whatever went down to Iowa and wrestled some team from Ohio, coached by some ex-Olympian. I think a year's 'tuition' or whatever to work with him was around $10,000. It didn't go very well.
  20. Any sport will be expensive if you do that stuff. I'll ask my dad about the costs that went with wrestling on a yearly average. The guy in your example seems to be somewhere very very different than North Dakota...monthly dues? Traveling all over the country? Good Lord.
  21. Bro, it's in the open records requests...come on! keep up!
  22. My friends got pulled over at like 3am or some nonsense during springfest. Probably looking for drunk drivers. They were high. One got in trouble, one didn't. Same friend who got in trouble, later got in trouble for smoking and driving again late at night. In each case, he did not get in trouble for driving if I recall. Again, I do not care if people smoke. I don't know a lot of people who do. Like I said, the ones I know who did it have pretty much outgrown it.
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