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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. It sounds like everybody thinks something is wrong, locker room , poor defensive play and lines not set. Hmmm who is in charge. If you have a poor business plan and sales fall do you fire the guy in the mail room, nope. First you change middle management (Eades) well things got worse. Maybe they don't fire Hakstol but as he said last Friday that everyone has to look in the mirror that means him two. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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  2. Hahaha I was waiting for a thread like this to pop up. Would you rather see that traditional second half sure that has produced 0 national champinships? Seems to me outside of Boston College, the team that wins the trophy is a bit of a surprise. SIOUXELEVENS, you are my hero. You've been there!!LOLOLOLOL Keep it real Bro!!!!

    nope nobody's hero not even saying I am right just my opinion, last time I checked it was ok on an open forum
  3. Is attending Frozen Fours the measuring stick for knowing who's a good coach? If so, you still have a ways to go:

    '87 Detroit, '89 St. Paul, '97 Milwaukee, '99 Anaheim, '00 Providence, '01 Albany, '04 Boston, '05 Columbus, '07 St. Louis, '08 Denver, '11 St. Paul

    11 > 8 so I say the coaches know what they're doing and you don't. If you knew coaching better than Hakstol, UND would be paying you close to $300K to lead the team to a National Championship this year. Send your phone # to Kelley on Monday and I'm sure he'll set up an interview.

    Sorry mr Rick didn't say I wanted to be coach and I only mentioned the frozen fours just to prove I get days off the fry line. Next time I want to post my opinion on a message board I will clear it with you first.
  4. I apologize to you Mafia man if I came across as thinking you were a pompous prick not my intention just I get tired of people saying step away from the cliff or break an ankle jumping off the bus, the Sioux will always be my team, just don't like the results sometimes.

  5. Really? In the past week, I've been called a 'douche' and a 'friggin' retard' so obviously I'm missing something about being 'right'.

    not from me, we all our Sioux fans just different opinions
  6. Very nice Rick don't agree fine but you have no idea who I am any more then I know who you are. That's why this site sucks is if you don't agree insults come out and now I am the bastard? I dont expect everyone to agree and that's what made this country great but I guess only ricks, mafia man and goon can be right.

  7. So what does everyone suggest we do nothing and just be glad we get to watch some form of hockey? For real it hasn't been very good all year and if your all happy with that so be it. People in another thread were saying how good the 1997 team was, not a lot of stars but out worked the other teams and was sound defensively, sounds like Hak should show them some film. If you dont work hard you sit.

    • Well you boys better be careful, back up from the ledge etc. with comments like these your not true fans dare question the mighty Oz, nevermind the man behind the curtain. Hakstol made the coaching change, doesnt work, Hakstol sets the lineup cant find one, Hakstol is in charge of making sure we are ready to play, not happening. Who should we blame? eight shots after 52 minutes is not going to cut it.

  8. No problem it's just so hard to be a fan when they seem to have talent but won't work for it, I was telling my

    Brother in-law that Hakstol should pull a Herbie and have the boys keep the gear on after the game and skate lines.

  9. If tonight wasn't the last straw boy I don't know what will. One of Hakstol's trade mark is flat teams when something is on the line( see all the ff he has coached in, NH and Yale etc). I believe Hakstol is a great recruiter and asst. coach but he sure doesn't fire up the players for games. It goes back to the day he took over that we wouldn't even notice the difference in coaching styles well most of us have noticed. He relieved Eades of his duties because he wanted to improve the D well thar sure hasn't worked, we are way worse defensively then last year. I know Goon or Mafia Man will criticize this post but oh well I have had season tickets since 84 and tonight was a game that caused Gino to be replaced. Maybe Hakstol is two nice to the young men and need to be more of a disciplinarian and not their friend but the coach. We all pay good money for our tickets and should expect a better product then what we had tonight. All the talent that has come through ND and no titles for Hakstol, maybe time to move on.

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