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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. I appreciate Speed_Kills' holding his tongue in keeping away from flaming LaPoint.

    Obviously, flaming LaPoint only shows pettiness and a need to walk away for a while.

    Chay Genoway is injured. I think LaPoint has a great opportunity to step up during this, sure, and has the skills to do it too. However, Chay is fast. LaPoint is big. Both have its advantages but expecting LaPoint to be a 1 for 1 replacement is ridiculous.

    Who has to step up? Robbie Bina. Yeah, he's played well, but he's somewhat stagnated lately offensively. He's a senior. He can pick it up.

    I say let LaPoint continue to grow and finish up his freshman year with 100% fan support. Same thing with Marto.

    IIRC, the best games LaPoint has played has been with Marto as his defensive partner. Maybe we should cheer for their opportunity while we hope for a speedy recovery by Chay.

    Oh, and Marto's not a 1 for 1 replacement for Chay either. Marto isn't as fast, doesn't have as great of a shot as Genoway, and isn't even the third best outlet passer on the team.

    Genoway has been the best defenseman all year for the Sioux. Chorney and Finley have had great outlet passing (Genoway has the total package). LaPoint's outlet passing is good and is improving. Marto's outlet passing is decent as is his puck carrying skills, but he's no better than LaPoint IMO.

    You do realize marto was the fastest Sioux in the skills competition :angry: Genoway may be quicker but Marto is flat out faster.

  2. What happens after three years and we don't win tribe approval ? Does it mean we just can't host NCAA payoff games and not wear our jerseys with the logo during NCAA payoffs. If thats the case keep the name and just use NORTH Dakota during the NCAA's. It's not like we have made many friends in the NCAA and they would let us host anything anyway. Instead of knucking under I say just stick it to them.

  3. I agree Mikejm the Sioux need to work on the power play down low as a three on two vs always working it from the blueline where its easy to defend by applying pressure to the pointmen.

  4. Come on pstar take the maroon colored glasses of for just a little while. Bikel should have been called for two elbows in the third against Trupp and Malone and Genoway should have been called for yapping at Gordan.(probably justing asking how his parents are) Zajac blasting Anderson from behind after he stuck his leg out was maybe out of line but if you do that in the NHL you will pay for it one way or the other, both sides were going at it very hard and in a tie game with lots on intensity s#$% happens. One difference from most teams is the Sioux wont take for very long before they settle it. As fot the big wuss Wheeler he was trying to be the third guy in when they played at the Ralph and Big Joe pulled him out of there like a big rag doll and Wheeler turtled then. I suppose he thought he was safe in the hand shke line to do or say whatever he wanted to, why didn't he say something during the game? Where was the tough guy Bickel during the game? He waited until everthing was over then yelled from behind Lucia when he knew nothing would happen.

  5. I still think we need another goalie as well.

    Maybe David Reekie from Lincoln in the USHL would be available. He has some very impressive stats 1.12 GA and .966 SA% in 13 games.(looks like his is in his last year of JRs)

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