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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. I don't care for poolman as a forward brings way to much on the D side. We have Murphy in the stands as a capable forward ,how does he gain experience and or confidence if he doesn't play? J. Schmaltz should have sat after Friday's game imho not Mattson, I thought Mattson played fine and deserved another start. We have way too many options on D and not much on O right know.

  2. Good thing we play hockey here instead of hocker.

    The check from Cooper on Caggiula was a classic check from behind and Cooper and everyone else knew he was done except the refs. Don Adam should has taken those two duffs behind the wood shed after Friday but I guess he only uses positive reinforcement in his reviews.

  3. I have been on the fire Hak side and have expressed that opinion for awhile but on this forum I would like to apologize to him, his staff and team. This season he has proved he is able to change and make adjustments, aka his to in the first OT, settle his team down and get their heads straight. His team has given it all and Hakstol has shown that it's not all serious( Gaarder the bus will leave when you say it leaves) and keeping the guys loose before the Badger game. Always been a fan of this team and from now on I will act like one.


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  4. Hak loosey goosey would have never guessed it. Maybe he is evolving. In my opinion he always has been a great recruiter and no one else bleeds green like him but his game managment was often suspect. He matched lines very well last night and kept the guys from going into a shell when they were ahead, pressure all three zones and play Sioux hockey.

  5. I want to know what he's going to do differently going forward. I would love to hear his plan.

    The system sucks. Not only is it not working, it isn't very fun to watch.

    His system had great success with ELITE talent- play a system that avoids opportunities to screw up, then let the God given talents of Travis Zajac, Drew Stafford, TJ Oshie, Jonathan Toews, Matt Frattin, etc. score a couple goals.

    You have to play fast and on your toes- FORWARD, not backward, not lateral, FORWARD with speed

    I am with you on this. What does the coach do different, his systems seem way to rigid, let some creativity into this. I have never seen the Ralph as empty during games as I have at the end of this year. He coach's a very boring style. It's not very fun to watch.
  6. Enough with the fire Hak talk. Sure he is responsible for getting these guys in a position to win. But why are so many people complaining about Hak and giving the players a pass. It is the players that are on the ice. It is the players that are skating on the ice, make the hits, make the passes, and score the goals. Hak doesn't fail to clear the puck on a power play which results in a goal. Hak didn't miss two wide open nets. Hak doesn't make bad passes which lead to goals. If they don't produce, like last night, why is it the coaches fault? We lost. I get it. We are all pissed. But there are more people to blame for the loss than Hak.

    but you forget who puts in the systems, the hard off the glass or wall every time or the endless cycling after you dump the puck in, or pulling off the forecheck when your up by two goals all these things Hak is responsible for. Hak is playing not to lose not trying to win.
  7. Now that I slept off some frustration...........

    Bad ice, bad bounces, bad officiating and worst puck luck for UND since 1963...excuses,excuses...plain and simple.

    With the pro UND crowd this was essentially a home game. UND completely outplayed Miami for 80% of the first 2 periods. Soft goal for #1. Back breaker with seconds left in 2nd period on goal 2. 3rd period Miami just packed it in and zero adjustments were made to counter that.

    Parks and Mark Mac miss WIDE open nets and Rocco stopped on doorstep. Not bad luck but lack of skill. These 3 "scorers" aren't finishers...never have been.

    Hak continues to shove square peg in round hole. Zero adjustments made at any point. Hockey in its simplest form is creating time and space with the puck in all 3 zones. If I gave a dollar for every time this season we blindly chipped it off the walls or glass I would have run out of money by mid January. Hak is no Belicheck. He is a good coach...not great...albeit stubborn in his ways to a fault.

    UND needs 3 cherries to come up on the wheel today to get into the NCAAs. Place your bets...but as I mentioned above I'm out of money!!

    Dave Starman commented on that last night also that ND had to get off the walls and get to the center of the ice. What is frustrating is they might have an easy outlet pass but it is ingrained in them hard off the glass or wall and chase down the puck again, rinse repeat.
  8. It's really not on him to motivate the boys at this point, though. They have to find it within themselves considering what's at stake. They played pretty hard last night, so I don't think motivation will be a problem. CONFIDENCE, more than anything, is what this team needs.

    One of my favorite exp<b></b>ressions is "next goal wins." I think if we score first tonight we will score often.

    I used that last night when we were down 2-1 and I was wrong. I am getting tired of new lows for this team, time to go on a run for a new high.
  9. Look at the. Bright side if we don't make the NCHC tourney or the NCAA maybe Hak will change how he does things, can't count how many hard off the glass give always the last two games when we had a short pass available.

  10. Last night reminded me of a final five game a few years back, down 2-0 to St.Cloud and came back to win. VanVelde kinda carried us in that one. Hakstol should rewatch that game and last night and come up with a game plan where they don't come out flat and have to play from behind , against stiffer competition it might be a lot tougher to climb out of that hole.

  11. He sure could have double shifted his best goal scorer( Frattin) and tried carrying the puck in instead of dumping it in and giving Michigan an easy out every time.he has said lots of times he doesn't worry about what the other team is doing but focuses on his team, sometimes you have to adjust to different looks.

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