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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. I think Hakstol should watch how these teams play and emulate this style, no cycle at least not much, third guy high not all three below the red line. This is how we Should play with the speed and talent we have.

  2. This is what I had envisioned as well. Colton can skate with the other 2 and he can create down low. I like the 2nd line alot as well as the 3rd line. But there is ZERO chance IMO that OD and Mitch both sit regularly based on the ample opportunities Hak gave them this past season.

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I think OD will be ok but not a real fan of Mitch, great shot not much else going that puts him in the line up night after night. Chyzyk has shown signs of being a player but you have to let him.
  3. If the team shows up and gets beat that is fine but to not compete for 2/3 of the game something is wrong. Yale carried the play the last two periods we didn't look like we we even close to them. We hit four posts and had one waved off and we still looked over matched most of the game. All the people who wanted Rocco on the first line can't be very happy either that line had no flow and couldn't get out of the D zone, that is why their weren't together, defensive liability, all o little d. But we gave Hakstol a pass sit behind he bench stern faced unwilling or unable to change. Hakstol's offseason change after last season how did that work out, the defense looked lost most of the time especially after we scored. The defense took a step back in my opinion, Matson was being compared to genoway and Forbort had made some Hugh strides, they both regressed under the new d savior. I know Hakstol isn't going anywhere but be smart enough to know this isn't working like it should.

  4. Jekyll and Hyde, play great one game and pee down your leg the next. Yale had a plan and it worked, typical Hakstol stern faced and unable or unwilling to try to change. Yale broke out of the zone easily but we struggle with six drafted defenseman to even get it out of the zone. Putting it hard off the glass and giving up possession is not the way to put pressure on the other team only your own. I think someone said earlier that Hakstol would be a great CEO that sounds about right, puts a great team together but can't manage them in game situations. He is a great recruiter and judge of talent bleeds green through and through but something is missing in his game generalship.

  5. Lots of talent but what does he get from it a playoff game. Time to find someone who can fire up the troops, the second and third were pathetic , getting out played by Yale. No changes in our game plan, same break out same results. Well at Least we were there.

  6. If Brad Berry was brought in to improve the defense it is an epic fail. The defense has been lost all year. On cc third goal why does Mattson keep backing in on a one on one separate the player from the puck then you neutralize the threat no shot. The goalies may need to take a concentration course at UND because they both seem to have brain farts at times. This team has talent,they have the best facilities they need to use all of that.

  7. I know his family but I don't think Tony has any superpowers and he isn't teh toughest hockey player ever. I bet Pattyn would do a lot better than you'd think buy the better question would be could Tony handle someone is his own weight class like Animal? My money is on Animal.

    I thought Mario did ok for giving up 40 lbs and 5 inches in height, the General has fought before he can hold his own. Alot of times those fights are more attitude then size anyway. I would bre ok with Animal going at it we have panzerella to take his place next game.
  8. You guys are unbelievable. UND's "toughest" player attacks Minnesota's smallest player in the hand shake line and you people defend it. You whine about Gophers pulling pussy moves like yapping their mouth and then hiding behind a ref or Lucia but then when one of your guys pulls the "ultimate" pussy move by attacking a player who has no idea it's coming, you'll defend it to your death. It was a classless move by Blood and if Demarchi, Bickel, or Helgeson ever tried that on Parise, Duncan, or Grimaldi you would all be calling it classless as well.

    Parise/grimaldi get over your self, now Jason Blake/Brett Hextall maybe, check with Blake how thing went in the NHL you learn fast not to yap cause someone will shut it for you. Rau is a great player but needs to learn to respect other players or you see what happens.
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