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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. Definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol can't or won't change his dump and chase, how many times in the offense zone all three forwards against one wall or behind the net and guess what happens? The puck comes loose and st. Lawrence takes it the other way.

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  2. Last time I called out the predictability of Hak's team (RW 5x5 zone entries, etc.).

    This time I'm calling out the complete lack of spontaneous play. Everything is shoveled back to the D, in every zone, where they settle it down, look around and allow the opponent to set up their trap or defense in front of the net.

    How about a forward actually picking up a a puck and bringing it out of the zone before the opponent can set up their trap at neutral? I wish I had a dollar for every time I saw a UND center push the puck back to Simpson, et al, in the defensive zone tonight when they had a lane to carry it out themselves.

    Offensively, how about a one-timer from the points in the offensive zone? Nope, slide it back and the defense holds it so the opponent can stack the goalie, both D, all three forwards, a couple water bottles, their mascot, and heck, even the team bus in front of the net to block a shot. I just once want to see a one-timer ... and our forwards ready to snap off a shot on a rebound.

    Finally, I'm seeing guys in front turning to get to their forehands on rebounds. It's call a BACKHANDER and goalies don't like them. Both 9 and 29 had first period opportunities they wasted by not snapping off the backhanders and instead turning (wasting time) to the forehand (and allowing defenders to get there and prevent the shot).

    This slow, ponderous play isn't generating offense, and it gave up a bunch of goals tonight to a team playing quick.

    going back to when Hakstol was hired we were told we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between teams, that was bull. I am not calling for Blais return but the return of letting the forwards get after it and skate not put the puck on the wall and cycle cycle cycle or get all three forwards below the red line and easy out for the opposing team.this team has no composure with the puck doesnt take the easy pass but hard off the wall or glass and they all do it so it must be coached.
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  3. Maybe Hakstol is to stubborn to change, he likes having the cycle where all three fowards end up behind the goal line and using the umbrella powerplay what else could possible work? If things aren't working just keep doing it until it does or you run out of time.

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