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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. I agree, but when people start in it snowballs into more then just "our goalie gives up long rebounds"!

    It turns into GPL like attacks on players --5 days ago it was Radke and you haters know who else you have gone after!

    These kids that come here are not public employees-it is not open seasone becaus they play hockey at UND.

    When a poster says someone need to kick his ass (refering to one of our players) this is wrong.

    Well TRIOUXP been gone for 2 weeks on thursday, you know it takes a lot less effort to sit back and let him defend the players and coaches!

    I don't think the poster wanted someone to kick his a$$ but give him the swift kick in the butt, i.e wake up call, way different that what your posting.

  2. Lines I would like to see against the Land Cows. Oshie-Duncan-Kozek VanVelde-Watkins-Kaip Trupp-Zajac-Frattin Forney-Davidson-Radke. One of my neighbors is a relative of one of the Mankato players and the word is the Landcows have some unpleasant suprises after the way the games went up here last year, should be fun for all the fans.

  3. Thanks! So has PCM given up on us at SS.com?

    It's really to bad if a couple of bad apples drove him away, I didn't always agree with him but I respected his view enough to not argue about it. People have to remember this is a message board and just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't mean your view is wrong just different.

  4. Ryan Duncan seems tight, like he's trying to justify that award. Fuggidabowdit. Just go out and have some fun.

    Duncan doesn't necessarily seem tight...he just isn't the type of player that creates for himself. Me, you, my dog, and an orange cone coulda scored out there last year with JT and Oshie.

    The most improved has been Genoway. And i hate saying improved because he was good last year. He's been one of their top three players this year and does it at either forward or defense. He's smart, confident, and plays much bigger than his size. Never loses battles in the corners and has very positive things going on both sides of the puck. If you don't believe than just watch only him one shift.

    I guess when Oshie was hurt last year early and Toews was gone to the Jrs. Duncan must have not scored. Look back at last year before X-mas Duncan carried that team of his back.

  5. I used to remember the old saying if you do play with intensity or the game the coaches want you to play, that player will be sitting next to the coaches on the bench or in the stands.

    No passengers as Blais used to say. Play hard or sit, pretty simple formula. Soohockey, JPL faced two odd man rushes on the last two goals. The first one was weak but if Chorney staples his guy against the back wall no goal.

  6. I have posted this many times before that when Hakstol gave his speach during his press conference anouncing him as the new head coach that most fans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between his and Blais teams, There is a world of difference. Blais had the ability to fire up his guys and get the message through if you don't play hard you sit. What message does Hakstol send by sitting there stone faced and never changing if he is up by 2 or 3 or losing by 5(not sure how his locker room style is though). The coaching staff is responsible for getting these players ready and fired up to play not coming out flat and just going through the motions. What will happen if the Sioux don't go on one of their late season runs and the bus doesn't start to Denver or even St. Paul,hmmm. I posted in the Positive thread how are stars aren't, .9 point per game for Oshie and Duncan don't seem like star quality to me and Chorney seems to have forgotten the style that got him drafted, play defense let the forwards score. The defense last year was stellar for the second half and all we lost was Lee and this year we look like a Chinese fire drill in our own zone most nights. I blame Hakstol because it's his team win or lose. In MHO he should be changing more things, Powerplay, lines and defensive pairings. Being a Sioux season ticket holder for over 20 years and will continue to do so as long as I live here its very frustrating to watch go through the motions and here the post games comments, it is what is, didn't get any breaks and no bounces going our way, sometimes you have to make you own bounces. I don't expect the Sioux to win every game but just compete and show some fire. 24 games and counting that they have been behind going into the third and haven't come back to win, that is attitude more than anything else, not long ago no lead was safe especially in our barn, now if you have a lead going into the third its lights out. Come on Sioux you have the talent but as your coach says talent is worthless is you don't work hard. Go Sioux.

  7. From a hockey fundamental's perspective when you have the advantage in the defensive zone in an odd-man situation you play the body, when you are disadvantage you play to cut off the pass.

    To Chorney's credit, I do believe that he was at the end of a long shift and probably out of gas. However, he needed to put Mr Lasch on his arse.

    other positives:

    Genoway played sound fundamental D. I thought the Martens, Zajac and Radke line did their job well. Solid performances from Watkins and Kozek. Best game of the year for CHorney IMO.

    big negatives:

    Phil played his worst game of the year...

    SCSU does a good job at forcing the play outside. We needed to stop the attempts at cycling and going to the outside, and simply cutting in and letting shots go. Going wide and then working three guys deep is not going to score goals.

    Radke and Martens did a great job backchecking Oustland on the winning goal didn't they, oh wait they were trailing the play and gave up the odd man rush when the game was tied. The first goal was on Phil the rest bad D.
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