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Posts posted by SIOUXELEVENS

  1. Blais has always played high risk high reward, sometimes in works sometimes they give up leads. Hakstol could loosen up a little and take some chances in his game plans(like having Marto out against Gerbe instead of Finley) Hakstol is a great recruiter and assembles an awesome team just needs to take his game generalship to a new level.

  2. The harder I work the luckier I get, dump and chase just isn't fun to watch or three fowards cycling the puck before giving it up. The fowards in the d zone going hard off the glass instead of looking for the easy out and that's coaching because they all do it. Let the the fowards get after it.

  3. For as bad as they played last week they played awesome last night. Maybe Hak will figure it out and quit trying to system teams to death. Thought UND was lucky on Friday two very week goals but left no doubt last night. Which team is the real one is yet to be determined. Hak has a great record after Xmas but not so great once he gets to the dance. He needs to figure this out he will be replaced. This year is the first time the Ralph hasn't been full, Friday it couldn't have been even close to 10,000 and people leaving early just isn't the norm for Sioux fans.

  4. This team wastes way to much on the cycle and or grinding it out on the wall, lots of these players were goal scorers on their previous teams, you don't forget how to score. You can't score behind the net or eating the puck against the wall with you face in the glass.when was the last time we came back from being down 3-1 to winning 6-3 Hakstol style won't let that happen. We can say miller, mateau etc would have changed some things but the style is not fun to watch and not much scoring.

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  5. Where is all this talent gone, lots of draft picks lost in Hakstol stubborn system. Not once did you see omahas forwards all in once place or all behind the goal. Blais isn't coming back but Hak could learn some lessons on what style they play, aggressive in your face fast pace hockey, not grind in out, dump and chase, give up possession style. Hakstol better figure this out or more and more people we'll be leaving the rink early or not coming at all. The power play, come on we all know the definition of insanity, just once try to carry it in and set it up. Omaha plays the style we played 15 years ago, you don't win every game but it's exciting and fun to watch.

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  6. When was the last time Hak rolled three lines cause we has too many passengers, nope we roll four and hope we grind them down and his matching top line against top line all the time wtf, no points for being macho. Let's try and match lines at home to get favorable match ups since we get the last change. Me and my brother in law were talking about the 97 teams shut down line of Henderson-Ulmer-Calder and how they didn't need to score just shut down the opposing top line.

  7. For first two and a half periods you couldn't even tell the Sioux were behind why wait till 8 minutes left to play? I thought they were very lucky in coming up with the w. Friday you could see they couldn't skate with us and sat. We played into their game. The head coach is responsible for having them prepared and making adj on the fly and that is my biggest problem with Hak is this team looks completely disinterested in playing 3/4 of the time then having to crank it up at the end. In my opinion in games like sat. Night you have to just let the boys go and get after it, not just stick wth the game plan. The D clears the zone and the forwards pressure all three zones not grind it on the wall plat into the wildcats game. Hakstol has lots of talent but you can't see it in his structured. System( see Tambellini )

  8. Some pretty good observations, big. I think most of us agree that Hak is among the best as a program coach, and many probably agree that he is not up there with the best as a game coach. As a program coach, I dare say he is as good as York, though nobody is as good as York is at game coaching, especially at nut cutting time. I see it a little like wanting to fire a football coach because he is very good but not Bill Belichik or a quarterback because he is very good but not Peyton Manning. I have shown impatience with Hak's game coaching in the past, but he is still young, and I think he will grab the ring for the Sioux yet. Besides, I don't see York wanting to come to UND anytime soon.

    I agree 100% he is an awesome recruiter and assembles a great team but not bring able to deviate from your game plan is not the sign of a great coach.( see having Finley out with Gerbe in Denver in the FF) People have complained about the dump and chase or three forwards below the redline or being able to break the trap , sometimes you have to adjust.
  9. Did I say that UMD and UND have the 'same' tradition? I did not.

    So, on one hand, UND has the Ralph, which is a huge recruiting tool. On the other hand, UMD has a shiny new $80 million arena, which doesn't do the Bulldogs any good. Huh?

    not in so many words but you always use Sandelins record compared to Hakstol's. Level playing field Sandelin wins with The recruits Hakstol. Has had and maybe a Natty or two. He seems to adjust his style to who he is playing and against Michigan his team didn't come out flat. Hakstol has to look in the mirror and maybe adjust things, style, assist. Coaches and maybe recruiting.
  10. So your happy in the direction this staff is taking this team, we were bad defensively last year worse this year. I could care less about who or what they bring in as ling as they get the most from them. NHL draft picks or high school nobodies I just want them to play an upbeat style of hockey and be competitive.

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  11. What was their face off %? I have never seen more lost face offs in any game, at any level, in my life.

    Faceoffs are as much to do with effort and desire then talent. You have to want to impose you will on the other team, this team wants to be imposed on. That and Patyn spending the whole game proving how tough he is, not a good trait in a captain.
  12. Maybe not firing Hak but maybe showing Berry the door wouldn't be a bad thing. He was brought in as a defensive specialist and the D has been awful the last two years, what are we like 45 out of 59 in defensive scoring. Maybe the disparity in shots is a defensive problem also( too much time running around in you own zone). Ps mr. Schmaltz act like you want to be a D man, at least three times last night he is coasting back or not covering his man on goals scored.

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