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Everything posted by Goon

  1. Trust me Slap Shot we miss you...
  2. Your talking slow enough that I can almost understand you!!!
  3. Dave you have to get off your pitty party.
  4. I believe so...
  5. Even without Lee I think UND's defense has to be one of the top units in the country.
  6. Is this desperation on the NC$$ like it appears or is there a chance the judge grants the NC$$ the request? If I remember back to 2000 the resolution on the name was that they spirit lake tribe didn't mind the name, I don't see how that can be bad faith on UND's part?
  7. Its not.
  8. I think PCM is right, I think the NCAA realizes with out that: The NCAA might have no chance of winning in court...
  9. I believe the NCAA thought that UND would back down, but when UND took them to court it might have surprised them. However, that being said, I don't there is any settlement but the one that lets UND keep it's name.
  10. Over on Brad's Blog someone else clarified the story as well... Funny it was in response to something Donald has posted or someone posing as Donald:
  11. I was told at the races last night by someone that listened to 1440 the fan that Greg Lotysus (sp) had talked about the fight on his radio show the other morning/day (I don't listen to anything but XM RADIO) and that there was in fact a fight between the two said people. Apparently it went basically like the post that was on the internet; that Greene came up to Punkabitch and said we are going to go on the face off and you beter drop your gloves, Punko said why and Greene told him you know why. Sounds like it wasn't the wrestling match that some have said that Greene did in fact work him hard.
  12. Can we talk about the offensive logo at the bottom of your signature.
  13. I actually like that Beer when I tried it the other night, I mean it's not miller lite but it wasn't bad either...
  14. He can't back pedal fast enough...
  15. He is a infamous for ending the career of Cam Neely.
  16. You mean waders right?
  17. LOL, Whistler, that was a good come back. Funny thing is it went right over his head in the moment of him feeling full of himself.
  18. Ulfie was dirty, not hard nosed. There was a reason there are clips on You Tube of Ulfie getting sucked and pounded, in the NHL players don't to that to respected hard nosed players. They do that to gutless pukes like Ulfie.
  19. Actually, Ulfie got his when he played for New York when he was sucked by Ty Domi in front of the New York net.
  20. I can accept the argument that you like agitators and other like "Goons". No problem there, I can not, however, accept your opinion that Ulfie Sammuelson was not a dirty player, and that his hit on Cam Neely was part of the game, that in my opinion is morally just flat out wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. That was a dirty hit ended the career of a beloved and all-pro hockey player, if you are somewhat confused I suggest you go out and talk with the Boston Bruins faithfull. Cam Neely was a honest player that had his career cut short by a dirty guttless selfish puke. If you think I am in the Minority opinion your flat out wrong.
  21. I think your opinion is probably the opposite from the most of us. In my opinion I have more respect and believe that goon's like the Boogey man have more honor than some puke like _______________(insert the person), I would put someone like Ulfie in there. I consider pest to skirt the code and do a lot of things that I considered to be questionable.
  22. Yes it is...
  23. I am happy for Hak that he and his staff have gotten their just reward, it is well deserved. I think UND hockey fans can now find something else to argue about because this will now be put to bed, for at least 5 years. I have to admit I was a little worried at first but I had faith that Hak would be given a contract in the end. I think that we can all dust each other off, remember most of us here for the most part are Sioux fans or respectful fans of other hockey programs, now we can get back to our regular debates about whether fighting is good for professional/college hockey, to wether Geoff Paukovich is a thug, and if the NCAA has over stepped its bounds and needs slapping. Also, we can discuss who will be the next Gopher hockey player to take Ben Gordan place in being the designated goalie runner. Love Goon
  24. Where is Gilly's bar at. I haven't even heard of that one before.
  25. I would say ask Sioux7 him and another unnamed Sioux Fan seem to have no problem finding watering holes in Fargo that are pro Sioux places...
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