I like the way you think, must be because your from Bemidji. I am thinking there is a reason that Hak has Frattin coming in this season.
I also think Trupp is going to be one of the prolific players of the year also...
Sprig is right, I have walked over and down a few of them out west. The RRV is god awfully ugly compared to out west where the deer and the antelope play... Bismarck, Turtle Mountains, Medora, Dickenson hwy 2 going to Minot, now there are hills.
Michigan is an awesome State, I loved the UP when I drove through it to go to a buddies of mine's wedding.
Went to Gaylord by Traverse City, cool place. Scenic (sp).
Wow, all hell is breaking lose. I believe the reason some don't like Bunning is that he isn't from UND. I personally have only met him a few times and don't really have enough on him to make a judgement. I will leave that to yall who have more info of the situation...
Well at least we know where they stand and it's apparent what their agenda is. God I knew there was a reason I cancelled that rag.
Too bad I was stupid enough to re-instate it.
You know I read that article twice and it does appear that the article was a hatchet job, but you really did a good job of removing any doubt...
This Joseph Marks, Herald Staff Writer clown surely is against the UND name, I mean that is the only conclusion I can come to from reading his venom. It sounds like he called over to the pro-name change people and said hey, what are the points you want me to hit with my article?
Boy the college should be proud of their selves now nickling and diming the cheer leaders. Maybe the cheer leaders need to have a 50-50 ticket draw like they do at the River Cities Speedway... Maybe we need to start a save the cheer leaders movement.