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Posts posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. If the team is good, students will stay, or at least the loud ones will. Can't blame a kid for leaving when the score is 35-7 in the 3rd quarter, I certainly wouldn't leave, but I can see why some would.

    The score was 16-6 at halftime. You can deffinitely blame a kid in this case!!

  2. I was very impressed to see the student section full at the beginning of Saturday's homecomeing game agains Cal Poly. But was very dissapointed yet again to see 75% of the students leave at halftime. Yes we were losing, but it is not like we were getting blown out by 28 points!! We were down 10. We almost came back to tie it on the last drive!!

    I don't want to hear any excuses. This was the Homecoming game. It was a conference opponent that is an FCS school. Also a future Big Sky opponent. This is getting rediculous. Students...get your a$$es in the seats and support your school and your team. You are PATHETIC!!!

    • Upvote 1
  3. Looking forward to the tournament runs in 2013 and 2014. Imagine winning the Big Sky regular season. (Winner automatically hosts the Big Sky tournament). Just imagine counting down the seconds in the Betty (or Ralph) and rushing the floor as UND wins the Big Sky Tournament Championship and heads for the NCAA Tournament!!! COuld be a lofty prediction, but hey, it could happen!!

  4. If you go on any roadtrip this year, may I suggest Duluth. Great town to visit, new arena which is right downtown with tons of stuff to do before and after the game. Plus we got a chance to put the hurt on the defending champs!! There are usually tons of Sioux fans there as well. I have been to other cities to watch the Sioux play on the road, but I have to say this is the best roadtrip. Looking forward to making that trip once again this year!

  5. As a current student who has been at UND since 2005 (don't worry, I've gotten one degree in that time period), I've seen the student section diminish over the past few years. I think the best student turn out I've seen was when I first got to UND for the first couple of years and when there were free shuttles running from behind the Chester Fritz to the Alerus. I lived on campus, but I used it because I didn't want to pay for parking when they started charging. It also helped for students who decided to drink. If they lived on campus, they weren't going to be getting behind the wheel.

    What percentage of students do not have a car and 5 bucks in their pocket? Bet its pretty high. Not a good excuse, sorry. If students can drive downtown on a Friday night and spend 40 bucks at Gilly's, they can drive a mile and a half to the Alerus and pay 5 bucks for parking. And its 5 bucks a car. So get 4 of your friends, grab a dollar and head to the game. Your tickets are free, so paying a dollar to go to a football game is a pretty good deal.

  6. This may be a little off topic but do you think more people would show if there was more reserved seating for the public and less for the Fighting Sioux Club members. I remember as a kid getting a seat at the 50 at Memorial Stadium (before the Fighting Sioux Club), and it was great. Now you are lucky if you sit outside the 20.

    Well, if you buy a ticket for the game, you can sit in the student section if it is not full. I know people that do that all the time. If the students aren't going to sit there, someone should.

  7. As a current student at UND, I think I should point out one fact that is currently the reason for the low student turn-out: it isn't a big social event, hockey is. Sitting in the student section for the hockey games, sure you hear people that are into it and that genuinely understand what is going on in the game, but you also hear and see those people that don't have a clue and wouldn't know a goalie from a center. They go to the games because that is the thing to do and the culture of their chosen university. It is expected that people show up to hockey, and then when other people start yelling or cheering, they in turn start to yell and cheer without even knowing why.

    UND football is not the same social event as hockey is, for whatever reason. Despite the efforts that UND has gone to to attract fans to the various sports (and this is for more than just football, other sports are majorly lacking in student fan support), the fact of the matter is that most students are only attracted to hockey because that's the attitude of Grand Forks.

    On a more positive note though, while sitting in the student section for hockey this weekend, I heard some good chatter about the football team, comments like "Oh hey, the football team is ranked? I didn't know that" or "I heard the football team is supposed to be good this year, maybe I'll go check it out." Just a couple things I heard and hopefully we can actually get a good crowd for homecoming, and if we win that game, I think you will see students continue to return to the remaining games.

    Guess what, Football is a great social even too. Tailgating 4 hours before the game is great. If you haven't checked it out, I strongly suggest you come out this Saturday. There is a Student tailgating section that you can take advantage off. You can walk around and there are people that will offer you food. there are always local businesses out there giving free food and other stuff away. Tailgating is the ultimate sports social event. Not sure why students don't see this. So if a great social event is what you are looking for, football on Saturdays is where it's at. Hope to see you and a thousand of your classmates out there this Saturday.

    • Upvote 1
  8. One thing that Gorg obviously did not recognize was how poorly the Gophers defensemen played. Patterson have to make 100 saves in a weekend!!! That is n ot good. Yes Patteron is a good goalie. But you can't expect him to stand on his head every weekend. You can alos not espect to score 5 goals a game either. The Gophers did beat the defending champs at their place, I will give them credit for that. But if you allow 50 shots a night, its gonna be tough to win.

  9. The students at UND ought to be embarrased at their lack of support for the UND football team. There are many games over the last few years where there have literally been 50 students at the game. That is pathetic. We are a Division 1 football team with great football tradition and a great facility to play football in. The fact that the students can't get their butts in the seats to support the team is unexcuseable. I get it that more students are hockey fans than football fans. But UND students will be the first ones to tell you that they are the best hockey fans in the country. That may be true but guess what, you are the worst football fans. If you are a true UND fan you support all sports and make an attempt to see them. Last time I checked, football tickets were free. Doesn't cost you a thing. Get out and support the football team, students That is my point.

    • Upvote 4
  10. I think a great name that UND could use would be the Thunderbirds. Yes I do realize that out new Big Sky rival is also called the Thunderbirds, but I think that it would be appropriate considering it is a mythical being that is in Lakota Sioux folklore. Not sure how the NCAA would respond to a nickname that has native american roots, but it Southern Utah can use it, then I wouold assume we could too. It is a shame if we have to lose the name 'Fighting Sioux." But I think a great way to honor the Sioux people in our new name is to use a figure from their culture. That is what this is all about. Having a name that honors the Sioux nations of our state. Choosing a name that does so would be the best way to go in my opinion.

  11. I loved Shakeys and Toppers. I don't understand how Toppers could have failed. I thought it was the best burger joint in town.

    If you are looking for the best burger joint in town now, JL Beers has deffinitely earned that title. You won't have a better burger anywhere in GF. Oh, and they serve an endless varieties of great beer!! Burgers, beer...what more do you need!!

  12. Mr. Steak became Somebody's Restaurant, which became Toppers, which became 32 Ave Eatery (spinoff of 42nd St Eatery...same owner) then that burned down. Think the guy got charged with insurance fraud for starting the fire.

    Toppers was awesome. Burger with the seasoned fries and a butterfinger shake......doesn't get any better!!

  13. If the basketball teams outgrows the Betty, they can use the Ralph. NBA teams and NHL teams share arena's, so can college I would think. Just need better risers on the floor. That being said, basketball in the Ralph is only good when the place is packed. 2000 at a game in the Ralph is a horrible atmosphere. Hopefully we can get 9000 or more for the Bison game in January!!

  14. The home jerseys are the right color. The problem is the helmets. They are too dark. Look at pics of the helmets from the 80's and 90's. They are more the official school color green (Kelly green) than the ones they have now. Change the helmet color and we will look pretty sharp at home.

  15. With all the stories about Sioux hockey players underage drinking at Judy's bar, urinating in an elevator, getting drunk and throwing your roomates stuff in the street, etc., it good to finally see us talking about a UND hockey player about his good morals and strong faith. People in this town, especailly kids, look up to these guys they see on the ice. Glad to see that they have a real stand up guy to look up to.

    • Upvote 1
  16. A long tough road??? Come on. Teams can turn around very quickly. If NDSU was able to turn around a 3-8 season in 2009 to a playoff run in 2010 and now an undefeated record, beating an FBS school, and #5 ranking this year, then certainly other schools can do the same...including UND.

  17. I wish everyone would just stop and see it how it is. When you compare programs, NDSU has obviously had more success. 8 National Championships and more recently 4 wins against FBS teams. Yes UND has had success as well. Many conference titles as well as 1 Championship. So yes, I will conceed that up today NDSU has been more sucessful. But that does not mean that UND will not succeed or eventually be better than NDSU on a year to year basis. Past performances are not neccesarily indicitive of future results. Will UND football ever exceed the tradition, the fan support that NDSU has.....could be tough. But will they will eventually challenge NDSU year in and year out in the polls and maybe even the playoffs and National Championships.....you better believe it.

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  18. I am very interested in purchasing some of your patches if you are willing. The ones I am looking at are the old Indian head logo in the upper left of your picture, and a couple of the "S" patches with the tomahawks in the lower left corner. If you are willing to sell these, please email me at bradreddig@hotmail.com and let me know what you are asking for these.



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