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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Plenty of people that will not let it die, and frankly it shouldn't. Kid needs to prove to alot of people his heart has changed.
  2. No, but Busch lite was readily.
  3. My opinion on the Miller stuff. It's freakin terrible, I said the same when we discussed it the first time. The level of mean cold hearted arrogant evil it takes to bully to those legths is appalling, but unfortunately not unbelievable or uncommon. The levels of response, remorse, punishment and actions at the time do not in any way indicate that the kid was the least bit remorseful. Thats a massive red flag for me. Now I do belief in the redeeming power of growth, maturity, learning, self awareness, forgiveness, and I believe it is possible that this young man's heart has changed for the better. There is much more benefit to the world in being able to change a dark heartless child of 14 into a loving caring responsible adult. Im not sure I see anything to indicate that has happened to this point. I have a 14 year old hockey player. I also have a son with some issues that make life challenging for him. This thing hits home for me. I hate it, I hate everything about it. I'm not pleased my (very meager) donations and support may have gone to reward this kid with opportunity that he shouldnt maybe have. I'm not pleased with the absolutely terrible PR response that UND put out. I'm not pleased Berry hasnt addressed it already, seems like it should have maybe been the basis for an in depth Schloss piece on the road to redemption and forgiveness bridged by the hockey coach. Also BTW I'm not too impressed with Schloss sitting on this story to only comment now that it broke after the draft. But mostly I am not pleased with this young man's actions or response either before or during the attention its getting. BUT I do not know this young man, I do not know his heart. I do know the type of person Brad Berry is and I trust in his judgement. If Berry feels this kid is salvageable and can be nurtured to a better adult. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, however UND and Berry now own this situation and are accountable one way or another.
  4. The PR response was very very poor, this story was going to pop nationally at some point, It was widely known about already. There was ample time to have a prepared and open response. This was flubbed badly.
  5. College kids sign up for 30 + credit cards in the union lobby with with 47% APRs..... all for a !@#!$ tshirt. Free food for a little qtip swap.... yeah thats why testing and cases are through the roof.
  6. The apologist have worked harder to find a way to discredit a story, than they ever would to protect the innocent children that have been abused.... and the son of their only pawn they had to play this year. Its disgusting how far they will go to protect their own.
  7. The muppet is dancing again, live video of douche1 working through how to respond to the facts. If this is how he deals with bad news now... wait till he learns about taxes someday.
  8. This is a treasonous coup attempt. Prison is a lesser penalty than what could be leveled. https://t.co/KQv0XHtZPq
  9. Rational adult conversations..... Enter heydouche
  10. Maybe the smoking crack....... or wait.... maybe the recordings of them literally demanding money for political access.... or wait.... the banging underage chinese kids...... Or like any combination of them.... idk. But thats stuff seems to be supported, promoted, and encouraged by on particalur ass party these days.
  11. forget up/down/heart...... we need a "Holy !@#$ how is this not straight to prison material"..... button.
  12. by literally just showing Biden talking his own words?
  13. And that is the problem, WHO will be? China, Russia, Iran, AOC, BLM, Antifa.... whoever has more dirt and evidence of the things hes done?.....
  14. Live pics of me casting my vote fer Trump this morning..... Wait now being told this is just a pic of Brett Hull.... literally every time he has a beer.
  15. I dont agree, but respect your right to make the choice.
  16. So i hear that I do... But let's put that in perspective... Trump is an asshole, an absolute petulant child who accomplished this all while being an arrogant privileged narcissist. Many absolutely will not cast a vote for him....... So option 2 is....you vote for a leech of public service that has enriched himself and family by scamming and dealing with foreign countries....on top of that hes AT BEST a very concerning creep, and most likely a pedophile, and has raised a son who not only is a trainwreck cokehead and a creepier pedo.... but he has worked in coordination to his son in, political access selling, blackmailing and hiding child porn. So... as you go mark that ballot your ultimate choice is a jerk who tans.... or.... a literal pedophelic crook with demntia. Good luck.
  17. Most telling video footage of the debate... you creepy Joe.
  18. Fixed a spelling error in the post you shared.
  19. I thought about liking this post... Then you realize.... this coked out family of pedophiles has terrorized these young children... exploited them and caused decades of nightmares, all for their own momentary sexual gratification. There's nothing to like about the evil pathetic wastes of humanity these wanna-be-clintons are be exposed as. Dislike.
  20. Yeah he obviously fell, really not sure why he was denying something so trivial, why make it an issue.
  21. The eternal queation. It's amazing they just cant put two and two together to figure out why they are so miserable in life, so instead they just project their toxic self hate into the world. It'd be sad if it wasn't so annoying and counterproductive to normal society.
  22. That look when you have to investigate a coke addicts laptop that has his dead brother's wife(who he's nailing)' s underage daughter's naked pictures on it.
  23. You never served anything more than a small fries did you? The military does not, would not, and will not release troop conditions such as this. That's foolish to believe this. You really are a fool aren't you.
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