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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. 3 hours ago, brianvf said:

    Gooch with a goal in his first pro game.


    He had 8 shots twice as many as next highest. Decent debut.

    Scheel .... not so much. Gave up 5 goals in the loss, although to be fair..... he may still be tired from 5OT

  2. Lost in most of the post college season signings...

    Cam Johnson has been in/out as backup for Columbus making daily trips between taxi squad and dressing on bench.

    Both of Columbus regular tendies have been injuered a bit here and there ....

    With Tortorella you never know when he will fly off the handle and sit all 3 goalies and dress the hot dog vendor in net.


    Really hope Cam gets a game in the NHL.

    • Upvote 1
  3. ND Bantams wrapped up last week, anyone hear anything about any of the AA/A kids to keep an eye on, or that were being looked at into high school as potential.

    Think MN still has a few weeks left of the Bantam season.

  4. 9 hours ago, siouxweet said:

    Both AA hovered around. 500 with most of their success coming against one another.   Both spent most of their season getting beat up by WF and Fargo if you want to call that a successful season. 

    Im not in GF or the program there, but to measure success at the PW level in W/Ls is a fools paradise.

    .500ish is great  means there is competative competition, kids win some kids lose some, its important to learn how to do both.

    AA PW is going to be a detriment to the majority of the youth programs and more importanly the high school teams after.

  5. 9 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    Do you take Visa? :lol:

    I'm just waiting for one of those 30,000 a year operations to tell me that my ten year old has what it takes to be in their club.  His bags are packed for that day.     

    Couple emails a week for 3 years now.

    I'll gladly forward your info to them, i believe I'd get a finders fee for sending them another sucker... i mean ...... unbelievable talented generation oddity that absolutely will languish away in ND unless you pony up and get him/her on the team.

    • Upvote 1
  6. That being said... Flop is spot on the Canada Goose Jackets, Vehicles, stickers, and the absolute disgusting moneysuck that is "AAA" hockey.

    BTW Im starting a even more ultra exclusive "AAAAAAA" league this spring so if you want your kid getting the exposure that comes with all those extra As, send your $7200 check for 3 tourneys and a cheap jersey to me ASAP. I take bitcoin.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, JakeLove said:

    TheFlop references having two Pee Wee AA teams in GF as if that is a bad thing. GFYHA did exactly the right thing with that decision. Both teams are equally drafted from the top 30 or so players and do very well against everyone else’s top 15. GFYHA should be applauded for their choice and encouraged to keep doing it. 

    GFYHA didnt create 2 PWAA teams to accomodate parents ego.....

    They just kept doing the exact thing they have been doing and because NDAHA caved to the demands of the uber class parents to the south its now just called "AA".

    Its the same teams as they would have had... had it been "A".

    Make no mistake these labels are all semantics.

    Grand Forks should be commended for the ability to forgo the ego trip of one PW"AA" team.

    The Bantam teams, and high school teams will continue to benefit from the depth of development.

    Good on GF 

  8. Volunteered at one of the lower level state PW tournaments this past weekend.

    Watched one team whose coaches yelled at, berated, screamed, and just where generally assholes to the kids, literally berating them to tears. In fact most of the game more than one kids was crying due to the constant berating.

    Cant be good for retention.


    Watched another coach feom a smaller town team support and take time to coach a kid who made a poor decision with the puck.

    Was a very interesting dynamic of one program vs another.

    Feel bad for those kids in tears, they could not have been having fun playing hockey.


    • Upvote 1
  9. On 3/4/2021 at 9:54 PM, Cratter said:

    One in four malls in the U.S. are expected to close within the next five years.

    The sooner the better in order to move on to more modern redevelopments that can be viable moving forward.

  10. 28 minutes ago, FSSD said:

    This could impact both Bismarck and Grand Forks.  It is interesting that it is the Office of Budget and Management is driving this change without a director.  Could the Biden administration be sending a message about Neera Tanden not being approved. 

    Quite frankly this is a direct targeting of more midwestern conservative metro areas to divert funds to larger metro read (urban) read ("diverse") areas.

    I dont want to discuss politics on here but....

    This is the reality of the winds of change in political and soscio-economic diversity agendas 

  11. 20 hours ago, gfhockey said:

    Would gpr and devils lake be on board playing tier 2 hockey?


    20 hours ago, NDSU grad said:

    They could always opt up. 

    These are the two I see as needing it the most while at the same time probably fighting it the most.

    I very well could be wrong but... lets face it when it comes down to a numbers game ... the numbers just arent there.

  12. 10 hours ago, Clark17 said:

    I feel bad for the official(s).  I attended the game and thought they called a nice game.  They called what was necessary without interfering with game flow and physicality.  It was an entertaining game that has been unfortunately tarnished by this incident.  

    Wasnt there so cant and am not criticizing the stripes on ice.

    The Goal judge video and moreso audio and background seem to be an issue.

    That and anything that may or may not have happened post game.

  13. 1 hour ago, Wilbur said:

    That situation is an on ice officials nightmare.  One team is celebrating a goal and if you ask Amsbaugh of course it was.  Then of course Bismarck will say no way because it didn't look in at all.  You didn't see it go in so of course you are asking the goal judge what he saw.  Which in this instance he somehow said its a goal.  

    So you call it no goal, and Bottineau is screaming at you that the goal judge turned the light on so of course it was in, and the kid who put his arms up will never tell you any differently.  They lose the game in OT, and you are getting all kinds of hate because Bottineau rarely makes state and its your fault.  

    Or you call it a goal because that's what your buddy the goal judge says because he has your best interests in mind and wouldn't dare let you down.  Now Bismarck High is livid because that's a disaster way to have your season end in what has already been a disaster year.  Naturally there is video of the play with your buddy the goal judge yelling for someone to score before OT.

    Lose lose situation.  Hearing police called to the arena makes it that much better. 

    Not a BHS peraon so no dog in this, but..

    There is "appearently" documentation of this goal juge having been barred from officiating certain games due to prejudiced actions.

    IF that is his voice, and then makes that call, I'd say there needs to be some permanent removal from all aspects of On and OFF ice officiating.

    For perspective...

    If this would have happenend to....God forbid an eastern team....or OMG a GF team in a state playoff game in Western North Dakota..... (a situation that actually could have happened this year)

    The East would have seceded.......after burning down HWY 2 like Sherman to the sea.

  14. 17 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    Reff called it no goal on the ice too.  I can't believe they'd go to the goal judge there. 

    There appears to be a storyline that the goal judge can be heard bemoaning overtime and pleading for a goal prior to making the call.

    Also seems that the goal judge in question has been banned from reffing in pevious instances..

    That is not confirmed, just alleged,

    Ugly ugly scene all around accoursing to the rumormill.

  15. 6 hours ago, andtheHomeoftheSIOUX!! said:

    Any word on Bismarck Legacy having a hockey team?  I heard that it should be coming soon. 


    4 hours ago, Wilbur said:

    I've heard people like Mike Peluso say that the numbers aren't there for Legacy to have hockey as down the road BHS would be heavily hit.  I guess I'm not sure how its chosen where the Legacy, St. Mary's, or Shiloh kids play their high school hockey.  When I played BHS had a bunch of St. Marys kids on the team, but now the Curl kid plays at Century.    

    Plus I'm told there isn't enough ice in Bismarck to have another JV and Varsity program.  


    4 hours ago, iluvdebbies said:


    Divide Ave is the line. If you live South of it you play for Bismarck High.....North you play for Century.

    Legacy is happening, soon. No other way to go about it.

    The school boundry lines are being redrawn in Bismarck, I believe they were finalized at the last school board meeting

    Without Legacy the numbers at century are going to be unworkable without dozens and dozens of cuts.

    The numbers aren't hurt that bad at BHS by Legacy, both teams are bursting at the seems for both varsiry and JV right now.


    On one hand if Legacy didnt happen, century could legit compete for state title in the next 4 years.

    But Legacy has to happen and will within 2 seasons.

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