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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. 25 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Just my opinion, if D's go all in as accusers - it will be a mess.
    Someday this has to ratchet down, just got to get to Jan 20 without something horrific. 
    Biden has seen enough to figure out how to slow this down/stop, sooner the better for all.

    It doesn't suprise me, but it does perplex me that you have made it so far in life and still be so ignorantly naive about this.

    Biden is complicitly corrupt, just now has the mental deterioration to be affable.


    • Upvote 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Could be.

    I think a lot of posters on here think he is going to try and run the country like a dictator. Far from the truth, that page turns on Jan 20.
    He will have strong people in the cabinet and bring back respect to the WH.
    He'll be more a hands off manager, sure the executive orders will have to be his.
    Harris will be the strongest VP in American history, a great coach and hand Biden all 8x11's that need to be signed.
    Biden will be in good hands, and with access to Walter Reed! Keep on ticking America.

    Zero people think Biden will run the country like a dictator.

    Biden might even still think he is going to be in charge, but thats just what happens with dementia.

    You are correct he will be a puppet at best if not put to pasture first.

    Harris will try to be strong but is not capable in any way of leadership so the real batcrap crazies will run her like Willy with a job opening.

    They need to get him to Jan 7th at the bare minimum....

    Zero chance he "fell playing with the dog".... the way the media just flopped all over the cutsie wootsie story is basically confirmation of that.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Goon said:

    More trending downwards.


    Part of the narrative, testing is down by the thousands, up to 6 or 7 thousand less.

    now I see more public testing events for the coming week.

    Testing will ramp back up, case numbers will "skyrocket" again....

    Creating yet another level of false paranoia and "need" for additional measures... lockdowns, controls, and the while shabang.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 4 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Doubt they will take it up, after it being beat so bad.
    If it did, there's the lack of evidence.
    It's not like the SC to get this political.
    This wouldn't be riot territory, it would trigger a revolution.

    Ohhhhh Sweet mercy from above, I love to hear the tassled loafer crowd speak of this revolutionary riots they threaten.

    It would be music to my ears to see the a "Real reset" of the country. The affable foolishness of the leftists soy brigades would be crushed nearly Instantaneous, if ever it was viewed as a real threat.

    The true leftist knows the revolution has been happening for years, in the schools, the media, and in the culture. Thats is where the left is winning, by collectively making the population dumber, more distracted, and more dependent. 

    In fact the only way they can screw up their revolution at this point is to get violent and confrontational...... but we pray every day thats the route they one day choose to take.

    riots and revolutions.... good lord, and you'll jump in on this how exactly? Boycotting oranges? Attacking with super senior discount by 4pm meal coupons to dennys? .... I mean really of all the impotent rabble going in here that really does take the sugarfree cake.

  5. 14 hours ago, Ranger said:

    My Minneapolis ward had 91.4% turnout of registered voters.  

    And yes we absolutely believe that all 91.4 of registered voters actually cast their individual ballots..... 

    said not one sane, rational, objective human being with even an milligram of common sense.

    Statistical impossibility, but almost impossible to prove a quantity of fraud and culprit... but dont sit back and say its not happening. Anyone who does loses all human credibility.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Has anyone seen the Sioux nickname documentary? Apparently it is now available for digital download/rental. $20 to rent is steep but its a topic of importance to anyone here. It debuted 3 years ago at Portland Film Festival but I was out of town that weekend.

    $20.... thats what he wants for digital? What a joke.

    I suckered for the kickstarter, and didt see crap from that.

    A few people I know have seen it previously and have said it was poorly done, poorly framed, and they used the word, boring.

    The rate at which he completes projects, I'd say his new building at Merryweathers landing in Bis will be finished just in time for the 2032 end of season riverboat cruises.

    $20?... hard pass, thats a ripoff, which is what the entire project has been from the beginning.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    This is not what I  have been led to believe. 

    Bingo. Somehow they have accomplished their mission.

    1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    What part of 95% efficacy do you question?

    All of it. All of the time.

    1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    And it's definitely less contagious in Canada due to their superior health care system.

    Plus I'm thankful influenza isn't contagious this season.

    Dont forget how itb loses its contagiousneas after 10PM, and when Democrats gather in any yype of group fundraising function.

    20 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    First time in history Dow closes above 30,000 on hopes of economic recovery under Biden



    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Old Fella said:

    Old is relative.  I live a very active life.  Until this cold weather set in I spent a minimum of 3 days a week (6-10 hrs a day} cleaningup an old farmsted enjoying serenity, free from anxiety.  I wear a mask, comply with social distantcy and go about the city.

    There is no gloom and doom here.  

      Except for missing our great grandaughters ( they live 2000 miles away but hope to see them betwwen thanksgiving and christmas ) we live an idelic life.


    I don't eat out, althought I enjoy beer, do not go to bars and I do not rollar skate in a buffalo herd.

    Wish that you and your ilk could find peace with yourself.


    Holy moly, take your own misplaced advice.

    I'm very much at peace, I dont let this social reaponse to this control my life. 

    And there isnt a rational person reading this godforsaken thread that wouldnt describe your postings as doom and gloom or even fear mongering.

    Go outside, take a walk, people are not falling over dead in the streets.

    Those that ARE DYING are vastly those that havent and couldnt have left an assisted living home in quite some time. 

    It seems like the magic of the talking box and technology of social media machines carry more of an influence on your life than you're able to admit, or maybe understand.

    Cleaning up an old farmstead sounds like a good way to spend a fall day, I imagine haveing that outlet was invaluable to you. Any interesting finds buried in the grass?

    • Upvote 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Goon said:

    Even better numbers. The deaths number isn’t good. 


    Also note though and this is important... significantly fewer tests.

    So ...shockingly.... less cases where found. Who isnt being tested as much for the numbers to be down...

    Healthy asymptomatic mass tested individuals between 5 and 40.

    when these people dont come out in incentiviced droves, not as many tests happen...ala less "cases". It means nothing in the grandnscheme of the actual population this thing has been and is going to burn through, symptoms or no symptoms.

    This isnt hard to see.

    2 hours ago, UNDBIZ said:

    The mask mandate is in place.  Masks are still as out of place (on chin or missing completely) in Bismarck as they were a month ago.

    I honestly don't see very many people not masked. where or what types of places do see such lax masking?

    1 hour ago, Old Fella said:

    US covid sgges o far today.

    64,000 new cases/994 deaths.  Once again well on the way to over 100,000 new cases and 2,000 deaths.  Our country cannot sustain these daily #'s  

    Unless there are some significant behaverable changes we will not have to worry about a lock down.  It will take care of itself.  Bars, resturants, grocery etc.

    will find in nearly impossible to find workers.  Our hospitals, now near or at capcity will be unable to serve all.

    It is now esstimated there will be 50 million new cases by February

    Its almost as if you sit there rocking back and forth working yourself into a pile of anxiety that you then manifest into projections of doom and gloom that you need to come true for a validation of any remaining importance...

    IF you really are an old feller, id say look at the positives and LIVE a LIFE before you dont have the ability to...

    IF you're not quite as old as you present... you really ought to know better and at least enough not to let this thing steal the years a real old feller would know and understand the value of.

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  10. 8 hours ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    This is hilarious.

    He starts out defendable as it appears an exact and accurate prediction as to the direction we are heading with a mandatory vaccine situation.

    Then delves into some talk straight out of the batshyte crazy leftist circles, very Talcolm X like.....

    ....then, well kind sounds like the ethers took over and he just went with it. Full send.

    I'm not shocked he was placed on leave, the shocking thing is this only scores in the slightly above crazy scale of todays college professor ranting manifestos. 

  11. 8 hours ago, gfNDfan said:

    Trump LOST because he's an asshole!  PERIOD!  Always doubled down until his own arguements left him choking on his own bull$%!#.  A real man admits when he's been beaten and moves on.

    Channeling my interior Nelson Muntz - HAHA! 


    go away you orange turd! 


    Has it been a week already?

    My my timeouts fly by so quickly.

    Anywho... member that time you cheered the idea of a young adult committing suicide?



    • Upvote 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

    Michigan looks good though. To early to get to wound up about anything yet. Just glad we have some puck to watch 

    exaxtly, motzko's minnies have skill but... long waybto go.

    I know we have been robbedbof some great non conference action this year.

  13. More importantly...

    Here we are we have reached the level of greatness I could only dream or joke about for the 893 pages before.

     Today we few, have stood on the shoulders of greatness, and rediculous stupidity at yhe same time, and and pushed, neigh willed, this thread to surpassed a page count that equal the one the only....

    The great one.

    Let us be inspired for further heights as we feast on a visual journey from bender to legend.












    • Upvote 4
  14. 16 minutes ago, petey23 said:

    Remember the Conrad flu statement fiasco after he passed. I remember the running joke was that Conrad, Dorgan, and Pomeroy had 2 flannel shirts that they shared for campaign commercials since they never were all three on the ballot at the same time. 

    Thats all this thread needed...

    Dancing Earl.

  15. 16 minutes ago, 1972 said:

    On another note...I'm watching the gophers vs Penn State.....they have more cardboard cutout fans at this game than real fans at any game last year.  Pride on ice....ps.   these are some of the ugliest uniforms they have ever worn

    I prefer the dehydrated piss shade to the bloody stool colored breezers.

    But either way, there still remains a reason to long for the days of black and white tvs.

  16. 12 minutes ago, zonadub said:

    Just got the following in an email

    have not confirmed it, but seems legit:


    Here are the last 10 years of total deaths in the US from all causes:



    • Deaths: 2,468,435

    • Population: 309,346,863

    .00798% of deaths to population



    • Deaths: 2,515,458

    • Population: 311,718,857




    • Deaths: 2,543,279

    • Population: 314,102,623




    • Deaths: 2,596,993

    • Population: 316,427,395




    • Deaths: 2,626,418

    • Population: 318,907,401




    • Deaths: 2,712,630 

    • Population: 321,418,820




    • Deaths: 2,744,248

    • Population: 323,071,342




    • Deaths: 2,813,503

    • Population: 325,147,121




    • Deaths: 2,839,205

    • Population: 327,167,439




    • Deaths: 2,855,000

    • Population: 329,110,439



    2020    Something ain't right here??

    • As of September 24th there are 2,033,736 total deaths in the US. That is a daily average of 7,588 deaths. 

    7,588 X 365 days= 2,769,620 being the total deaths we could expect in 2020 based on the numbers through 09/24/2020.

    So the question is this: How can we have less deaths in the US if there is a pandemic going on?  For the last 100 years there has never been a decrease in total deaths per year in the US.

    If this were a normal year, with no pandemic, we should have around 2,875,000 deaths. But this isn’t a normal year so we should end up with around 3,200,000 deaths when you add in the Covid-19 deaths. 


    Someone isn’t telling us the truth...(media and or government OR BOTH)!!!


    Im not sure any of thosr numbers are accurate. When I looked a few months ago into real numbers I had to admit that there was a demonstrable increase in overall deaths in the country.

  17. 3 hours ago, SiouxFanatic said:

    I can’t see why they wouldn’t hold the tournament in some shape/form. If anything I doubt it’ll be a 16-team tournament, back to 12? Single location for regionals/championship?

    Im really curious what the selection process will be. Will the polls actually matter or is it all going to be decided in a smoke-filled backroom?

    Either way, its already tainted a bit. 

    But in reality there just may not be a clear championship in a winter sport for ..... years. 

    NCAA should have set, or followed, precident last year and awarded a Nationa Champion based on the PWR and polls they had, the dame way football did for decades.

    It was a joke last spring but in reality, the world of college hockey will never be the same, or consistent.

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