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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. 11 hours ago, scpa0305 said:

    Food for thought…could/should we get Miller back in the pipeline? He’s going to shred the ushl this year.

    Ship has sailed. 

    No chance he'll be back anywhere in college hockey.

    Too much institutional oversight to answer to.

  2. 4 hours ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    Hope he likes playing in front of a bunch of empty seats.

    Yeah, Im not so much thinking that keeping on saying that is such a goodook moving forward.

    3 hours ago, AJS said:

    I wonder if Berry even tries to recruit Minnesota anymore or since he’ll never beat Motzko / Sandelin in any battles he just put a big X through that state. 

    Berry and Co. were very much in on him, but im not shocked UM-tccampus won out here. 


  3. 2 hours ago, WiSioux said:

    I don't think attendance is going to be an issue at all.  I do however think the lines to get into the building are going to suck... they're going to check every single person's ID and vaccine/test results? Better get there early.



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  4. 13 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    They just did this year - Nate Benoit.
    The previous incarnation of the North Stars had one or two but that was obviously a long time ago.

    Touche' thats right, he is the dirst forgot about that.

  5. 8 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

    Let you in on something. I don’t take the results of a sporting event to seriously like I did in my younger years. Not good for my health in my later years. I still coach hockey and have for nearly 40 years now and kids I coached way back then would not believe how I’ve mellowed now 

    Isnt that the truth!

    Crazy to look back and realize how much effort was wasted on worrying about sports results.

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  6. 2 hours ago, sioux rube said:

    Believe me being a Minnesota pro sports fan my entire life I know the pain but like  many of us I still support the teams minus the t pups. NBA doesn’t exist in our house. No doubt Minnesota is loserville USA 

    There is hope for you yet! I will preach the gospel of redemption...

    Denying the existence of the t-dogs is step one. Its easy to do, nobody. ares and they've always been crap.

    I'll admit it gets difficult from there... just stop paying attention to the summer team, its tough, keep that comfortable TC hat for now, its ok to just hang onto it, but dont stop at the nightly drubbing on tv and keep them off the radio too, tougher If you farm, its easy to tune in and listen to something thats even more pathetic than the drought stricken crops in front of you. Stop paying attention awhile and you find yourself not knowing who any of them are not as interested. It takes time, the TC hat will be the last thing to go.

    The football team, this takes help and understanding the pain of the past, why it happenes and the breakthrough comes when you know it will happen again. Then you start hearing the excuses that others make and realizing you had been making them yourself. You dont want to live like that anymore. So you need to take up fall hiking or hunting or anything that keeps you away from the TV.  As you get back to reality or turn on the radio you find out the fumbled and lost or of course, missed the fg... you smirk and laugh inside with the comfort knowing rhat the old you would have been gnashing teeth in anguish.

    You are almost free now, you have more time on weekends, your relationships are better, you save money on purple gear. It is an existential experience once you know you are free.

    After this the hockey team is easy to see through and the only interest you have is who they play or the former Sioux passing through the roster, whichbis easier ad they have never drafted Sioux commit or alum.

    Now its time to remeber and realize you dont care about the twinkies anymore and you find yourself not even reaching for that comfortable old TC hat.

    You are free. Rejoice...


    Now..... if you had ever been invested in the any of the UMtc teams..... well none of this applies, you're too stupid to save and there is no hope. Good luck in your life.



  7. 4 hours ago, sioux rube said:

    So you hate the Wild I take it 

    My eyes were opened to the perpetual disease that is MN sports many years ago, it was like a giant light was shown as to what it was... years of blindness suddenly gone and I could see..

    I have no hate, just a desire to preach to those still afflicted with their eternal damnation of unrealizable hope. 

  8. 54 minutes ago, Tbone said:

    Agree with you. Plans do change for people. UND and the The Hockey Hall of Fame will both get their money.

    On the optics, as far I know, this is not a nationally televised game. My belief is that the people in attendance will have a much better gauge to the true optics. 

    The Hockey Hall of Fame, at least for the near future, will continue to milk the cash cow that is the traveling UND hockey fan base. 
    What other fan base could they hope to tap so successfully on an every other year basis? They are ok going back to us already next year. 

    which I think is a mistake... to go back to the well too soon. It needs to be something special, 

    even every other year seems like alot

  9. 1 hour ago, Prison_Mike said:

    Imagine if there were a 99.75% chance that you would NOT !@#$ your pants but you were forced to wear Depends just in case.

    Nice try Mr. carpet steamer service salesman. 

    I've learned my lesson.

    I gladly pull on that discreet protection and will advocate fully for a mandated 2nd pair.

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  10. 4 hours ago, sioux rube said:

    This was all agent driven 



    Please, please, PLEASE dont be the still naive MN sports fan?... 

    You should know better, everyone should know better.

    NO, the russian kid does not want to be in MN, nobody wants to be in MN. 

    He didnt come until he could do a short entry level, he signed this contract to get out after five miseable years of futile failure... but really four and a half cause he'll get a trade to a contender then.

    Of course its an Agent driven deal, he's got a decent agent, who will get him out of MN asap.


  11. On 9/20/2021 at 12:29 PM, Godsmack said:

    Purely anecdotal but following the UND hockey Facebook page, there sure seems like a lot of UND fans are trying to unload their tickets. Any general reason why? At the time tickets went on sale, I had the impression it was the hottest ticket but now it seems like many folks don’t want, or cannot go.

    Its almost as if people have maybe seen this movie before and can get a big wiff of which direction the wind is blowing and they dont want to be left holding the bag....

    or from another perspective

    Maybe people are generally concerned for their health and that of their family and are choosing to no longer take on their percieved rising risk.... which is their right to do.

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  12. On 9/19/2021 at 10:33 PM, Wilbur said:

    You know, Minot was one of the first to follow Grand Forks with the AA bantam team.  Since then, a lot of those Bantam players started to leave right after for the AAA ranks.  Colorado, Notre Dame, Shattuck, Phoenix Jr. Coyotes, etc.  

    Can't speak to whether the parents like Bennett and Grubb.  My guess is that some of them took the competition/# of games aspect into account when deciding high school hockey wasn't for them. 

    And because of it all rumors out there Minot may not field a Bantam AA team this year... 


    but a moderator may want to send this over to the hockey thread before it derails any more

  13. 1 hour ago, bcblues said:

    And now folks: "Back to hockey!"


    Does the fact that people are bailing mean there are tickets available?

    I'm seeing tickets at face in almost every marketplace group and online forumn... if you want to go, you absolutely. an fimd tickets.

  14. 1 hour ago, SJHovey said:

    I guess I'll have to ask you to cite for me one or two of the "volumes" of examples where complying with the demands/rules of a private property owner/business before entering said property owner/business' building turned out to be ignorant and naive.  The next thing I know you'll probably be telling me I'm going to have to wear pants to the game.

    Typical, demanding spoonfed info instead of educating oneself to the concepts.

    Grab a wooby, wait in your vaccinated safespace, and one day maybe you'll figure out why you may want to find out why before you blindly comply.

    Don't forget your mask.


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