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Posts posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. 1 hour ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    When cancel culture inevitably comes after the Ralph and forces them to take down the Engelstad statue, they can just replace it with Salty Mike to great you as you walk in the front door!! :D

    A joke now, but I'm saving this post till after UND takes over management.

     I'd give this about a 99.7% chance of happening. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Teeder11 said:

    You're correct. The Herald didn’t even do the story. 

    I read the story in the Herald, I see now it was first a piece on WDAY. So the ..... running to the Heraldo was not correct, good correction. 

    So who ran to the WDAY to publicize the garbled removal. 

    Either way the entire thing was fumbled worse than Biden on a broken teleprompter. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Teeder11 said:

    Who went running to the Heraldo? Curious sounds like you're totally in the know.

    based on the track record of effort in reporting from that rag, Id reeeeeeaaaallly doubt they sluethed the story out on their own.

  4. 1 hour ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Pretty sure this is the picture that finished it.

    Couple things here... first, whats up with the badger tee? They can't rubber wang our statues... only we can runber wang our statues! wth?

    But moreover, nickname or no nickname, who thought this was a good idea at this stage of the game, how did they not expect this exact thing to happen? 

    Just some really foolish planning and execution.

    But to pull it already basically sounds the alarms of defeat.

    I'd have just rode out the first wave of people plopping suction wangs and inappropriate photos and let the novelty wear off, antentions spans being what they are.......

    Now every time its moved or placed its a novelty, a string to a cat so to say.

    The even worse way to handle the situation was then to go running to the Heraldo..... its like a comedy of errors in planning, execution, and response, and most of all timing.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Blackheart said:

    When Archie did it he wore the current uni...

    And it was ok, its a cool bit, but none of those players were Fighting Hawks.

    It is near to see them skate it out though, very cool for them I would think as well.

  6. Based on the young mans track record at this point its fair to question which username he's actually using on here to fluff the situation for him.....

    Or did he just do that to get some girl more playing time, or to get a coach fired?

    Sorry, stoke his/your ego all you want, but dude killed a scholorship spot a day before class started.

    Its not just about him, his timing and decision also screwed over another hockey player.....

    ....as well as his team.

    An opinion on his character is very fair.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, cberkas said:

    Brandon Bochenski, Dave Christian, and Eddie Belfour all doing “One Last Shift” this season.

    Hope they do period correct uniforms... that would be awesome.

    Eddie comes skating out rockin some 400lbs leather pads from '88......

  8. 8 minutes ago, petey23 said:


    So do we bring in Ethan Bowen or Dane Montgomery or do we find a 20 year old depth guy?



    Basically the only options, its even too late to poach a guy that was set to play NCAA this year.

    Only other option is to pull a Wisconsin and poach offer some kid somewhere who was maybe pushed back and asked to play another year of Jrs. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, sioux24/7 said:

    His actions detrimental to the team? Wtf are you talking about….. really hope it’s not what I think you’re referring to. 

    100% is, please dont kid yourself.

    Whether you want to believe it or not, the stances he took did create friction in the room. And out of it.

    And yes it did cost some donation dollars to the program. Thats a fact.

    So yes that is detrimental to the team.

    I'd say bailing on August 23rd is a bit detrimental as well, but symantics at this point.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 8 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Is it?  

    It is fair to ask if his antics have been detrimental to the team as a whole over the years here. 

    At this stage in the hockey calendar, it is quite disconcerning to see the choice of self over team.

    But that is just perception of us looking in, which is fair.

    My take: If he doesn't want to be here...bye. But that spot could have easily gone to a transfer or a top end recruit, that ended up elsewhere. 

    Dick move.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 7 hours ago, petey23 said:

    :sad:Heard a rumor.

    Well you might as well narrow it down because theres an absolute metric assload of bad going on that a simple sad emoji isn't going to do much.

    What category is the worrisome woofilled face pertaining:

    Home attendence potential?

    Nashville game?

    My weight?


    Another Yoko situation tearing the locker room apart again?


    UND pulling an RMU?

    Mike Hawk statue abuse?

    ....just rip the band-aid off and put it out there. We can take it.


    • Upvote 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Redneksioux said:

    KVLY would be an improvement for local coverage in my opinion. Nobody watches midco sn programming by chance, but plenty watch NBC. Midco's production has been top notch but its time for a coverage enhancement if the school can afford it. I'd assume they'd get less from KVLY than they have gotten from 

    KVLY would do a horrible job with hockey. 

    Midco has done a very job of adapting and improving, 

    They got rid of that god aweful lip synced fake rock song intro and some other really bad aspects.


    • Upvote 1
  13. 5 hours ago, petey23 said:

    Welp. It was a good run.





    Just deducing from the above pics here but id bet it has more to do with maybe needing to get equipment in for landscaping work....

    Or maybe.... much like my college experience....  Mike Hawk was quickly sought after.

  14. On 8/11/2021 at 9:08 AM, The Sicatoka said:

    The NCAA has named their Constitution Committee. NDSU's Breciani is on it. (tip cap) 

    But the NCAA then also puts on the president of Robert Morris, the guy who singularly and arbitrarily cut RMU hockey with no public notice beforehand. 


    There is no ceiling on how absolutely devastating this thing turns out.... maybe ceiling is wrong, depths of hell?

  15. 14 hours ago, Mama Sue said:

    Is it mounted permanently?


    13 hours ago, petey23 said:

    Define permanent?:whistling:


    11 hours ago, Mama Sue said:



    Well permanent would be bolted….. what I had in mind…well at this age NOTHING!!!

    ah-hem.... FYI



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