Now, as someone who HAS criticized REA many times in the past, I will agree that if they don't do what is needed to host post season games, they are part of the problem. But, I would also like to ask a question concerning this. Is the rule that the NCAA has worded so that UND cannot host something like the West Regional Hockey Tournament unless the logos are removed, or is it only that those said logos have to be removed from view of TV cameras? I mean, if the logo at center ice was removed, and if the people running the TV cameras are any good, then I could see where an event like that could be held, broadcasted, and still NOT violate NCAA rulings. Especially if the nickname is no longer an issue, and UND just goes by "North Dakota" for the time being. I personally don't see UND having the time or the money it needs to remove all those images from that building. AND, UND doesn't own it, so technically, they can't remove them. They can only politely ask, and REA needs to do what it needs to do to get post season events/tournaments in their building.