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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. did we ever throw more than 15 yards downfield?
  2. really surprised oscar didn't see the fiield
  3. actually didn't like it...take your 11 against their 11 and see who gets one yard. bubbaball at its finest
  4. name one time keaton threw the ball more than 15 yards downfield? dink and dunked yourself to a loss...plus just give the damn ball to santiago instead of getting cute with three damne fullbacks.
  5. day by day we got worse since we played them last...when rudoplh calls a bad game he really calls a bad game.
  6. is there gonna be a half hour of commercials?
  7. or is it free on stony brooks webpage?
  8. anyone tried to colllege sports live link yet...do you have to register?
  9. free as in free or sign up with cc and cancel tomorrow free?
  10. could it be that ASU thought they could push around a bunch of "d2" schools and we said see ya later and say hi to notre dame on your way out?
  11. in defense of Faison did he accept the BSC membership knowing that we couldn't afford all the travel and whatnot but looking at the alternatives of NOTHING else out there except indy suicide? I would have made the same choice and dealt with the repercussions later...
  12. when REA was first built I envisioned millions in revenue pouring out of that building into the fb, bball, and vball programs but now I'm starting to wonder if the operations/upkeep of REA is actually taking money away from the rest of the ADepartment...how can we so behind some of our "peers" in salary in fb and basketball....
  13. where are leaders like tom clifford these days...i can't believe this crap
  14. hope they have a bender in downtown fargo and hangout outside a seedy bookstore looking for "fun"
  15. the usher and or cop to fan ratio at the betty on thursday nights is the highest in d1 in the nation!
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