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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. he was being coy...something is up and already in the works...what is is who knows but i hope und is part of it.
  2. so lets say whockey stays...whats to keep kennedy from swapping the budgets of whockey and vball? instead of spending 1.5 million on hockey lets spend that on vball and then spend whatever we spend on vball on women's hockey? plus give idalski's salary to pryor too...
  3. at the betty i bet that adds up to close to a MILLION dollars a year...i swear there is 1 officer for every 5 fans at the betty!!! trim the fat
  4. especially if those guys in the smoke filled rooms have personal ties to mr. bob neilson...which is the reason why we were left out.
  5. not saying that one anyone is not doing their job well...just time for a fresh start maybe? and yes we all know how well "connected" Katie is.
  6. if your job and your program is on the line...anything and everything goes...has the tennis coach been hanging around billy bush?
  7. with the new midco contract they should have swept house...alex is doing a great job but Katie, jake, and jack should have been let go and started fresh...
  8. don't mind keaton being in as long as every play is a rush
  9. still not sure why santiago even played much less in the third so he can retweak his ankle...just don't get some of this stuff!!!!
  10. every play from here on out should be rush with your fourth string rb........................come on
  11. why is cole still in blitzing????? knicked up now!!!!
  12. also whose to say we don't leave fb in the BSC and move oly to the WAC (no fbs aspirations)?? and whose to say that both denver and omaha (our hockey buddies) and oral roberts don't go back to the wac...less travel for them too...
  13. we already play them non-conf...and "fans" still don't show up. the ndac is the only school that moves the needle thats why whatever happens und the ndac need to make up and realize they are inthis together because of our (ndac included) "outlier" status for any conference.
  14. how about we "punish" just one team (mens hockey) and go back to the ole WCHA and save all that money on travel and whatnot and "spare" all the other programs from having to play uipui, oofeyi, and western illinois (if they are still around in five years)?
  15. wow. most people say that when you join the big10, sec, or pac12 you join for life...i would htink the other school would be colorado? utah maybe but they have had some success lately but cu..no.
  16. they also put a decent amount of work into kraft field knowing that it would be cut soon...not good planning
  17. as far away as the first row is in the betty it looks like the ndac's new fieldhouse's seats are even FARTHERRRR away from the court...just don't get that.
  18. i've wanted to know this answer for years SHOW ME THE MONEY...but with accounting numbers can be meaningless especially if the books are being cooked (all expenses on the mens side)!!!!
  19. remember these are just recomendations...he still can drop them...why would it be politically tough? only about 300 people go to the games and 290 of them are parents....
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