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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. can ketts get a medical year?
  2. is freund trolling rudy
  3. is it just me or does zimm have a livlier arm that kett "ive never seen a stronger arm-rudy"
  4. whose been our wr coach....
  5. ndac is gonna hve their hands full with ketts next week!!
  6. so was kansas....
  7. FIXED
  8. remember uni...a quality loss is better than a quality win.

    2019 Season

    24-21 sioux today (we're up 24 - 0 at half) 7-4 on the year but miss playoffs (not enough quality losses) drake-w ndac-w shsu-w ewu-l davis-l isu-w poly-w msu-l weber-l unc-w suu-w
  10. so the heraldo has und with the ST advantage...u serious?
  11. my bad.
  12. what defense would you rather have...the 2015 defense or the 2019? what offense would you rather have...the 2015 offense or the 2019? and everyone knows that teh special teams in 2015 were probably somewheat better than now.
  13. bc you know (kinda) what canady is....but with lenny the jury is still out...
  14. i put johnson on there bc in our 3/4 def teh nose is very important for the lb's to do their job...shouldn't have said best but most important.
  15. four downs on this drive...don't see minny stopping them...go for two and SDAC does the philly special right back at em.
  16. what's the point of having 400 pound offensive lineman if you don't wannarun the ball?
  17. why do the goofs keep playing the dakota's...why not western illinois or southern illinois??? big series coming up here.
  18. who would you rather have 2015 defense top 5 v 2019 defense top 5 Ratelle====Rodgers Harris====Holm Reyes====Lenoard Nelson Labatt====Lawrence Cieslak====Johnson 2015 Offensive Line v 2019 O line Meehan===Waletzo Miller===Tobin Boas===Rooney Anderson===Hergel Stockwell===Russo and we had santiago and olivera
  19. not sure why people are thinking this will be a blowout? not sure how drake has changed in four years but i look at the defensive side at least for und compared to four years ago it seems like we had more if not a lot more of talent four years ago...and on the offensive side i would say we had more talent back then too. And on top of that our special teams have gone from a b or c to an F.....
  20. SIOUXFAN97

    2019 Season

    so...do we have a starting kicker yet?
  21. so undfootball's insta page shows a video of i think brock boltman looking very much like a quarterback.....nice work athletic department.
  22. probably needed their permission to come on in and take a pic...maybe don't make that call
  23. bring back faison.....or BUNNING!
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