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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. who was the safety on that side on the td?
  2. honest question..........why does jack wright start? who does he scare?
  3. two and half games in......... nate d...........zero catches
  4. two words........polish rifle
  5. and they are on the bench.
  6. lack of a true d1 qb?
  7. we are officially.........the bad news bears
  8. he was open........too
  9. tough throw...but he was open
  10. does jack wright even warrant being guarded? asking for tory kai
  11. is griffin playing on one leg by having him play that one stupid ass offensive play? he didn't eventry on that td!!!!!!!!!
  12. gonna be 21-6 at half
  13. do we tackle bro?
  14. day by day
  15. need to hold them here......we get the ball on the scond half
  16. that's why we can't have nice things............................................................................................................................................................. pounding the ball ....then 1st down........throw it ot guy that is already ten yards out of bounds. 2nd........throw it away.........fumble.
  17. weak call on the 15
  18. rb didn't sell it.......quick lateral
  19. this bubba ball!!!!!! pound the rock....3 yards and a puff of dirt
  20. are unleashing any freshman (chapeelle style)...today?
  21. dline guys tapping out? already
  22. chunk plays kill
  23. lb's need to tacke!!!!!!!!
  24. feel a pick six coming........mullins
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