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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. yzerman19


    We don't need to resort to thug tactics. We are elite. We are not the "Gopher Practice Squad" like Jan Brady U. We should not go out looking for revenge, but depending on Chay's likely status for next weekend; we could certainly be prepared to order the code red (drop 'em). I wouldn't be surprised to see Davidson and/or Bruneteau in the lineup just in case. I hope Hextall can keep it together...he is too valuable to us to be out next weekend. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who will back away though, even if coah has ordered...
  2. I used to have respect for Tech, not because of talent or skill, but because they competed hard. This team that Tech ahs is a bunch of talentless goons. Jamie Russell should be beside himself. If you can't win, lose with class, do not turn it into a clown show.
  3. There are no absolutes. There are things that are worth getting worked up about (say jackboots goose stepping into Poland, or bombs falling on Hawaii) and things that aren't worth caring about (swearing at a hockey game). Sticks and stones remember? words can never harm me? I've got way more important things to care about than swearing at a hockey game and who thinks what is classless. Haircuts from the late 80s and cheap suits are classless too, but we all deal with them. Way bigger stuff to worry about.
  4. They shouldn't play "in heaven there aint no beer" either, because it might offend those that don't drink. Classless is an opinion. I've got plenty of opinions on classlessness...
  5. powerplay...let's make it a game.
  6. 14 SOGs...ugghhh. That should be for a period, not a game.
  7. Yup, his comment was self-critical about not having his head up. Big time hit. Legal, but brutal. Looks like AA is playing the trap
  8. So you want to go after me. Fine. I'm glad you feel that crticism is unwarranted. What would you say? Oh well, we tried? I don't feel the need to defend my opinions or credentials to someone on an internet message board. What I would ask is are you pleased with our performance tonight? I'm not, and think that its up to our coaches and our leadership to step up. BE let in a softie, we are losing races to loose pucks, we are getting penalties left and right. Our flow through the neutral zone is completely compromised. On a side note, I see you love Toews, as do I; he would not accept the way we are playing right now.
  9. After a great start we had a terrible second. Chay and VV had a good shift there towards the end. We need to get out and get one right away. Hak should be giving the ref an earful, and we should get the next pp. Let's hope we get some flow going here to start the third.
  10. nice shift...vv and chay showing that leadership
  11. We need to get our composure.
  12. nice fing call. Last I heard this was a contact sport. Next goal wins this hockey game.
  13. This is awful. Hak needs to throw some sticks in the locker room. Maybe burn some scholarships.
  14. We owned the first period, they had nothing. They get two shots in the second and BE keeps up his attrocious save %. PP get one now!
  15. BE just lost his job if I'm Hak. Garbage. This is frustrating as we completely carried the play for 20 minutes and we are down.
  16. MIne was great last night, sucks tonight. We are carrying the play to start the game. Let's pump one in here.
  17. Goalies who play their angles well make all saves look pretty routine. Dell appeared very sound in that department.
  18. The feed was pretty good. No complaints. I was just checking out the goaltending stats leaders on USCHO.com, and BE's .908 sv % puts him at #34 of 36...not insinuating anything, so no one have a heart attack...just not a good save percentage right now.
  19. Being a fan of the team does not require you to be a fan of every player on the team. There are players I like for other teams and there are players that I am not a fan of on our team. This isn't squirt B where everyone needs to feel good about themselves and they hand out participation trophies. This is big time college hockey.
  20. Home ice advantage equals classless. I am all for classless! Remember the smoke filled concourse at the old Ralph in the 80s? Fans swearing, crowd screaming...that's hockey. Hockey is not the Kentucky derby with flowers, hats, gloves, and mint julips! I've got a chant for Jacobs: F the Herald.
  21. You can bet its going to be a lower scoring game. Our special teams have been great, but we've got to break this tendency to get checking from behind calls. We've had 3 in the first 5 games. They might be a by product of our relentless physical play, but we're going to get burned if we don't figure it out. Does Hak do any lineup changes tonight? I'd imagine Toews is back in, maybe Fienhage tonight? Hak has done zero line manipulation on the top 3 lines, which is different than we've seen. One thing that's been under the radar this year, but I think is a huge part of our success, is how strong we are up the middle. Our top 3 pivots are horses.
  22. I would too, but rumor has it that Blaiser has an out clause in his UNO contract if offered the UMN job
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